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I just started my first Micro grow need help!


Hey for teas I got a 40GPH pump, is that good enough? I read places that you need at least 1.5 gpm, 40gph=.6gpm just wondering if that will suffice or if i should toss the brew :peacock:


Hey for teas I got a 40GPH pump, is that good enough? I read places that you need at least 1.5 gpm, 40gph=.6gpm just wondering if that will suffice or if i should toss the brew :peacock:

Kinda depends on the volume to be brewed, no?

MicrobeMan's page says the min "flow rate" is 0.05 CFM per gallon with 0.08 CFM per gal beingoptimum... that's a different unit of measurement than "Gallons Per Hour" or "Gals Per Minute"...

40 GPH = 0.08913 CFM/gal... so, if you're only talking about a volume of 1 gal, looks like you're spot on... if, however, you're talking a volume of 5 gals of tea to be brewed, then it would seem you're waaay short (even 2 gals would be marginally shy of the min std)...

Or am I missing something?


yea exactly I was real baked when I posted that about brew I had the gallon going and it was bubbly on top and smelled a bit sweet. Thanks for that specific flow rate I looked everywhere yesterday and day before... I figured I was good though with the gallon.


9 fingers

9 fingers

sneak peak


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Hey guys quick Q, typically how often should you be watering 5 G? I watered this past sunday and its still moisture a knuckle deep? Should I add more holes for air and drainage?




Still at large...
Hey guys quick Q, typically how often should you be watering 5 G? I watered this past sunday and its still moisture a knuckle deep? Should I add more holes for air and drainage?



more holes will help the soil breath, especially important when root systems are still developing to the container.
IME, with a 5 gal. in beginning of veg usually a wk before next watering if soaked to run off maybe more, I usually water kinda light when the plant isnt drinking that much volume, it helps by allowing the soil to breath more, root search for water gaining in mass, and watering more frequently in turn = more oxygen in the soil.


Hey guys, getting into week 3 flower here.

Looking for some input on trimming off the lower stuff at this point. I've read a bit about this. I figure either way not going to make much difference however I would rather juicy buds at top than popcorn buds at bottom. Check the pics for details. I'm debating myself weighing possibility of popcorn buds vs shock at this point (I don't know what to expect from small 2nd shoot on bottom as Im new to this).
Either way I'm pretty happy at this rescue mission thus far. Gonna brew up some high P and N teas tonight as some lower fans died last week. I figured the soil from the TP to 5 gallon would suffice for nutes; but I didn't let soil sit for long b4 TP, so teas can't hurt at this point. :tiphat:




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some more pics got some leaf tips curling up, any ideas, should I be worried? Soil is not draining the best added more holes for air hope that helps.



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Thanks man! Poked some more holes last night with box cutter which was tedious process trying not to disturb roots. A lesson learned haha, I noticed some roots sticking out. They are lighter this morning, first time in couple weeks so thats good, trying to promote oxygen and make sure no nastys start growing in there. Going to hit them with a tea tomorrow finally now that I got drainage under control.


Over the past week I confirmed I have some type of mites in my run off. I collected specimen and had a look at it under a microscope. Problem is I could not ID it specifically and had limited time with microscope; even the expert I talked to only could say it was a mite.

I have been treating now for 3 weeks with freq altered water as a foiler spray, and this past week I did one neem oil soil drench and 3 foiler applications of neem. I wish I had been proactive and treated with neem during veg but I really had no clue(maybe being a beginner). I bought the Mega wash 3 weeks ago when I suspected bite marks on foliage... I confirmed pests were present when feeding with tea; the dark contrast of the tea in the runoff tray made it easy to spot larvae and collect the mite sample I looked at.

At this point bud are looking pretty good for week 5 compared to other buds I see online(maybe stunted a tad; got quality just not looking like amazing yield) so I don't think the infestation is out of control... I just pray now I don't end up with webs on my buds.
I haven't seen any signs that they are spider mites other than the odd fuzzy on leaves but I might just be paranoid...plus the mites I identified were in the run off- I was under the impression spider mites stay in foliage.. plus when I viewed mite under microscope it was beige not two spotted or red...

