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I need your woods of wisdom


I putting about 120 clones out(half are mine) and was wondering is it unrealistic to expect 3/4 lb per plant if you tend your plants meaning lightly fert.and watering them if necessary.
I've been an indoor hydro grower and don't know what to expect.
Do you have any tips for me? Do deer eat pot? Do you need to support the colas ? etc.
while i hate to be negative, with a low level of experience outdoors i would aim more towards 1/4 lbs per plant, fert heavily and water frequently and maybe you'll see better results. it also depends on how long your season is, as plants that veg longer will bud bigger.....also how much sunlight they get will make a big, big difference. if one plant gets 5 hours of light and another gets 6 hours, thats a 20% difference so make sure you maximize those direct sun hours....anyways i hope you get a kilo per plant, good luck!


Well-known member
while i hate to be negative, with a low level of experience outdoors i would aim more towards 1/4 lbs per plant, fert heavily and water frequently and maybe you'll see better results. it also depends on how long your season is, as plants that veg longer will bud bigger.....also how much sunlight they get will make a big, big difference. if one plant gets 5 hours of light and another gets 6 hours, thats a 20% difference so make sure you maximize those direct sun hours....anyways i hope you get a kilo per plant, good luck!

Not much to add here but you also make reference to 1/2 are yours. Partners can be a problem also. Not saying they will but money changes everything and with 120 clones we aren’t talking about just some personal smoke here.

Good luck with your season and keep your expectations low that way you may be pleasantly surprised.


I putting about 120 clones out(half are mine) and was wondering is it unrealistic to expect 3/4 lb per plant if you tend your plants meaning lightly fert.and watering them if necessary.
I've been an indoor hydro grower and don't know what to expect.
Do you have any tips for me? Do deer eat pot? Do you need to support the colas ? etc.

Put your girls out by Memorial Day and you should get 1+ per plant no problem.
2 years ago I put some wreck and some gumbolt out and got 3 per plant.
You will hopefully need to stake all the branches.
I let the girls grow like a xmas tree till about 6' then pul the top down about a foot off the ground and let all the side grow up to a sea of colas.
I go to home depot and get bamboo stakes and zip tie the branches so they are secure and a lot harder to rip off.
good luck...


Active member
ICMag Donor
soil and fertilizer is very important when growing guerilla
i had a spot last year in a woodden area i didnt use much time on as my main efforts where the larger fields in the corn
the soil was really shitty and very hard and compact
i didnt bring my own soil and when i and a friend was transplanting that night it started raining so we just punched an opening in the soil and put the plant in and put some pellet fertilizer also
the strain was an Fghan that is suited for our environment and very sticky and normally gets around 2 meters or more

when i came out to harvest them they where 50 cm at max, they had grown 15 cm or so since transplanted
they where pitty looking and mostly moldy
they just could barely stay alive
that particular strain normally is very mold resistant and the spot had very much sun

i learned the hard way that good soil and nutrients is essential for a good harvest
i would gladly had traded that spot into a partly shady spot in return for good soil

same strain in my own garden that was planted at about same time where about 2 meters high and almost 1,5 m wide
soil in my garden was machine plowed and brought to high grade by added compost, chemical fertilizers, rabbit manure and many other good things

dont under estimate the importance of a good loose soil with plenty of nutrients and minerals

good luck with your grow and may the weather gods also favor you and your grow


There os some good advice here.

The "partner" insures a 90% chance you will harvest nothing and a 100% chance that you will loose your friend in the grow. The most fundemental rule of Gorilla- "TELL NO ONE". No one, ever, under any circumstances. My wife of 30 years does not no where my plants are.

120 plans is such a big big job. I grow 40 and its all i can do. In a good year, i average around 7 ozs per plant. Its taken a long time to reach that production level


do deer eat pot? come on, really?

Yes "do deer eat pot?" When they're young and nice tender green sprigs.

Aside from that, tks for all your help.I'm unconcerned about partners ripping me off (two separate locations,two separate partners) its unlikely but possible,if they do, such is life.

