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I need a break from smoking but finding hard



real and good drugs are hard to get, people have to settle whatever they got they hands on. Sniffing glue and inhaling butane are again 'HOT' around here.

depends where
and depends for who

it's the people you know

I will give another suggestion which I didn't find in the posts above:

Smoke bud with less tiring, addicting and tolerance building cannabinoids, and by this I mean smoke sativas.

great idea

unless one can grow, sativas are usually very very hard to come by


It's actually not THAT hard because its a psychological dependence rather than a physical chemical addiction, so the hardest part usually, apart from putting up with the cravings for the first few days, is simply avoiding the temptation. You'll probably have better success if you have completely gotten rid of your stash - if you keep a small bag aside "just in case i feel like it later", then yes - you will feel like it later and probably succumb!

After a full week off the pot it's pretty easy to ignore any minor cravings you get, so you might also want to consider going away on a short holiday - I had to go overseas for a fortnight and that made it very easy to stop :)


High Grade Specialist
i couldve sworn i posted here before but seems my browser crashed or some shit ... anyway:

a good tip is to just tell yourself "im gonna quit for one day" and then the next day you do the same, just for one day. because if you tell your brain you will quit for ever, or years/months it will go apeshit. but just one day aint that hard.

personally i find quitting the hardest when im out of weed, bc then i really really wanna get some weed. but when i got a fat stash i have no problem quitting for a couple of days because i know i can always just grab some from my stash when i feel like it.

at the same time while its easy for me to take a couple of days breaks, i find it insanely hard to keep straight for longer then say a week. after that time i get incredibly bored and just wanna smoke up again lol.


I too am considering taking a break. It has been several years of daily use, literally from sun up to sun down. I think the easiest way for me to quit is just going to be selling off my stash every time a harvest comes in. That is the plan this week at least. I've been wanting to start exploring mycology so Ill be using our favorite personnel past time to fund that. May keep a few nugs lying around, I quit taking mind numbing amounts celexa and zanax for bud, and it occurs to me that my doctors never told me to take a break from taking that shit, whats the difference?
This past week I stopped taking massive bong hits, and then yesterday and today I have not instantly waked n baked. Honestly I do feel alot better after not smoking in the mornings, even though its been 2 days. My heads so much clearer, and I am a little nicer. I pretty much hate everyone to begin with, especially people my age, but so far so good. -basket


ICMag Donor
Hi every1

It has been nearly 2 months since I started this thread.

what happenned?.

I did have a break for 4 days and only smoked on the 5th day to help celebrate a friends birthday....I still smoke daily but will hang out to 6pm as most of the problem was me smoking all day before and it was affecting my work and personal life...so basically I cut down and now get everything done resulting in no stress.

After going through the 4 days I now have the confidence that if in the future I will be able to take a break if I wish. I guess it had been so long for a break that I talked myself into thinking that I wouldn't be able to do it, I needed to hear from others been in my situation on how they managed to do it and get inspiration from them also.

I like to thank everyone who contributed :thank you:

I also hope it may help others who feel the same


ICMag Donor
lol@ 4 days :D
sounds familiar , try a month to get it out of the system+

yer not setting any world records here lol...when I had a 3 month break and had the first smoke back I felt like a school boy again :gday:


Active member
for real , iwas sure it was a world record , damn , i'll just go eat a bucket of ice cream now :laughing:


Hi every1

It has been nearly 2 months since I started this thread.

what happenned?.

I did have a break for 4 days and only smoked on the 5th day to help celebrate a friends birthday....I still smoke daily but will hang out to 6pm as most of the problem was me smoking all day before and it was affecting my work and personal life...so basically I cut down and now get everything done resulting in no stress.

After going through the 4 days I now have the confidence that if in the future I will be able to take a break if I wish. I guess it had been so long for a break that I talked myself into thinking that I wouldn't be able to do it, I needed to hear from others been in my situation on how they managed to do it and get inspiration from them also.

I like to thank everyone who contributed :thank you:

I also hope it may help others who feel the same

No Sir 4 days is not a break what happened was you lasted 4 days and then you caved in.. I mean at least be honest about the state of your addiction. You "only smoked" on the 5th day because you lacked will power, your friends birthday was just the excuse you needed to justify it to yourself.

I say that knowing and understanding full well what happened... How do i know... Every long term stoner has similar experiences when it comes to "taking breaks" me included. The weed monster on our shoulder is one convincing piece of work usually he gets the better of us all too..

Not trying to hate and im glad that your've got to a better place now with your weed use but just don't try to say it was a break when we all really know you gave up and caved in.. Just tell it like it is bro i thought Ozzies were good like that..



Ive had a lot of experience with this subject so forgive me if i come off heavy handed or a bit confrontational about it.. It is not my intention.. I just feel strongly about it is all.

I agree with THC123 in that 1 month is a very logical minimum starting point for any serious attempt at taking a break.

IME it takes at least that long to really start to get some benefit. Of course 1 month is not a set number or anything more just one of convenience.. a nice round number if you will. Personally though i would say somewhere around 90days for a really good break if you include wanting to "flush" the body of accumulated toxins and give your body a good break.

OP mentioned a 3 month break previous followed by getting messed up like a schoolgirl when had first blaze back.. this is exactly what im talking about.. But yeah sorry man.. 4 days thats a "weekend retreat" and sounds like you just needed to stop day smoking as it was making you too paranoid and affecting social interactions.. ha been there done that :laughing:

Never forget weed is an extremely potent psychoactive drug and if you abuse it you will suffer some consequences

I could go on into alot more details but it will just get all ranty and shit..



Active member
i hate quitters lol. i have never quit by choice. when younger i quit a few times cause i ran out ,also went to jail. both times i resumed smoking within a week tops.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"


i hate quitters lol. i have never quit by choice. when younger i quit a few times cause i ran out ,also went to jail. both times i resumed smoking within a week tops.

LOL Superman agreed ive given up giving up.

Ive stopped blazing at moment though as in between times so yeah... not by choice although its only ever one phone call away.. a buddy of mine has got some primo white rhino z's which i find myself thinking about alot.. hmmmmm.. But kinda told myself i would wait till mine was ready.

Its a true test of self discipline not to make that phone call.

Im not making any promises lol but im holding strong at moment, its been about a week for me without so far.

Have a great day guys time for my morning expresso coffee just bought a new machine the other guy mmmm coffeeeee



High Grade Specialist
what also helps is meditation. just sitting with the uncomfortable feelings that come up when you wanna smoke but cant.

i find my weed use has gone way down lately all by itself. i went from 2-3grams and more a day, to like 0,5 a day. today i woke up and realized i hadnt puffed at all yesterday, i simply didnt feel like it.

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