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I need my Prescription meds


Guest 48988

Just saw some 420 graffiti outside my local kioski.... although i suspect who0ever did it doesnt understand its true meaning. post 25... halfwway there!


Good lord what a ton of fuckin bullshit you gotta go thru homie... Keep it peace finn

Guest 48988

NIce tache craven.... Only REAL men can pull off a moustache!!!!


Well-known member

I totaly know where your coming from with this. PArt of my way of dealing with my information overload in public is to sing outloud to myself, I also whistle the imperial death march from star wars lol. I do a lot of things that a normal finn would concider unthinkable.... I beep my car at strangers and wave.... When im hyper.. I will invade that 10 meter personal bubble your average finn has. Of course this gets me increadulous looks from most people. BUt then they realize im a immigrant.. and im forgiven. SOmetimes im treated like a bit of a rock star.......

Hell, you just totally nailed it Uncle H. :D

Guest 48988

IM very touched and quite tearful at the response ive gotten from you guys. I thought I would be hounded out of town. You are all very caring with good hearts... Im so happy ive found you all.

Guest 48988

I did it again.... went to the kmarket and couldnt find my mini-pizzas. I SHOUTED at the top of my voice "WHERES MY FUCKIN MINI PIZZAS!!!!!"... threw my backet down and walked out.
Some member of staff followed me, but when he saw he was dealing with darth maul... he soon backed away. I may be NUTS/CRAZY.. but im sure a lot of fun to be around LOL


Maybe you should call ahead of time and let em know your coming, that way they will have someone from the staff waiting to help you find your mini pizza's and everything else you cant find. Your post count is climbing awfully slow.

Guest 48988

Yah i know.. but when i take my benzo's.. i become awfully slow too.


Well-known member
Talking about supermarket situations. My wife found this story on face book, have a goodin :D >

Kävin eilen Anttilassa ostamassa 20 kg säkillisen Serti-koiraruokaa. Kassajonossa nainen takanani kysyi, omistanko koiran. Mitä hemmettiä se ihminen oikein kuvitteli, elefanttiko minulla olisi kotona? No minäpä päätin piristää tylsää elämääni. Kerroin naiselle, että ei, minulla ei ole koiraa - vaan olen päättänyt aloittaa uudelleen Serti-dieetin. Lisäsin, että se ei ehkä ole hyvä idea, koska edellisellä kerralla päädyin sairaalaan, mutta toisaalta olin laihtunut 25 kiloa siihen mennessä kun heräsin teho- osastolta tippa molemmissa käsissä ja letku jokaisessa reiässä mitä kropasta löytyy. Kerroin naiselle että dieetti toimii niin, että tungetaan taskut täyteen Sertiä, ja aina kun näläntunne yllättää heitetään pari papanaa suuhun. Serti on täydellisen tasapainoista ravintoa, joten ruokavalio toimii oikein hyvin. (Tässä vaiheessa koko kassajono kuunteli korvat hörössä.) Nainen kysyi aivan kauhistuneena olinko joutunut teho-osastolle koska olin saanut myrkytyksen koiranruuasta. Vastasin etten suinkaan; olin astunut varomattomasti ajoradalle nuuhkiakseni söpön kultaisen noutajan persuksia ja auto ajoi meidän molempien yli. Edessäni jonottanut punakka kaveri nauroi niin kovaa että olin aivan varma että hän saa sydärin. Myymälänjohtaja kutsuttiin paikalle ja sain porttikiellon Anttilaan. Tänään menen Prismaan...


i think you sould be more discreet. sorry if i sounded rude before.
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Guest 48988

Hey ftsig. Appreacheate the comments. But i think ive stated a few times in not looking for a hook up. If one comes my way then thats great....But im not asking anything from anyone. Im not activly seeking......

What im doing is called ineuendo.... im dreaming out loud. Merrywanna wants to tell me soemthiing in private, it could be that he wants to tell me about his prize winning marrows. I wont know until i hit that magic 50 number....

Guest 48988

It could be he wants to tell me that im a big jerk....I wouldnt do anything to hurt this community.


Well-known member
@ ftsig > I was thinking this too, but could not pm this to Uncle H on a less hurtfull way, cuzz to bring it in public like this apeared a bit rude to me, but now it's beeing said and the point beeing made.

I think the failure here is at the Ic mag's pm-ing policy. The least they could allow for is for advanced members to sent pm's to newbees imho.

No worries Uncle H, all fine here. I reckon most of us have a large understanding and NO, i did not take it like your were using Ic mag for trying to get a hookup, even though the course of happenings made it look like.


I really don't think this guy is lookin' for a contact nor a dealer. It's pretty easy without the internets also.

But okay, could've been a bit more hush-hush there guys.

Hey unclehairy, a warm welcome to cold Finland. I'm pretty sure you've had fun with us finns, and keep on having. We really can be a bit complex in social situations, 'specially when we feel confused. Gets awkward easily. :D

All the best!

Guest 48988

Well you kjow, Part of my "maybe my caretaker will contact me"... I was trying to figure out what you guys mean by a caretaker. In yankyland they call them caregivers doint they. SO I was jut trying to figure out your terminoligy without coming across as a stupid idiot. IM REALLY sorry guys... I do get it wrong quite a lot. CAn I please stay though???

Guest 48988

offthook wanted to tell me to STFU in private
Merrywanna prolly wants to tell me to STFU in private too
And if you could FTsig would prolly tell me to STFU in private also...
BUt you cant until I hit that magic 50......

SOrry im annoying you guys. 11 more posts and ill either be banned... or i wont need to spam like a mofo anymore.


Haha, no beef here, matey. :D
Don't worry 'bout terminology. It differs so much, even inside the country, there's no point worrying. I think we all can understand each other if we try. :)


Way to go uncle hairy now you went and blabbed to everybody that I have prize winning marrows. Fuck. ( zuchinni, summer squash, kurpitsa, etc... heard them all but now I had to go and fgit to see what a marrow is)
Actually I sorta agree with ftsig though and wanted to tell uncle hairy to not be captain obvious among other things. I was also trying to be polite. I also agree with oth advanced members should be able to pm a newbie.


Well-known member
flmao and im still laughing, Good to have ya here with us mate. Aparently I'm enjoying it !

Wiki did not clearly explain the word "marrow" on a way that it was possible to place in context like "Prise winning marrows". So now I'mma beginning to get real curious about what you ment with it uncle H. Cuzz it sounded real funny to begin with.

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