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I Need a Centrifuge



lol i understand that fans arent optimal...i was just throwing the idea out there after somone mentioned a cieling fan.....i found alot of them on ebay for pretty cheap...
Necessity is the mother of invention. Sometimes you can McGuyver stuff but in the long run, at times, it's just better to pay up and get the 'right stuff'.


Bob and Mountain, TY for the info. Spent the afternoon cruising the thrift stores in the area, checked e-bay items that Levitikus provided (1 item sold, 1 item to small and the third doesn't list the ml capacity).

Did find an item for 50 cent (dat be a rapper) also a good price for a small aluminum, handle equipped, pot for the other project.

Again, I am facing writing out a couple of checks totaling approximately $13,000.00 for hospital/surgery/anesthesia and so on. With fall/winter coming on and still recovering I won't be bringing in a check for awhile so buying a NEW centrifuge is for the moment an iffy situation.

I am still searching, will check mon-tues at the OSU & UofO admin departments for used lab equipment sales. I appreciate yall's interest and participation in the search. I AM doing my part.

"don't tase me Bro"



Hey man...this is a cool project. I've thought about it and seen others look at doing it but nobody yet. Eventually someone will play with it and we'll see how it goes. Sounds very interesting.
Sorry about the delay but the DIY centrifuge was in the January 1998 scientific american and i can't find it online for free either but any university library will have it in the periodical room and it is available to purchase online. 250 for a centrifuge is a pretty fair price i hope you find success on your quest.


I appreciate your hanging with me on this. After writing 2 checks totaling $12,910.00 for hospital/anesthesia my purse is a wee bit short. Will keep looking for a used unit.



New member
I Don't know how old this thread is but I'm off to try this same thing.

I Don't know how old this thread is but I'm off to try this same thing.

That's what I was going to say. I've thought about trying it out but very old research seems to indicate pure THC will degrade pretty rapidly. Have you tried eBay? That's the first place I'd look for used equipment. If you know some students you can probably have them sneak in a test for you 'off hours'.

I was going just to try pure ethanol.

I think this is an awesome experiment and look forward to someone doing it someday. I would steer you away from trying to make one. Spend the money on a decent used unit which you could always resell. The tolerances on these units must be ridiculously tight to spin that fast that smoothly.

THC is Fat Soluble, so a petroleum product will extract the chemical from the plant material Ethanol would be ideal for this, so Vodka.

Vodka however isn't pure and should be separated before use too, and once purified should be left to do the job with the Bud in a sealed container, Ideally the same container used to Separate the materials later in the Centrifuge.

To start I'm going to construct a Centrifuge with the help of my 3D-Printer, 3-Axis Mill, and Unimate3 Metal lathe.

I've been searching the web for ideas so I can build a conceptual working model, so far two stainless steel metal Dog Bowls will be used to enclose the rotating containers, these containers will be cut on a Metal Lathe from some 3/8" Aluminum Bar, some hardware from a local hardware store will latch everything together, I have motors, some with the ability to spin 25,000 RPM, and some design plans found on Thingiverse.com will be used to hold the containers containing the Vodka alone first, and Pot with Purified Vodka mix later.

A small PWM circuit will be used along with a switch to control the motor speed and turn the device on or off, a small cooling fan and heatsink will keep the motor cool for long runs.

Arduino will be used to calculate rotor speed with the help of a hall effect sensor and two magnets (balancing).

I'll post results.... Odd enough I don't smoke, but I'm really intrigued by this topic and I'm exited to see the final result.

CNC Something... http://www.whatisacnc.com

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Hand cranked laboratory centrifuges that hold four test tubes are dirt cheap, so all this effort to build one from scratch is a bit baffling.


New member


Hand cranked laboratory centrifuges that hold four test tubes are dirt cheap, so all this effort to build one from scratch is a bit baffling.

Make it Autonomous :)


The Centrifuge is built!
I 3D printed a part found on Thingiverse.com (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1483/#files)
Attached it to a 25,000 RPM Motor, and I built a small stand for the assembly. A metal bowl shields the spinning component for protection.
The electronics are simple:
* Switching power supply that can handle the motor.
* Toggle Switch
* POT, wired as a Varisor (center pin and outside pin in series on hot wire).
The Aluminum Cylinders that will hold the Weed and Alcohol slurry, then a test to see if the Water in the Vodka along with other impurities can be separated.
Updates and pictures to follow.... So stay tuned!


lol at this....why separate vodka just buy a 151 proof and separate that. Or if you are planning to separate then why not just regular 91% Isopropyl?