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I need a 5lb script in California

There's a guy named Dr. Sazani who will write you a script for 6lbs 90 plants in SoCal. I wouldn't recommend trying this at home though! Try moving to a more mj friendly area. Authorities in SoCal don't understand patients needs and will be laughing as they cut down your plants, box up any expensive equipment you may have, and haul your ass off to jail.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
BBBD..welcome to IC Mag. Some have questioned your validity and I have as well. I hope you'll forgive us, but it is rather suspecious for someone to join in September of 2009* and then come out with a question like yours, asking for someones personal physicians name, as their first post in Feb. 2011. I recommend to our members keeping their personal lives private and not revealing details such as this.

I will offer this, I am re-newing soon. I only grow outdoors now, that is only once a year, and am at 4500 feet with a very short season, I grew 6 mature plants last year. Considering the frost, early season, mold, and powder mildew problems I had last year ruined around a third of my meds, and I am using med MJ in tea, smoking hash, and in tinctures. Even after all I've heard about limits etc I am still going to ask for my Doc to have my script read 12 mature and 2lbs. I have a 20 year long history of serious spine surgeries, disabilities, and additional health issues from those. I'll pop back in and let you know how it goes..DD

Edit: in our TOU we have under item 17 the following;
It is ultimately up to each member to protect their own identity by remaining anonymous at all times.
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I'm not an Attorney nor know the law, but the California State Supreme Court made a major ruling in our favor early January 2010.

Other than that it's still a Federal crime and everyone should use discretion no matter how small of a grow they're doing.
OK Plant limits and dry weight allowed.

This is how I look at it.

Yes there were plant limits as per 420, yes that part of SB420 was eliminated by the supreme court on Jan 21 2010. That being said...

If local law enforcement would visit your garden and did a plant count (if they think it is unreasonable they will tear down the garden and let the DA decide if they were right or not) and found 6 flowering, 12 moms/vege you are done, all of those cuttings and seedlings count too. Woops I am over a plant count in LEO's mind.

If you have an exemption on your rec you are less likely to be raped for plant counts that are generic. At the very least the DA would likely be more interested in someone "not doing it right".

An exemption is NOT NECESSARY in my opinion, however if you get a visit by LEO it may be cheap insurance that your situation will work out a little better.

This is just my take on it and I am not an attny or LEO just a small time medical user.
I have one of those, as well. I got it in Northern Cali. last year.
6Lbs, and 90 plants. It's great for those of us who need concentrated meds, and we grow some plants just to make butter and such.

6 Lbs and 90 plants may seem like much, unless you understand that it's not for money, it's for medicine.


Active member
growing buds for butter takes a we bit more than 6 plants; find a dr that can meet ur personal medical needs and ur set; those cookie cutter dr recs are nice to show the real dr to show that they rn't meeting ur current needs; might get an earfull bout some of the more popular pot dr's and y various med boards have investigated em... every wonder y assad couldn't see female patients lol


Active member
I need a 5lb script in California

scripts...meds ??

sorry cant help ya ive only got recreational drugs like grass !!


Just ask the doc you go to to up your limit, if he won't - ask the next one...
One outdoor grow per year is a legitimate reason for an exception to the AG's
recommended limits of 6/12 and 8 oz as a guide for SB420.


Hell if I ever hit the lotto I'll be able to move to a med state, but in the real world I live in, just growing 1 will get you 10 or in my case a body bag!:wave:


Sorry kids no pork here! Thanks for being hostile though!
The doctor that I see in the Triangle only writes a 5lb script! It's just a 5 hour drive and a $200 every 6 months to renew! If ya'll weren't being rude I might have told you the doctors name! Enjoy your state limits!


Freedom Fighter
Sorry kids no pork here! Thanks for being hostile though!
The doctor that I see in the Triangle only writes a 5lb script! It's just a 5 hour drive and a $200 every 6 months to renew! If ya'll weren't being rude I might have told you the doctors name! Enjoy your state limits!

$400 a year for something that is not even necessary?? I'll pass--


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Respect Brothers....

Respect Brothers....

I have one of those, as well. I got it in Northern Cali. last year.
6Lbs, and 90 plants. It's great for those of us who need concentrated meds, and we grow some plants just to make butter and such. 6 Lbs and 90 plants may seem like much, unless you understand that it's not for money, it's for medicine.

growing buds for butter takes a we bit more than 6 plants; find a dr that can meet ur personal medical needs and ur set

Thanks for being hostile though!
If ya'll weren't being rude I might have told you the doctors name! Enjoy your state limits!