SO here is my dilemma: do I keep treating with neem in soil and use freq wash... hopefully mega wash will zap anything on foilage and neem will slow down mites in soil... or switch to a straight flush and hope the pest population doesn't take off during next two weeks.... I have been keeping temps down below 70 as much as I can, Also going to get diatomacous earth and see if shop has some spinosad tomorrow just in case. I do want to keep it a pure flush the next couple weeks though if possible.

Any ideas/discussion would be much appreciated I have not been able to get any discussion going in other threads I posted in today. It has been an uphill battle for my first grow but I am almost there and pumped to have a quality organic product(knock on wood).




You know man, I saw a guy the other day, here - somewhere, here - and he started his thread out with ''sorry guys I thought you were all wrong and it was an imbalance: but it was broad mites."

So it turns out that there is one of the crop destroying mites, -not spider mites, that is SO SMALL
its little bites don't show up as specified spotting where cells are damaged:

they show up as .... well as something, kinda like, what you've got. And the guy said there's a simple test, and it's to get a clean, white paper plate, or something that is white and pristine you can catch incredibly small mites on, and see them moving as opposed to the typical dust and litter on a plant - dand go from plant to plant, THUMPING the LEAVES from the TOP with the CLEAN PLATE BELOW, to CATCH ANY that fall off.

He said you MIGHT want to get something to magnify - but he said you can, and filmed himself or photographed I don't remember - visually spotting some little, LITTLE TINY mites that fell onto the plate WITHOUT any lenses- he just put the paper plate or whatever it was under a bright light: you can see them moving.

I think you should check that, because doggone mites will get in from anywhere.

It's just a thought - but when I did it some mites fell onto the plate along with some dust and tiny fragments of wind borne matter, dust: but the mites, MOVE.

If you've got em immediately go to the net and look up 'insecticide soap'.

Someone will explain the steps to get rid of mites, there aren't any shortcuts really except if they're still in veg you can spray with insecticidal soap or whatever quick cheap insecticide you can get or make

If people near you smoke tobacco you can somehow get some tobacco and make nicotine poison: it'll kill anything that walks or crawls, although people dismiss it as sorta low rent due to the odor of old cigarettes and the current cultural "war on tobacco".

You may wanna read up on that sorta thing if you thump the leaves and some extremely tiny little mites come off them onto your white background object.

Just sayin; I saw the guy's post JUST days ago and his plants were kinda getting sickly and then acting sick but no spider mites or aphids were found. The type that are so small they're even SMALLER than Spider mites are called Broad Mites if I recall correctly.

You were right man I should of taken this post very seriously. The signs were so subtle tho as a beginner I just thought it was def. of some sort, plus the little bastards are so small I never saw any on the plants and I never saw them when I used the method of shaking like you suggested. Also I check the girls at least 2 a day, sometimes more I have yet to see any on the plants just in run off.

These broad mights are classified as arachnids so I wonder if they can put webs on the leaves/buds. I am definitely going to research this specific type of mite because it is very similar to the one I viewed under microscope.



Just wanted to say thanks to every one on here. Ended up with some nice dried herb. Got mites under control with neem and freq. water. Really smooth smoke from the end product. Only thing I would of dried less I dried for two weeks and over did it with humidity being really low and temp too high. Ive been curing it for like 4 weeks now in sealed mason jars... smoking some along the way couldn't help myself...it just tastes better and is smoother than what I can usually get my hands on, and it provides an easy chill feeling not too heavy on the head which is what I prefer for evenings. Makes me wonder what I have been smoking all these years in terms of pesticides/fert/etc(a bit of a wake up call)(organic vs synthetic) Anyways I feel like it was a success for my first run. Im going to plan better in future around flowering feeding sched. and harvest time. Also fix little details I missed first time around(drainage bigger pots, being proactive with pests, having more watts).

Thanks again for all of your help.
