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I need a new Avatar.....any ideas?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Wow! Trainman....

Looks real groovey.....now can you make the wings flap while all that is going on?

I really like the movement of the wings from one of the first posts in this thread (the dove with the cannaleaf) ....because it looks so realistic......maybe could incorporate that movement of wings on the seed?.......and the have it coming towards you from the planet instead of going away?.....Also can you get the globe to spin slowly as its all happenin?'

You guys all have some really bitchin' ones!! we need to see some more!!

I really really wanted to share this next one with yall,


I'm diggin' this one a lot, maybe a little more time with it and we'll have the quality and size we're looking for now.

pffffffff pfffffff passs dudes


Active member
Wow! Trainman....

Looks real groovey.....now can you make the wings flap while all that is going on?

I really like the movement of the wings from one of the first posts in this thread (the dove with the cannaleaf) ....because it looks so realistic......maybe could incorporate that movement of wings on the seed?.......and the have it coming towards you from the planet instead of going away?

Hey glad you stopped by. Those are some excellent ideas that I needed to hear.

Also, Would it be better for it to only play once? or have it play constantly?

pfff pfff pass! :joint: will edit in a bit


I like those thoughts gypsy, I always thought you were female from your avatar (no offense) NOT that there is anything wrong with that, lol.
Awesome work Trainman!!!
Could make the wings pot leaves too
Last edited:


Active member
The tricky part is that the wings from the bird are already in .gif format so it takes some more time but I'm still working with it. Would love to get it spot on. The cannabis leaf wings idea is cool too its420.

Anybody have the flash format of the bird? might make it work a little cleaner. sweet.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hey glad you stopped by. Those are some excellent ideas that I needed to hear.

Also, Would it be better for it to only play once? or have it play constantly?

pfff pfff pass! :joint: will edit in a bit

....would be better methinks if it would play constantly........as the world turns....

*I will be out of touch 'up the jungle' for the next day or two.....so plenty of time to get something rockin'.....


Active member
Hey everybody,

TrichyTrichy, I left the black outline because it keeps the wings aligned but I could remove.

randude101, I created it. :) Used a few programs that I can hook you up with, PM me.

Gypsy, You read my mind with the idea of the earth spinning. That would make this avatar absolutely paramount. I'm going to keep playing with it until I get it just right but here are some updates for all to ponder over...

Anybody, Please feel free to post suggested changes as this should be a group project even though I'm doing the flash work.


** Fixed wings, Still could be better imo, I like where it's going tho.

**Added a black border just like Gypsy's current avatar

** Fixed the 'Oval Earth'-- THANKS RANDUDE!! pfff pfff passs! :joint:

** I noticed the picture got a little darker after this editing. I want to brighten back up and bring a higher resolution if possible.

Future changes, I would love to make the black border a hubble deep space field picture so it looks really 'spacey'. I'm diggin' the wings flapping, I tried adding on the wings from the bird but the quality was just not there. If I could obtain the flash version of the picture we would be in business. Would like to make the earth spin... it is possible using layers but would probably need some help with obtaining pictures that are beautiful/clear enough. I need to know the size/file size requirements. I would like to up the resolution of the file but I know avatars can be picky.

My vision would be to have a high quality image with a shaman overlooking the earth, while it is spinning, the flying seed doing it's thing, the background border of space, while water animates and runs freely through the shamans hands.


Here is a spinning earth but the quality just is not up to par for me...help me out dudes!

Much love. burn 1 down for me.

edit: nycdfan042, A tiger strip texture for the seed would be killer, I like it. Again I need to be sure of the size and kb size because the more animation/higher quality = bigger file. Give me sometime and I will show you what we could be looking at if we had higher size limits.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
^^ thats bad ass, i know you can do better on the seed, more detail on the texture, tiger striping etc... but yea man thats bad ass!!

I was thinkin instead of the whole theme of traveling around the world, how about animating the wings slowly opening to reveal a reall beautiful seed with the earth super imposed into the seed. still think the seed itself needs more detail :) great job


Active member
man it sucks doing graphics on an old celeron...waaaay to slow...my graphics card almost dies when I try to load up these programs.

oh well, less whining, more winning..

here is a preview of whats growin'...I sacrificed a little image quality for more animation to keep file size small...could still use some this and thats but I digggg...what you guys think??



High Quality

I think this avatar says a lot...I see the seed as GN's gift to the rest of the world, in turn giving us the seed to plant and grow our own experiences in space, in time and in universe.


Looks great! What about a few more striations on the seed. It'll give it more texture and layers.
The planet looks like it's spinning could it switched to look like it's revolving?

Could this work?
Instead of all the smaller planets in the background what about the Orion Constellation.


Active member
Looks great! What about a few more striations on the seed. It'll give it more texture and layers.
The planet looks like it's spinning could it switched to look like it's revolving?

