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I need a break down!


New member
Sorry for putting this in the wrong part Big sorry!!

What do prices range from? Which would be the best for me? Well any tips are great.
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B. Self Reliant

Depends on what you want or need.

Indicas typically have a heavy almost musty smoke. They are notorious for couchlock, which should be self explanitory. Great sleep aids, or night time smokes. THat's actually all i smoke, but many people prefer not trying to function all day when smoking an indica.

Sativas tend to give you a more complex high that is more of a head buzz. The smoke is typically lighter. Many people consider these a great daytime smoke for when they have to function at 100%.

Hindu Kush is great, but it'll put you to sleep fairly easily too. My best advice is to start a "Smoker's Log" and write down the following so you can learn what you prefer to smoke instead of taking someone's advice. Be sure to write down:

1. name of strain
2. price paid
3. how it made you feel
4. how long it lasted
5. At what level were you functioning

Oh yeah, keep your stash in a glass jar that isn't much larger than the stash itself.


New member
Ya I have mine in the medicine bottle it came. I'll get a glass jar ..will any old jar work? I will start a log ! That is a good idea hehe smiple but never would have thought of it.


Active member
Is that the price for 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and whole ounces?

thats what it looked to me like JJ.

...thats crazy

.....it costs me about $9 to grow an ounce not counting my time or initial equipment cost (just counting excess on elect. bill, nutrients, etc)

...and ive done the math quite a few times.
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ICMag Donor
I don't know if it is to much for the area. I'm just surprised they are that high in California.....


Those prices are completely in line with high-quality meds in the California dispensary scene.

We know we can grow it cheaper, guys. That's what we're here for.

You can also buy for a little less on the street, but I sure don't think it's worth the hassles.

But to the original poster, you're not going to get better prices up here in the Bay Area or L.A.

If you're in the right county, growing your own carries practically no risk from law enforcment. Here in Contra Costa County, you'd pretty much have to completely piss off a cop to even have him consider hassling you for a 6 plant grow. They literally will look the other way even if they come into your house for a completely different reason.

But yeah, those prices are about the going rate for high-quality meds in California.


New member
Well thank you Krakatoa I still would have stuck with the place I'm going to now, even if the price is or was too high ...The quality of service is just outstanding.

i'm just new so I wonder if I'm doing everything right and not walking into a trap.I like to trust ppl, I don't want to assume everyone is out to get me or a lair. I take people on their word untill they give me reason not to.

Also Krakatoa I need to move where you are. My husband got pulled over 4 times in the same week for a busted front light. I kid you not!!
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Also Krakatoa I need to move where you are. My husband got pulled over 4 times in the same week for a busted front light. I kid you not!!

Well, that's a completely different issue! :yoinks:

Cops are still cops wherever you go. Around here they won't hassle you if you're discreet and growing at home. But if you drive around in a car with broken lights? Yeah, you'll get pulled over a lot anywhere in California, but especially in rural areas.

Growing in the 9 Bay Area counties is a breeze, but growing in San Bernadino County or another rural red-state county will get you busted quick. California is a big state, and each jurisdiction plays by it's own rules.

Rule number one for living in California (and probably anywhere) is make sure all the lights in your car are working! Seriously, a cop who wouldn't blink at your modest closet grow operation would pull you over with full lights and siren if you have a broken tail light. No kidding!

Stay cool, and stay away from police no matter how cool they seem at the moment. The coolest cop is the cop who doesn't notice you.


New member
Ya we learned that the hard way... Another question cause I am chock full of them.

Can you buy medical edibles on-line?Butter,cookies,candy bars whatever I want it all!


New member
How ever you feel is what you feel. Thanks for the complement.... I agree I'm pretty clever. Just not in the way you're insinuating. Beside you want to hang me for telling you who helped me? By all means e-mail,or call and ask if a bayousblue works for them. If you want I can share my feedback e-mail if it's that much of a concern,Or take pics of my wheel chair,walker, and cane and my stacks of medical papers.

I don't know.. maybe if you where trapped in a bed ,couldn't hold your kid, let alone dress yourself or sit on a computer and type for over a year...You might feel like me and would be pretty thankful for MMJ ,websites like this one, and the people who are willing to risk going to jail to give you some freedom.I'm happy! These ppl are awesome. I wont apologize for telling people good news. I'm grateful and not ashamed to show gratitude to those who deserve it .

BACK to the new question

Can you buy medical edibles on-line?Butter,cookies,candy bars whatever I want it all!


Hey, I'd love to tell everyone who helps me too, but since it is so illegal here ... they kinda asked me not to. :p

Anyway, no worries, I hope you find something that works for you. So far my favorite strains smoked are either northern lights or white widow, but you'll probably have to grow those.

Good luck!


New member
I didn't know it was illegal .Thank you SmokeToLive for the heads up I fixed it. Like I said I'm new ha.

I am doing a lot of reading on the strains..I'm getting the hang of it. I think...?


I honestly have not smoked enough to tell you one way or the other with any authority. (I mean, I smoke lots ... but just not enough variety. :D) I just know the couple that worked pretty well for me, but I'm still looking around myself.

One thing I'm considering is the type of plant to get for growing purposes. So there are several considerations there, but from a smoker's perspective, you might try reading this article: http://hightimes.com/entertainment/ht_admin/1670

It's kinda funny but still somewhat informative.


Patient Grower
...Rule number one for living in California (and probably anywhere) is make sure all the lights in your car are working! Seriously, a cop who wouldn't blink at your modest closet grow operation would pull you over with full lights and siren if you have a broken tail light. No kidding!

If you do get pulled go get your lamp fixed. It's nobody's fault but your own if you get pulled over multiple times for the same infraction. It takes less than 5 minutes to fix a headlamp on my car, and a person with an IQ less than room temperature can handle the task.

It is also in the public interest to have safe roads, and lamps are on your car for actual safety reasons. It is very appropriate for the cops to help ensure that people are safe.


It is also in the public interest to have safe roads, and lamps are on your car for actual safety reasons. It is very appropriate for the cops to help ensure that people are safe.

As appropriate as it is, it is often used as an opportunity to invade our lives for other reasons which are not so altruistic. :(

Your best bet as has been said is to be preventative. Make sure all your lights are working, your tires are aired up (prevent blowouts), your tag is current, windows are clean, lamps are clean, tag is visible, tag lamp is working, etc, etc.

The safety laws vary depending on where you live. Know them if you transport. :D Plus, not advertising the fact that you're in love with the magic herb can help too. (No bumper stickers, etc.) :joint:

(My paranoid .02)

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