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I learned to type via OG.

one Q

I took typing class in highschool and got a low D. I hated typing on this old Brothers typewriter... Got a gateway and still sucked. Hunt and Peck... all day.

Then I found OG and truly fell in love with Cannabis. I have always been in love with her, I remember seeing a plant in a book in Elementary School and KNEW there was something special about that plant. Fastforward a bunch of years and Im on OverGrow . Com... This is where I learned to type, cause I had to ask questions and read and learn and be involved.

So a big :thank you: to OG and Gypsy for allowing me to keep my typing skills up. I cant spell for shit still though.


I also took typing classes in high school during the mid nineties. I could do it but there wasn't much need for it in my everyday life. Then I bought my first computer in 1999 and decided to go buy a game for it. With no reference for what was available and what was what I walked into Best Buy and walked out with Everquest. It turns out it was the first week of release. So I played it and learned to type proficiently real fast. :)

F. Dupp

Active member
If it wasnt for all the naked women on the interwebs I would have never figured out how to use one of these mechanical pornbox thingies.


Rubbing my glands together
I took typing in 12th grade. Seemed like that's where all the girls were. I was the only boy in the class. I learned to type, and did some "pecking" with several of my class mates. A true win win!!!


weed fiend
Lol, at least you had a selectric. They still had the mechanical typewriters when I was in 9th grade. They called it junior high. Then they called is middle school. Now I hear a few are calling themselves junior high again. :chin:

One Love 731

Senior Member
Lol, I learned here. I was mentioning the other night I could pass a typing test, just wouldn't want them to see how I peck it out. Gotta love the ICMag. 1:ying:


I'd just like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to the creators of Spell Catcher
for without them my one finger typing skills would go to waste.


Active member
my typing skills were pretty good before overgrow....but OG def. helped make them more solid.

however, the years between then and now and all the posting, e-mailing, texting, etc....have made a "typical, lazy, internet typist"..... as you can tell from me almost never using caps, all the abbreviations, and all the ...............

i do try to spell perfectly , and use proper punctuation, and make my posts, and communications readable.

i don't really care all that much tho....it's kind of funny to think about :wave:
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I had to take 2 years of typing in HS but that was many years ago, IC keeps me crispy.

h^2 O

I know OF typing...I still kind of chicken peck though...I use probably 5 fingers out of ten, and that's when I'm really rolling. Still gets me like 40wpm though. I went into a transcription place once and was like yeah I can type 40wpm and the guy was like "all these people here can type at least 100wpm." I went home and smoked a bowl and watched TV.


Re: I learned to type via OG.

I bought a DAS mechanical keyboard that has totally blank keys. It really forces you to learn every key. That and the springs in the keys make you a faster typer.

Thats fucking awesome OG made you a better typist. I think WoW chat is what I learned off of.

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