Could this work?
Instead of all the smaller planets in the background what about the Orion Constellation.

Yo, whats up dude. Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad ya like it. I really like the idea of adding more texture to the seed or even making it look more alive. I'm trying to think if animating another layer of stripes on there will make a difference in the 100x100 version. What about using a hi-res image of a real seed, like a kali mist seed those look like a tiger shark of a seed. I made the planet spinning because I still think it looks bitchin', I used google for almost 40 minutes trying to find 10 like images of the earth revolving, I failed. Hard to find but if you find it, I'd put it in in a second. It would be waaaay tedious to animate an earth for every rotation. It would look more badass no doubt.

They are not small planets I believe. I put in a picture of Hubble deep field, those are all galaxies. I like the orion constellation because that's one we can at least see at night. I used to have a ghetto telescope that could see the red lines on jupiter quite clearly. That was fun back in the summer time.


Word for Orion.


well an embelleshed orion- hehe like an 'Atlas' of pot..

You have fantastic skillz-

my idea is having the contellation to be a subtext of the globe/hand/bean

perhaps,you can visualize something different that does the same thing.


Active member
well an embelleshed orion- hehe like an 'Atlas' of pot..

You have fantastic skillz-

my idea is having the contellation to be a subtext of the globe/hand/bean

perhaps,you can visualize something different that does the same thing.

If I had my way I'd have it start off like you looking at orion from the opposite side that we do, have it zoom in all fast, like you were falling through time. It continues to zoom and zoom, falling through orion, getting closer being pulled to the earth. Watching astroids and a bunch of other stuff fly by, continues zooming, finally the earth, zooms in more to amsterdam, to seed boutique, where a seed is in gypsy's hand. It zooms into the seed and into what makes up a seed.

You may think I'm a loon but watch this clip and you'll see what I'm seeing. :joint: haha pfff pffff pass my man

Just watch, I know you'll feel it.

>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O9gcyeo2mQ


Active member
To my Dearest, Closest Friend and Heterosexual Life Partner Gypsy,

I am writing you on this most glorious of mornings in hopes that you may hear my one desire, that you pick someone contributing original artwork and not work that a few shameless deviants scandalously entered in hopes of plundering your gratuity with their undeserving simpleminded trickery.

I pray that ye and ye company, shalt not run into any ghastly beast, bug nor pernicious plant on your most noble of expeditions.

Hugs and Kisses XOXOXO


p.s. Seriously though... please only consider original artwork for this contest. I love contests and graphic art...I have also wanted one of those boxes since way back in the day on Overgrow. Never have the extra coin for a box...so would be nice to have a fair competition. Someone even entered someones artwork from another thread... Also a good week or so to work on it would be great, as I want to make at least two avatars... besides you have had that avatar as someone else said for like 8 years! What's the harm in waiting just a few extra days? It might prove worthwhile :p

Also you as an admin can set it up so that you can use an avatar of any size, though I recommend a width of 150pixels (not more than 170 i say) and the height can be anywhere from 100-200~ pixels. Basically gives us more room to work with AND gives you a nicer avatar, because bigger avatars really look a lot better... I would say the image size for the contest should be no more than: 150 width , 200 height OR 350 Kilobyte.

The forum I regularly attend (if you have read my thread in the website support section recently) allows "Senior Members" 150x150pixel or 341.8 KB (whichever is smaller)
and regular members get 125x125 (unknown file size,whichever is smaller)

Really though...enabling larger avatars doesn't hurt anything these days. Most connections can load 20+ avatars that size, on one thread page pretty damn fast :p... or just enable larger avatars for people who have been for for 2+ years... :) 135x135 or 150x150 would be sweeeet... maybe 110x110 or 120x120 for non 'senior members'... :0 also i say 150 width because i know that size will not mess with vbulletins alignment...like say making a really long user title or super wide signature would.

all the best

k i must stop my raving lunatic mode now :p


Active member
anybody have an electronic sketch pad??


I don't but this things looks awesome. I wonder how good the quality is and if it comes with flash like software.


damn, you REALLY REALLY love GN huh? ;)

Post up some samples already, you're teasing man! haha k+


Just an idea, but I don't have Photoshop.

Just an idea, but I don't have Photoshop.

I think it would be cool to do an avatar where you see a bean being planted, maybe into a little green pot.

Then the bean begins to pop, and OUT comes Gypsy's old avatar!

As Gypsy's old avatar flies around, the bean continues to turn into an MJ plant!

Then it repeats over and over....

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I think it would be cool to do an avatar where you see a bean being planted, maybe into a little green pot.

Then the bean begins to pop, and OUT comes Gypsy's old avatar!

As Gypsy's old avatar flies around, the bean continues to turn into an MJ plant!

Then it repeats over and over....

Good idea LolaGal....using Gypsy's old avatar as part of the new one. I just pictured it in my head and laughed...awesome idea.