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I know how to fix our Economies and our Planet!



It came to me like a dream, I just finished smoking some nice Purple Kush, lying in bed awake thinking.........Thinking about the problems of our world. Then it came to me and it made sense.

Geothermal Electric Plants

IF we started building electric plants that used the earth's heat to power the turbines we would all have cheaper electricity from greener sources. Think about it, you heat the water till it steams and drives the turbine then run it in a loop back to the heat source, it will constantly travel in a loop by convection. The heat source will be constant....endless supply of electricity. Think hover dam, but now geothermal. We can drill down a bit, tap into the molten core or just before it, insert a goodthermal conductor metal which will act as the never ending heat source which powers the whole plant. Natural hot springs, geysers, they all use geothermal energy.

Now imagine energy costs dropping all over North America, to a percentage of what they are now.....The economy would roar back to life, people, business, industry all would have more money and more energy to use. You just have to keep the greed power mongers at bay, they want to profit from energy and keep things the way they are.

Now why wouldn't this work?


Active member
we have those..mostly out west..i used to work on geo well's...great idea man..i forgot to mention...it's mostly private home's in nice hood's...there house's are heated by them...they do all kind's of stuff with steam...people need to start thinking of way's to get switched over to natty gas...there's plenty..we need to do all kind's of thing's...not just one or two.
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Yeah I know of geothermal drilling for heating homes, but have not heard of any big projects for producing electricity like a hydro dam or nuclear plant. Instead of using uranium or coal as fuel to power these plants, we could do it naturally with the earth's own thermal energy. We have the technology, we just don't have the will.

Imagine really really cheap electricity....it would change the world for the better.....Why aren't our governments doing something like this instead of going to war. IT would sure would be a better investment.

There are hotsprings all over the place that can be tapped into and can produce power indefinitely......no more fossil fuels. Imagine the environmental impact of all those coal plants in china going green with geothermal plants.....IT is the way for a better future.


Scoobs said:
....Why aren't our governments doing something like this instead of going to war. IT would sure would be a better investment.

Because the idiot son of an asshole we've had for president the last 8 years is a texas oil millionaire. The more oil American's consume the richer he becomes. Besides that the US Government is ruled by big business and politicians only care about their personal interests and what will make them rich.
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Scoobs said:
Imagine really really cheap electricity....it would change the world for the better.....

you sure about that? i mean, all us growers would love a cheaper bill, but this world is electrified enough...


Scoobs said:
We can drill down a bit, tap into the molten core or just before it, insert a goodthermal conductor metal which will act as the never ending heat source which powers the whole plant.

Now why wouldn't this work?

it'd be cheaper to build solar panels in space and beam the energy down.


Active member
Iron_Lion said:
Because the idiot son of an asshole we've had for president the last 8 years is a texas oil millionaire. The more oil American's consume the richer he becomes. Besides that the US Government is ruled by big business and politicians only care about their personal interests and what will make them rich.

My President is/was Not An Idiot.Good Grief..where You Been?

:::Exhale:::: China has 1 billion Chinese and they need oil.And it's 16 years wasn't it? Bush and Bush Jr. I'm a Republican so We Did Good Except For Clinton... He let all the illegals in u.s.a with no credit..it was soon to happen..global slowdown anyways.

I think it means....... Make Babies you Idiots!

Ever hear Russians giving $5,000 to have One.Go on a trip and be paid all year long Rabbit proof dude married russian horny wet ladies.I Bet You go and do it and say to yourself "I got laid and they call me an idiot" and You got married.


Iceland has been doing this for years and their power plant is also a tourist attraction where you can go swim in the thermal pools. Google it and you'll see a load of images. It's nothing new and has been around for a while. There was talk of setting it up to be tested in Hawaii a few years ago but seems nothing has come of it.


Cannabrex Formulator
Solving the immediate issue of carbon emmisions and the like by finding a claener way to make electricity is not the answer at all.....that will merely give us a temporary reprieve.

The main problem is the malignant, exploitative paradigm by which humanity has operarted for the last 5000+ years.......as long as we see this planet and all the living beings on it as merely things to exploit and abuse, we have no long term future.


Geothermal energy, fusion power, superconductors......all these things will just allow us to continue ravaging our planet for longer, with slightly less immediate damage.......the end result is the same.

It's humanity that has to change, not the technology we happen to be using.
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i agree with genkisan. we don't need more energy, actually we'd better stop wasting it right now but everyone knows that's never gonna happen.

do you think that with all the shit that's came along with the invention of oil running motors etc we'd need even more efficient ways keep on destructing everything around us?

and please don't make babies just because your government wants you to.


personally i think that if we perfect hair gain tablets we can all grow a nice thick layer of hair over our entire bodies. Thus rendering power for heating redundant. Also this renders the need for clothing redundant but at the same time increases the need for hair stylists and shampoo. Then and only then will Sasquatch feel comfortable and will once again be able to live along side us.


TNTBudSticker said:
I'm a Republican so We Did Good Except For Clinton... He let all the illegals in u.s.a with no credit..

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In the last 40 years we had 12 years where a democrat held the oval office of president but you are right dam Clinton's

Geothermal does not work every where it causes rock shifts in the ground which could result in earthquakes

They drill down to a certain temperature and pump water at the desired depth and then collect the steam to run the turbines

I do not think they are really sure what might happen over long periods of pumping water at those depths

Solar. It's unlimited. It's free (except for infrastructure). There are few adverse geological or environmental effects. As a companion technology to solar, a huge investment needs to be made in developing battery technology--not just efficiency but safe disposal/recycling.

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I am not talking about building the traditional inefficient geothermal power plants that pump water through the ground. I am talking about building highly efficient innovative power plants that can benefit everybody. You don't have to drill 17 miles down, you just have to drill at the right places and tap into the heat source and conduct it up to the surface....like a hot spring but hotter using metal to conduct the heat up to the surface. Then at the surface you can build dozens of turbine pipes around the heat source, like a coiled up slinky...The potential is unlimited, the environemtnal impact is small......This can be done, if there is enough will. Solar panels are a good start and every home should have them but what is the environmental impact of manufacturing all the solar panels and the constant replacement of them?

Energy technology is the future!!!

We deserve free energy, it is everybody's planet. I know it is hard for some of you to imagine, but the government actually used to help people and build things.

The alternative is more greed, more war, more fighting over resources, more starvation, more environmental damage, more disease, more extinctions, more genocides. I had to say more because all these things are happening already.


solar really isn't that "green" of a technology, sure, once you have the solar panels, batteries, etc etc installed, you get "free" energy for the life of the system, but the environmental impact from producing solar panels (mining, processing which releases toxic waste) is actually great, the infrared light reflected from the panels is also trapped by greenhouse gases; also, solar is unreliable and requires the use of a backup power source to provide power when the panels are unable to collect enough energy to recharge the batteries (night, long periods of cloud cover); sure, solar has it's place, and its great for the few people who want to live off the grid, but it really isn't feasible as a large scale method of electricity production


I'm interested in seeing more work done to develop solar-thermal energy, basicly harnessing the heat the sun produces rather than the light its self. There was a project being done in Austrailia that is very interesting, they are basicly building a tower that catches hot air made by the sun to drive turbines, like a super wind farm basicly.

Finding good ways to harness the power of the sea is also of interest.

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