One location is 200 acres of bush/marsh/fields/forest.

The other is forest.
I'll make sure the soil is rich and loose.Plants will be watered weekly. They are going out in the next 2 weeks. Harvest should be early October. Plants should be 4-6 ft. when finished.
Unless soil is terrible I'm not putting them in supplemented dirt. Getting the dirt there will be very difficult.


all praises are due to the Most High
guest, well, deer do eat pot plants when they are young and tender, so do rabbits, cows, and all sort of animals...

you can make your own soil mixture on-site, use the local soil and ammend it, this way you do not need to take too much stuff to the site... BACKCOUNTRY as well as silverback both have good thread on picking spots and getting the local soil tested etc...

if you do not mind me saying, but it seems you guys need to study a bit more if you guys want to see your plans a reality...

good luck and peace


My opinion is take half and give the partner the other half and tend your own garden.

Split it up into plots of no more than 5 or 10 plants. Fence with dead limbs for inconspicuous deer proofing.


Well I put out about 65. 40 in one spot 25 in another a week later. Went to check on the first batch. A deer munched a bunch I don't know how many,but a few of the bigger ones were torn out and left.My thinking is they were woody and he/she didn't like the bigger ones.Don't ask how I know its a deer, the footprints were all over.
I'm going to try human hair around each plant and hopefully that scares them off till they get bigger.


the Revenant
Aside from that, tks for all your help.I'm unconcerned about partners ripping me off (two separate locations,two separate partners) its unlikely but possible,if they do, such is life.


2 seperate partners? Jesus you must have balls of steel. Besides gettin ripped you could easily get ratted on. Chances are one will happen.


Hi guest,

have you thought of cages?? Maybe for just a few, at least? Also, human urine is supposed to be pretty good as a deer repellant...

good luck


Well-known member
Lets here an update, how many left from the deer attack and hows the partner thing working. Let see, deer ate a bunch now we have to decide whos pot did he eat mine or yours.

As the numbers go down the, "whats mine and whats yours" conflict goes up. Been there.

I wish all of you the best just keep everything straight up front so come harvest nobodys saying I lost all of mine I want some of yours.


He gets half as I do of everything. I supplied the clones, him the land.I go back many years with this guy and I guarranty our friendship will not get fucked over a few plants.Even if it does I got others on the go and this kind of fight ain't worth it.
I'm unsure of the left overs after the deer attack they were put out guerrila style and were different sizes. Some would have been hard to spot anyhow.
We didn't spend alot of time looking as we just put out 25 more and time was limited.
I collected some human hair from a local salon and this might do the trick as far as keeping the stoned bastards away until the get to be an unpalatable size.


i give up... i'm going with chicken wire cages or not outdoors at all.

deer just ate me out of house and home.


You too Lola?
I sympathize,I had mixed feelings when I came upon my patch, what was left of the plants had grown significantly but the bastards ate quit a few.Oh well live and learn I guess.
In future I'll pee everywhere,put out human hair use moth balls hire an assassin(lol) I'm sure next year will be better, not that this year is a write off yet


Active member
2 seperate partners? Jesus you must have balls of steel. Besides gettin ripped you could easily get ratted on. Chances are one will happen.

what really do you know about any of it??? You are a closet grower that thinks he knows everything cause he has 6 plants in the spare bedroom.

You got partners in your little grows???

Sometimes its just better to STFU when you dont know WTF you are talking about


what really do you know about any of it??? You are a closet grower that thinks he knows everything cause he has 6 plants in the spare bedroom.

You got partners in your little grows???

Sometimes its just better to STFU when you dont know WTF you are talking about

Tks still to big

I suppose this opinion depends on where your coming from. If your buddy gets taken down and is facing a crap load of time if he doesn't cooperate the likely hood of him ratting you out goes way up and therefore so does your paranoia.Where I'm from I can tell leo to fuck off and it won't change the out come much.(lucky me).
As well I know the people I'm dealing with well enough to know it won't happen and if it does, "fool me" I don't care that much.