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I need my Prescription meds


Well-known member
Damn man, I truely feel sorry for ya. I hope things will sort itself out on the long run.

Have you ever figured what it is that you need from weed? I mean could you do with weed that has low THC levels?

I know several ppl in here that ail their symptoms by making tea from or smoking low THC/High CBD strains that are perfectly legal to grow in here, but of wich you just should not admit to no cop to ever ingest it.

Guest 48988

Well there are medical reports coming out of the states that indicate how beneficial cannabis can be for people like me with ADD HFA. I hear there are approx 10 people in Finland who are prescribed medical cannabis.But only for pain relief where there is no other suitable medication. Maybe one day finland will open its third eye and people like me can get what we desperatly need. UNtil then its valium for breakfast, vallium for lunch, valium for supper... and temazepam for bed time. BUt im quite looking forward to being arrested.... its my human right to recieve my medication.. even during questioning. And id love to sit there and demand my meds.... and take them in front of my interviewing officer..... and turn into a zombie right in front of hiis eyes. And there would be shit they could do about it......

Guest 48988

Thank you offthehook. I can see your a good man with a good soul. Its really helped me talking to you tonight.


Well-known member
You 're welcome. Hope you stick around and see what we can mean for one 'n other.

All the best for now mate. :)

Guest 48988

IM here to stay buddy :) I love this place....IM feelign very positive today. It's going to take me a few years to learn your language though. My english brain cannot get its head around the phonetic prononciation of your words. Although I did have a break though the other day, The way you finns bolt words together to make a one word sentance, I could see it.... i could see the 3 words.. i was overjoyed with happyness.


Well-known member
Well good on you unclehairy :) I'm here since nearly 20 years already and I still haven't managed to speak this language beyond the level of a 3 years old. lol.

But frankly I gave up on it already, dropped out of my last Finnish course even though I speak 4 different languages fluently.
It's just verry frustrating all, cuzz so many words I just can't seem to retrieve from my memory and that's it.
There are some good parts to it too btw.>This way I can be totally myself and am less influenced by local norms and behavioral codes.

But hey, concrats on your progress nevertheless :D Seems you are doing better then me that way.

Guest 48988

50 posts.... 50 posts.. 50 posts...What can i talk about? Beer in suana's.....Isnt it a bit dangerous?... I get light headed/dizzy just from the heat, I couldnt imagine what it would be like after a few beers. And has any of you ever thrown some bud on the hot stones? Did it work??????



What i meant was this:
We have people here in Finland who cares. I did not mean to find a "friend in weed - friend in deed" with 20€/g price tag. I mean that there are people out there who can help you by supplying you with meds with a reasonable price (10-13€/g = reasonable price for bulk amounts). Now what i'm not saying is that you can find him/her here on icmag but when you've got your social connections in order start scouting for those people who are willing to help you out. You're not the only one who needs this kind of medication. Just remember not to f**k up on payments and never ever use phones to hook up.

These people are friendly as long as things go accordingly. Payment on time and no extra stress for your caretaker.

Take care & peace!

Guest 48988

There are some good parts to it too btw.>This way I can be totally myself and am less influenced by local norms and behavioral codes.

I totaly know where your coming from with this. PArt of my way of dealing with my information overload in public is to sing outloud to myself, I also whistle the imperial death march from star wars lol. I do a lot of things that a normal finn would concider unthinkable.... I beep my car at strangers and wave.... When im hyper.. I will invade that 10 meter personal bubble your average finn has. Of course this gets me increadulous looks from most people. BUt then they realize im a immigrant.. and im forgiven. SOmetimes im treated like a bit of a rock star.......

Guest 48988

Thanks for the clarification prowler. That price is double to what I would expect to pay, but beggars cant be choosers huh. Ive tried scouting in the past, but as soon as i mention cannabis is seeems to translate as "I want to rape your daughter" and the conversation quickly ends.


Haha, been there - fist you need to learn that people are paranoid here in Finland for what comes to cannabis. No one will tell you straight that they're selling or growing. Blend in - you'll get your chance. You need to be in a right place at the right time.

If ya would mention the word cannabis to me as a stranger i'd change the side of the road mumbling bout knowing nothing bout no drugs...stupid narcs... :D
Thanks for the clarification prowler. That price is double to what I would expect to pay, but beggars cant be choosers huh. Ive tried scouting in the past, but as soon as i mention cannabis is seeems to translate as "I want to rape your daughter" and the conversation quickly ends.
Yes, that is normal. You need to look out people that are hyperactive as yourself. I mean. If I see guy that doesn't stay still, it is positive, he is using something. Mainly booze, but illegal substances most likely are in his arsenal too. :tiphat:

Don't know accurate word for english, but finnish word would be "Vipeltäjä" :bump:

Vipeltäjä is not speedhead though! Stay away from them.

Guest 48988

Im wondering when i hit my 50 posts.. maybe my caretaker will get in touch? Of course I would have to refuse becuase its illegal ... but it would be nice to go for a beer with him :)


UH, I'm an expat living here in Finland also. Get your post count over 50, then PM me.

Guest 48988

IM not gonna do the 50 post count i this thread.... that would justbe damned rude. I will be back in approx..... 26 posts :)


60 seconds? I didn't know that. I am not sure what happens if you continually post though. Somewhere in the rules and regulations there is something about post whoring though.