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Guest 48988

You grow marrows? Your going to hell my freind!!! Im callin the feds... bet you got runner beans too havnt you... Dirty vitamin scumbag you are!!! LOL :p

Have I totaly and utterly fucked up??


Well-known member
I doubt, but I stil haven't figured out what you now mean with a marrow???

Wiki explains it like inner bone tissue just, so that can't be the one right?

Guest 48988

I had an idea though.... and its just an idea.. and it wouldnt happen in finland, it would have to happen in a more open/relaxed country. Sharing of clones in an totally anon way. A bit like geo - caching. You could wrap your clone in a very discreet trash/rubbish bag.. or even anything that wouldnt get attention. Leave it in a discreet place (woods....under a train seat).. and post the co-ords. Whoever gets there first gets the prize!!!! The Sharer would have nothing to fear..... and if enough people did it.. it would be great. JUst a random idea though......That you certainly couldnt do here....

Guest 48988

Do a google image search for marrows.. they are green and go very well in salads :) Iys like an oversized courgette,,,,


I grow everything thats possible and some that aren't. Dude your english is fucked up, my mother tongue is english and I had never heard the word marrows so I had to fgit. I've always heard zucchini or summer squash. Also what the fuck are runner beans? Pole beans? Yes I grow them too. Maybe it's a colloquial thing.
No you haven't totally and utterly fucked up. imo. yet.


Well-known member
Yeh i saw the image, so it's called kesa kurpitsa in Finland.

Hmm, To think of the idea that ppl actually hold competitions on producing the biggest or "best" ones of these wallpaper glue tasting inedibles. Well yeh, not everyone has got a life aparently, but who knows, maybe it's verry rewarding somehow all. :D

Guest 48988

well.. yes. My english isnt so good. And it gets worse around midday (valium), and again at 5pm (valium).. and by 9pm... i speak great ingerish. What do you all think of my geo-0cache hunting clone idea?


we should do it here with bud though. have the pigs running around apeshit looking for bags of bud.
Thanks oth for making fun of my hobby.... Zuchinni/kesakurpitsa is quite good though if prepared properly.

Guest 48988

Its a great way to pick up girls though "You want to see my oversized Zuchinni"???

OTH has a point though... with most produce.. As the outspan company states "The small ones are more juicy"!!!!


Well-known member
Flmao @ MW.
Checked with my wife just btw,and she said she had made a chocolade pie and soup with carlic out of it lately and it indeed happened to be exellent. Honest to god I had no clue it was made up out of "kesakurpitsa", hell!

@ Uncle H. >To be honest I did not realy get it. But for the part that I understood it it sounded like some hype, and I'm a bit weary of hyping things up. Just going about doing my daily things is more what I am into. eg.> trying to help ppl out small scale just.

But because of the fact that I did not get it totally doesnt mean that it can't be a good idea. Just no bells ringing here thus far.

Rainy day here, but I'm about to produce ass-cheese this way, so have fun guys, catch ya laters. :)

Guest 48988

In my last country.. I would regularly leave my house in the dead of night and leave 10 or so rooted clones in public places. They would never be there in the morning funnily enough :p


my oversized zucchini is at least award winning. Yours is just oversized.


Well-known member
Lol @ Mw.

@ Uncle H. Right, now I'm getting ya.

I happen to do it with seeds just, but not just Plain to everyone. I must have got the feel first that the person I disperse my seeds to will be somewhat serious about his/her project.
It's not to everyone and I don't wanna waste the effort of my labour on someone who doesn't apreciate it.

Laters guys.

Guest 48988

"wine is fine but whiskeys quicker"... I always did the phantom midnight clone ghost with clones simply becuaase it takes 3-4 weeks out of the mix. A noob can work better with a clone than a seed. Thats my theory anyway. And the whole time thing.... it puts a lot f people off startting this hobby,

Guest 48988

4 more posts and I can STFU... I "think" i have discovered a flaw in the 50 posts msg resctriction. Your personal rep can only be viewed by yourself..... A short private msg can be sent this way and 0only viewed by yourself.......PLz dont ban me admins.


Well-known member
I think everyone has found thatone already, but you're the first I hear mentioning about it. :wonder: :scratches head:

Guest 48988

Fifty posts baby... fiftyposts.... SO.. You can all tell me what a moron I am in private now!!!!
Whose first????

Guest 48988

AWWWWWW pisss....

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Guest 48988

WEEEEEE.... my first unlock. I will cease to post in this thread unless abolultoly necassary. Thank you for your continued patience and freindship.... I will stop bugging the crap out of you all now :)

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