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I need your Opinion - maybe you can help

Chronis X

Hello Everyone,

I had an idea - and I want your opinion

I had this brand new Frig given to me - gutted out no draws or side pockets - with one rack -no freezer - clean new in the box -

I have no use for it - but in idea came to mind about drying after harvest -

Since Drying is 50% humidty & cool blowing air flow ( fan ) , temps around 69 degree's, well......................................

My question is........If I use the top rack to hang my plants upside down, put an humidifier on the bottom blowing upwards w/ a desk turbo fan blowing, so the plant does not get straight humidiy blowing on it - set the temps in the frig for 69 - make sure the the humidity is 50% - of course the door would have to open for fresh air many times a day.

anyone think this will work? or will mold be a prob?
what probs will I run into? or should I just fill up with soda & beer?

smoke a bowl and post an answer

Chronis X
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The Herbal Gerbil
Much too complicated. Too much to go wrong. Keep it simple and you will be much better off. You just cant beat a dark room, a cardboard box and a fan.


Your fridge would work for drying but it would take alot of work in order to get it ready.
Just store all of your growing tools , soils and ferts inside of it or stock it with beer.


With the way this stupid summer seems to be shaping up (HOT) I'd gut the thing, put a chair inside and sit inside of the thing, also you'd have a constant supply of cold beer at fingertip distance. If you can't tell, I hate the heat and humidity. I like my environment like a cannabis plant, 70 deg, moderate to lower humidity and lots of virgin chicks around lol.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i like the way u say about ur "buddy" nice of him wasnt it to offer to risk his stash in place of urs, lol 1st timer uk


I agree to much IMO...cureing should not be that diffacult. A rubermaid is all you need.

If you wont to use it thoe I would sugest a cab for a mother or veg...

Have a good one.....:D