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I Love Conspiracy Theorys ...


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
I love conspiracies too, but i have since grown tired of them.

I scanned through that link, and the video is called "Ring of Power," seen it on more than a few occasions watching JustinTV. It is a pretty good one in my opinion


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
WOW! i have never consumed so much truth at once. this connects so many dots it is mind blowing. i cant believe so much of the world population is oblivious! i may not be able to do anything about it but at least knowing the truth makes me feel a little better. well, im going to watch the other half. everyone should watch this. it should be in the tokers den where it can get noticed!!!


this is a good vid watched it a while ago. but i know how you feel fuzz, i too have tired of all the internet conspiracy stuff(so much misinfo mixed in with everything that it gets exausting just trying to figure out whats real and whos an agent) so i just look up in the sky and see all the pentagrams and x's in the sky. although i'm sure someone will come in here and set the record straight with a wikipedia link and tell me those are contrails and it's normal lol. another guy whos pretty interesting to listen to is jordan maxwell, mostly his older stuff where he goes into all the symbolism that stuff really gets me. rik clay had some interesting stuff on symbolism too but he dead now(vids are still up). also heres an image that seems fitting for this thread hehe:


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
grozzef- I always enjoy Jordan Maxwell's work. The Zeitgeist movie completely ripped off his and others work, and now they use that loose association to the zeitgeist since its a supposed disinfo project produced by the powers that be to discredit him

I would recommend checking out http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot.com/
Freeman has some great video's as well

and my personal Favorite Mr. David Icke.


I like how he ties it all together, and even includes metaphysical elements. A lot of people get hung up on his "shape shifting reptilian" theories without fully listening to the entirety of his lecture.Once you listen, you will find out that the "reptilian" theories arent even the craziest things he says.

Lastly Visit The rabbit hole on jtv. One stop shop for all docs. of this particular content. Alice is a great woman that strives hard to bring quality content and qualtiy discussion in her rooms. She has a second channel,Rabbit Hole Channel 2 that is more lecture oriented and in my opinion has more substance, but we all have to start with what we can handle and or understand. Tell her Fuzz420 sent you, but please be mindful of the rules she has set up, as it help promotes a higher quality of chat for all ages :)

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