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I need a womans opinion

The Bling

Ok so theres this girl who really likes me and I kind of liked her at first but then she became very overbearing saying things like "your a dream come true" and thats just a turn off to me and she calls all the time and but im not a very interesting person on the phone I think its a wierd way to talk to someone so I never talked for long and I missplaced my phone and when I just picked it up I had like 20 missed calls from her and she just called again and I said hello and there was some talking in the backround then she hung up. Mind you I have never taken her on a date and have given her no cause to think we're in a relationship. I just dont want to come out of this as the ASSHOLE you hear about from women but I cant see a way to do that.


I think you are looking for a man's opinion on this one. Sorry to hyjack, but I wouldn't touch that relationship with a ten foot pole and if you arent interested in her dont have sex. Once you have sex its over for you, cause then she will be way too attached and overbarring once that emotional connection is made. I know its a bitch to do, but just sack up and tell her its over. From the sounds of it, I think it will be better for both parties. You dont even seem that interested in her to start with, why get into some big mess that you regret. End it now because its just going to get harder and harder to break it off down the road. good luck bro. peace dj.highst


ICMag Donor
Sounds like she came on a bit strong for ya....just try to be up front and tell her your not interested and can only be friends, if she gets mad then oh well if she doesnt maybe you found a cool friend to hang out with sometimes..ya never know, good luck either way :)


dude, she could be the girl of your dreams. So tell her shes gotta stop bein mushy cuz u dont dig that. or dump her. haha im a man. funny how u ask for a womans advice and all us men come bargin in. its great how we know everything :D

hey there Mrs. Babba didnt see ya there. lol babba, thats what my family calls my dad.
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Active member
The Bling said:
Ok so theres this girl who really likes me and I kind of liked her at first but then she became very overbearing saying things like "your a dream come true" and thats just a turn off to me and she calls all the time and but im not a very interesting person on the phone I think its a wierd way to talk to someone so I never talked for long and I missplaced my phone and when I just picked it up I had like 20 missed calls from her and she just called again and I said hello and there was some talking in the backround then she hung up. Mind you I have never taken her on a date and have given her no cause to think we're in a relationship. I just dont want to come out of this as the ASSHOLE you hear about from women but I cant see a way to do that.

no matter what you do eventually you will be that asshole all women talk about. Its a fact of life. Don't fight it embrace it, women love jerks more than anything on earth.

The Bling

Thanks like i get how to get girls im just not sure ho to get rid of them ive always just gron apart from girls before and we would always get along great after but this chick is from texas so maby she as just raised different or shes crazy :yoinks: oh well we'll see what happens


The Bling said:
Thanks like i get how to get girls im just not sure ho to get rid of them ive always just gron apart from girls before and we would always get along great after but this chick is from texas so maby she as just raised different or shes crazy :yoinks: oh well we'll see what happens

Wait she's from Texas? You have only one option, and one option only. Tell her you are becoming a priest, and because of such it's clear why you can't be with her. And maybe, if you say it right, with enough Hail Mary's she won't shoot you from 100yds out with her Deer Rifle...just maybe.


You have only one option, and one option only. Tell her you are becoming a priest, and because of such it's clear why you can't be with her. And maybe, if you say it right, with enough Hail Mary's she won't shoot you from 100yds out with her Deer Rifle...just maybe.

LOL, sorry for barging in the ladies room