BuBzBuDz..Ya know Buddy I thought about this all day yesterday and wondered if I weren't being to quick to judge you. Possibly you were a long time lurker on our site, it may have taken you years to build up the courage to join, and then when you did you got raked over the coals by me, a staff member, and then by some of our other members. You also may be a seriously ill patient, dealing with extreme chronic pain, making tinctures and edibles only, you might never smoke a puff, and 5 pounds is what it takes you per year to medicate yourself. I'm sorry for my actions, please accept my apologies..

I visited my Doc yesterday, I threw out a number to him similar to yours, he started imitating playing a fiddle as I started whining about my grow problems, he had heard it all before I could tell, he continued the instrument in one hand the bow in the other. He started to piss me off, I kept on talking, never skipping a beat, with tinctures, using hash in my tea, "we're not as fortunate as you guys down here with your summer weather..we have frosts..90 days to grow." He could see I was serious..

My doctors give you a complete examination. temperature, vision chart, weight, blood pressure, heart rate. He has you do some bends and twists, a lot more extensive exam than most I hear about. He requires medical records and recent ones. He visits with you about your medications, your diet, daily activities, and cardio, just about everything I think one would need to properly diagnose me. He then offer his ideas about Yoga, meditation, diet, exercise. With me there is no more surgical or medical solutions for my issues or I think he would have offered ideas on those.

He paused..then asked "how bout I double yours, would that work for you.? I was at two pounds per year..for those of you that are mathematically challenged, he raised it to four pounds per year. We don’t talk about plant limits.

I smoke very little, I'm making tinctures, I drinking hash in my tea..my issue was how much weight I had on hand...in my home! In the past if I finished a year with amything over two pounds to get me by to the following fall I would be over my recommended limit. That would honestly fall short of what it takes to make the medicines that are helping me.
I want to try and stay with-in the law, I have a wife that has a good job, a nice place on three acres, I don't want to bring on any more problems than I already have. Four pounds will probably work for me for a long lpng time.
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Bong Smoking News Hound
BuBzBuDz..Ya know Buddy I thought about this all day yesterday and wondered if I weren't being to quick to judge you. Possibly you were a long time lurker on our site, it may have taken you years to build up the courage to join, and then when you did you got raked over the coals by me, a staff member, and then by some of our other members. You also may be a seriously ill patient, dealing with extreme chronic pain, making tinctures and edibles only, you might never smoke a puff, and 5 pounds is what it takes you per year to medicate yourself. I'm sorry for my actions, please accept my apologies..

I visited my Doc yesterday, I threw out a number to him similar to yours, he started imitating playing a fiddle as I started whining about my grow problems, he had heard it all before I could tell, he continued the instrument in one hand the bow in the other. He started to piss me off, I kept on talking, never skipping a beat, with tinctures, using hash in my tea, "we're not as fortunate as you guys down here with your summer weather..we have frosts..90 days to grow." He could see I was serious..

My doctors give you a complete examination. temperature, vision chart, weight, blood pressure, heart rate. He has you do some bends and twists, a lot more extensive exam than most I hear about. He requires medical records and recent ones. He visits with you about your medications, your diet, daily activities, and cardio, just about everything I think one would need to properly diagnose me. He then offer his ideas about Yoga, meditation, diet, exercise. With me there is no more surgical or medical solutions for my issues or I think he would have offered ideas on those.

He paused..then asked "how bout I double yours, would that work for you.? I was at two pounds per year..for those of you that are mathematically challenged, he raised it to four pounds per year. We don’t talk about plant limits.

I smoke very little, I'm making tinctures, I drinking hash in my tea..my issue was how much weight I had on hand...in my home! In the past if I finished a year with amything over two pounds to get me by to the following fall I would be over my recommended limit. That would honestly fall short of what it takes to make the medicines that are helping me.
I want to try and stay with-in the law, I have a wife that has a good job, a nice place on three acres, I don't want to bring on any more problems than I already have. Four pounds will probably work for me for a long lpng time.

i want to use Rick Simpsons Methode on a really good friend of mine. Meaning obvoiusly she is going to need a bigger script. But i wanted to make a few points. Ur dead on there about the visit.

