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I need a lil help on re-veging my plants.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Hi Cheesey Buds...

Well you can't take my advice because I'm proper new, still on my first grow and could be well leading you astray... BUT, I had this problem and this is the advice that was given to me.

Ensure the water is pH'd (you're doing that - cool)
Ensure the water is "tepid" not cold )tepid, not cool..lol)
Measure the EC of your run off to see if there is a nute build up (EC comes out higher than it went in)
Ensure your lamp isn't too close for seedlings... everyone says "12-18 inches from plant".. this isn't true until theyre a few weeks old and if they get dehydrated and heat stressed, they'll yellow..for plants that small, it should be 3 - 4 ft

eliminating the above won't hurt anyway as these things all need to be in check, even if it doesnt fix the issue outright.

and now the "positive" steps...

Coco is well known for giving cal mag deficiencies (this is usually displayed by a yellowing AND curling of the leaves - some describe this as "praying" for magnesium. Get some (epson salts) and add a pinch to a foliar spray (I just add sprinkles until I hit EC 1.25 - for your little plants I'd suggest more like EC 0.75-1) I also now add a bit of mag in the feed once or twice per week.

Yellowing can also be caused by Nitrogen deficiency. to treat this add a small (qtr strength) amount of seaweed extract (kelp) to the foliar spray...

I used the spray 3 or 4 times per day (spraying just after lights out is seemingly the most productive time) for 2 to 3 days and my plants look much better. I would also suggest trying the spray on one plant at first and or using lightly at first to ensure that youre treating the problem and not just making it worse :smile:

you should now wait until someone with proper experiance comes along to either confirm or correct what I've said
best of luck


Well-known member
click on the pix to see them bigger.
what is the best way to get a bunch of top budsites.

should I top my plants or should I LST them.
Ill also do a lil more recearch on toping and lsting.

the las time I lsted my plants I still only got 1 cola by harvest.
and I want to get a lot of tops this time.

so the 2 bigger ones I was wanting to eather top or whatever I can do to get an ass load of bud sites.

and here is 1 reveging plants thats still looking ok I guess.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
if you want them bigger figure out youre doing wrong first. if you start topping and lsting sick plants you'll just stress them further


Just Call me Urkle!!
Not sure if you are waiting to make a mom or what but you could flower them again already check this out

here is my 2 Alaskan Thunder Goo girls I revegged after my first grow, the one on the right with bigger leaves popping out I put into flower 2 days after this pic was taken.....
Here she is a week after being in flower and look how much she took off!! But wait it gets better...
2weeks into flower after reveg and going strong!
Here we are at week 5 and stopped stretching at 18" and filled out to a nice fat cola and I got 13-14 grams off her. Sorry to hijack just thought I'd show you what can be done from reveggin and flowering sooner than later cuz you may end up with a uncontrolable bush instead of a few thick cola's... :2cents:


Well-known member
wow they reveg looks great.

yes I do want to make a mother plant so i can get some clones then flower the mother.


Well-known member
new update pix.

so how r they looking now. any better. I dod a little lst last night and in less than a hour they were upright agen.


Well-known member
the seedlings r looking even better now. and I changed up the cab a little bit. and also watered agen.
1 of the reveging plants is doing ok. the other 2 reveging plants might die.

so now I am counting on all the seedlings being female and growing very bushy.
new pix eather tomorrow or tuesday.:woohoo:


Well-known member
new pix. the 1 with the 4 corners growing is 1 of the
reveging plants. only one doing ok the other 2 look sad as fuck.

also do any of these look like they need to be re potted. soon I bet.

and is a 50% sand and 50% soil an ok mix for them for when they get repotted.

I use to have this cannabis gardener neighbor 2 years ago and she would get hughe plants when growing in around 50% sand and 50% soil mixed in 5 gallon pots and under 2 clf lights each and grew into monster plants.

dammm I wish I had pix of how big her plants got in dat mix.

anyway how r they looking?


Well-known member
SO also do any of these look like they need to be re potted. soon I bet.

and is a 50% sand and 50% soil an ok mix for them for when they get repotted.


Well-known member
ok so 1 of my plants is yellowing a bit what should i do.
ill try to get pix of it later this afternoon.


ICMag Donor
Cheese, I'd lose the sand if I were you. What does that do to your drainage? Plus it's so heavy.......you want light airy soils that give the roots room to breathe and stretch.


Well-known member
I am thinkin they look a little better. what do u think?
I flushed them with plain water and a little calmag.
I hope they keep growing better.
comments please.


Well-known member
so how they looken? I think I need to keep flushing out the coco plants.
they other ones look a lil better.


Active member
ICMag Donor
When you flush them, use liters and liters (and liters) of water, with no cal/mag or anything else in it. Then let them rest for a good bit before you try to feed them again.
Maybe its the photography but if I were you I'd check for spidermites. Tiny white sap suckers that like the undersides of your leaves. The little white dots on some of the top of the leaves. No trouble if you get yourself some pesticide, but left unchecked they'll kill em eventually.

Who knows but its worth checking out to be on the safe side.

Good luck!

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