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What's up guys just signed up here been a long time member on other forums. Been struggling with a problem for the last week or so, really hoping someone here can help!

I'll try to get as much info in here as I can..

- Day 22 flower
- 17L pots w/plant magic soil
- Using Ionic nutrient schedule for soil
- Background EC of tap water 0.34, pH 7+
- Water going in 6.5-6.9 always. Veg EC around 1.3 now at 1.8 (including background) at 7 weeks old


I've had purple stems on the fan leaves for a while, leaves were always a perfect green and soft, so I put it down to genetics.

After switching to the bloom nutes as advised by the ionic soil schedule, I first noticed some brown spots and a slight yellowing of the fan leaves, I fed some cal/mag at next feeding and the spotting seemed to stop.

Whilst the spotting stopped the yellowing continued and the majority of the big fan leaves in the groom are affected, I've stripped a lot of them away and they're starting to look pretty naked. More and more big fan leaves are turning yellow and it feels like at this rate I'll have none left in a week or two. The buds are forming nicely, frosty and dense, especially for the stage I'm at.

After posting the thread at another forum, I had a response from one person, who was adamant I had locked out, his view on things was flush or lose the lot, I couldn't get a second opinion, so I signed up here :)

In my attempts at diagnosing the problem I flushed 70L of water through a 17L pot, the reason I did this was because my runoff was around 5.5pH but it has been this way from the start, and plant magic clearly state on their website, and I quote "The run-off from soil does not represent the true pH at the rootzone. Many growers make the mistake of measuring the run-off which is not a true accurate reading for what is happening around the roots"

After flushing 70L of pH'd water, I got the runoff up to 5.8, this discouraged me from flushing further, I then gave the rest of them plain pH'd water, collected some runoff and tested the E.C, it was ranging from 0.8-1.0, and the pH ranging from 5.5-5.8, would I be right do discount a lockout as the problem here, because after the yellowing started in an attempt to give the plants more nitrogen I fed 3 times in a row with the bloom nutes (every 4 days) with a feed at 1.8 EC, on the third feed it was 1.8 going in and 1.7 runoff, would I be wrong to assume that this tells me there is no real buildup of nutes in the soil, and lean more toward the fact I switched to bloom nutes way too early.

I apologize for signing up and dropping this huge post I'm just driving myself mad with this problem and got nowhere else to turn, really appreciate any your thoughts on this, TIA. Peace


Active member
Sounds very simply like an N deficiency, chlorotic leaves, and purple stems.

Possibly you could have phosphorus deficiency going on.

-Cold climate?
-Lack of P?
-Low PH?

may well be responsible for the leaf blotching, and purple stems, problem is P def usually slows growth, smaller leafs etc.

Are you sure you're night time temps arent exceeding day temps? That would also make perfect sense.

I understand why the other guy may have diagnosed it as a lock out, he may have presumed you are seeing nutrient burn, but at the same time yellowing leaves, usually indicative of said problem.

More likely was a cal-mag def, along with lack of nitrogen. Nothing wrong with a little veg nutrient during flower, though you should be able to buy Nitrogen from a hydro store and use it where needed, if you do plan to do this, then get it done ASAP,
Worm casting tea every once in a while, or top dressing with castings are a good preventative measure.

Did your problem clear up?


Active member
Feed a complete synthetic nute like 20-20-20 pH'd down 5.5 and make it half strength as suggested. It will correct your lock out


Active member
like they said it's hungry and since you just entered flower it needs a lot more N than in veg least for the next 2-3-4 weeks.

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