If you think recent documentation of ur ailment isn't enough. Think again. Its enough for your Insurance, to pay out 10000's of dollars a year and more. ONE PIECE OF PAPER WITH A IDE number, in other words, ur diagnoses code, and secondary etc. which is usually about 5 numbers with a decidable

Its enough to get you approved for welfare, including but not limited to, food stamps, general assistance, WIC, etc, as most of these programs insist on a back to work type programs to get you off the system fast, but if ur disabled, and not on SSI or SSDI, AKA Social Security, you have to have ur doctor fill out 1 piece of paper, thats it! and all this is payed out with tax dollars remember. They so easly write checks with our money. usually at the rate of a deduction 25 percent of my earnings. and majority of Americans

For renewal checks in the state disability, you have to sign a SELF CERTIFIED letter, stating you are still disabled and unable to work, in order to keep receiving your benefit check, which is usually pretty close to 90 percent of your wages. re read that, IN ORDER TO GET THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN TAX MONEY, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS FOLLOW THE HONER SYSTEM, and fill out the self certified letter, and you can keep receiving these checks until your doctor put an expiration date on your disability. And if you are like me, there is no expiration date, so they usually put a Year later. So most people will collect for a full year, even if they recover, based on our government trusting the people SO MUCH, to have them fill out a SELF CERTIFIED DISABILITY FORM, after the initial first interview.

one more example, when i have a problem that my doctor cant help me with, he ships me off to a specials. All the specialist gets, Is maybe a few pieces of papers from my chart, but usually they only get, ONE PIECE OF PAPER. and thats only the REF FERAL, no legal document, etc, just i want my patient to see YOU. Second, he has you, in which of course you give him a full history break down. Same concept with a medical marijuana doctor. There is no difference, then from seeing a specialist, except how insurances handle it, and their networks. If you are paying cash, you can see whoever you want when ever you want. Im paying cash to my medical marijuana doctor. HMO's on the other hand, put you through their network of money making.

So honestly, so far, i believe the marijuana doctor, is more honest and fail proof than not only the regular medical profession, but in many government programs.

if a doc spent 8 plus years in school, just to hand me a certificate saying i can use marijuana as medication, and can grow my own, then i for sure trust him. i dont think people would spend their life in school, to turn to a life of crime. I commend these doctors for standing up their own COLLEAGUE AKA DOCTORS, but our failed governed disability programs are 100 times more of a fraud, than medical marijuana is let alone unemployment. WOW. government fat, to much for my taste in steaks.

Sounds like these doctors had this system in place a lot longer than the California passing prop 215. minus one word, MARIJUANA

Ya doobs, funny when people spit things out as fact, when you can tell they have no knowledge of the subject at hand.

Your doc sounds like hes got a awesome personality and sense of humor!

If you dont understand a subject, dont pretend too, as the ones who do, will know you dont....

peace love and understanding,

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Plant Whisperer
My exemption says:


Mr. 420247 may be exempt from the usual SB420 limitations for the amount of medical cannabis grown and possessed in order to obtain and prepare a sufficient amount of medicine for his personal needs, including the preparation of concentrates and edibles.​

How can any doctor tell me how much of what strain/cultivar will work for me and in what form... Doobieduck, I would have verbally ripped your doc apart for acting like a foolish child... :ying:

[EDIT] I pay $100 per year for my rec. and my doc will replace any documents for free, show up to court without any extra fee, and 24hr verification... $100 a year for that is more for le$$ than what the county card offers... I have one of those too LOL It costs $$$ to try and stay safe... :)


Active member
BEWARE this is a SCAM.

The only thing a doctor can do is recommend that a user have an exemption from limits.

There are no medical studies for MJ so it is impossible for a doctor to "dose" your needs of MMJ.

Doctors who offer exemptions of certain "amounts" are feeding you BS to make $$$.

My friend has a doctor who gives an exemption of 6lbs.

My friend got pulled over with 3lbs.

My friend tries to contact doctor to appear on his behalf to testify to legitimacy of medical claims.

My friend finds out doctor is only in the country 2x a year, the rest of the time he is busy sun bathing in Costa Rica.

Long story short, you're not getting off with increased plant counts and numbers unless people are being nice to you or you have scripts from different patients for every 6 plants.


Wow. Pretty scandalous. Thanks for all the information everyone. I keep hearing about doctors trying to charge and additional $200-$250 for a "county card". Silly! At that point just walk out and find a legitimate doctor for the recommendation.


Plant Whisperer
Wow. Pretty scandalous. Thanks for all the information everyone. I keep hearing about doctors trying to charge and additional $200-$250 for a "county card". Silly! At that point just walk out and find a legitimate doctor for the recommendation.

WOW!!! That is really silly!!! You cannot get a county card from a doctor LOL It comes from the county health department LOL :laughing:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
BEWARE this is a SCAM.

The only thing a doctor can do is recommend that a user have an exemption from limits.

There are no medical studies for MJ so it is impossible for a doctor to "dose" your needs of MMJ.

TOL your post is interesting but I find it confusing and containing little fact. Did "your freind" tell you all ^ ^ this?
We have a list of medical studies compiled by Storm Crow, Medical Mj Studiesthat were done by many different reputable universities, scientists etc. You may want to look through it.
Doctors who offer exemptions of certain "amounts" are feeding you BS to make $$$..
I don't believe that is true with all physicians my freind as my doctor yesterday raised my amount and money for doing so was never discussed, charged, nor paid. Please don't mis-lead our members that it is happening every where.

My friend has a doctor who gives an exemption of 6lbs..
That's cool..good for him.

My friend got pulled over with 3lbs.

My friend tries to contact doctor to appear on his behalf to testify to legitimacy of medical claims.

My friend finds out doctor is only in the country 2x a year, the rest of the time he is busy sun bathing in Costa Rica..
This is still happening, people with scripts being arested, having to fight it in court. But we have recommended over and over in our forum here at IC that you ask the doctor, before even going to see him, if he testifies in court and backs up his patients. If your freind chose not to do that darn it all. Sad for him to take a short cut and bypass this very important step.

Long story short, you're not getting off with increased plant counts and numbers unless people are being nice to you or you have scripts from different patients for every 6 plants.

I feel something most important in a trial situation is your health and past medical history. Whether someone likes me or not I don't think is a factor Brotha. I rather tend to believe news stories like this one regarding plant limits. Of all the patients that are now in Cal. it seems most of the ones getting busted now are way over doing it or there is some other reason for the incarceration. Peace DD


LOS ANGELES | Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:52pm EST

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The California Supreme Court on Thursday rejected limits on medical marijuana imposed by state lawmakers, finding that people with prescriptions for pot can have and grow all they need for personal use.

The high court ruled lawmakers improperly "amended" the voter-approved law that decriminalized possession of marijuana for "seriously ill Californians" with a doctor's prescription by limiting patients to eight ounces (227 grams) of dried marijuana and six mature or 12 immature plants.

The Compassionate Use Act, passed by California voters in 1996, set no limits on how much marijuana patients could possess or grow, stating only that it be for personal use.

In 1997, the state's Supreme Court defined a lawful amount as enough to be "reasonably related to the patient's current medical needs."

The state's quantity limits were passed in 2003 as part of a voluntary identification card program designed to protect against both drug trafficking and wrongful arrest by allowing police to quickly verify a patient's prescription.

The court on Thursday let stand the voluntary card program but found that the limits it imposes should not "burden" a person's ability to argue under the Compassionate Use Act that the marijuana possessed or grown was for personal use.

California Attorney General Jerry Brown said in a statement the decision "confirms our position that the state's possession limits are legal" as applied to medical marijuana cardholders.

A lawyer for plaintiff Patrick Kevin Kelly could not be reached immediately for comment.

Kelly, who obtained a prescription for medical marijuana to alleviate a range of medical issues including hepatitis C, back problems and depression, did not register in the card program.

He was arrested in 2005 for growing marijuana plants and possessing 12 ounces of dried marijuana and was found guilty of marijuana cultivation and possession.

The case is People v. Kelly, Case No. S164830, California Supreme Court.


Freedom Fighter

LOS ANGELES | Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:52pm EST

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The California Supreme Court on Thursday rejected limits on medical marijuana imposed by state lawmakers, finding that people with prescriptions for pot can have and grow all they need for personal use.

The high court ruled lawmakers improperly "amended" the voter-approved law that decriminalized possession of marijuana for "seriously ill Californians" with a doctor's prescription by limiting patients to eight ounces (227 grams) of dried marijuana and six mature or 12 immature plants.

The Compassionate Use Act, passed by California voters in 1996, set no limits on how much marijuana patients could possess or grow, stating only that it be for personal use.

In 1997, the state's Supreme Court defined a lawful amount as enough to be "reasonably related to the patient's current medical needs."

The state's quantity limits were passed in 2003 as part of a voluntary identification card program designed to protect against both drug trafficking and wrongful arrest by allowing police to quickly verify a patient's prescription.

The court on Thursday let stand the voluntary card program but found that the limits it imposes should not "burden" a person's ability to argue under the Compassionate Use Act that the marijuana possessed or grown was for personal use.

California Attorney General Jerry Brown said in a statement the decision "confirms our position that the state's possession limits are legal" as applied to medical marijuana cardholders.

A lawyer for plaintiff Patrick Kevin Kelly could not be reached immediately for comment.

Kelly, who obtained a prescription for medical marijuana to alleviate a range of medical issues including hepatitis C, back problems and depression, did not register in the card program.

He was arrested in 2005 for growing marijuana plants and possessing 12 ounces of dried marijuana and was found guilty of marijuana cultivation and possession.

The case is People v. Kelly, Case No. S164830, California Supreme Court.

Thanks for posting that--I did not realize that if you have a State Card, you are still bound by the 6 and 12 and Half pound-- That sucks!!:tiphat: