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i just caught a BlackWidow spider,,,now what??

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
ok ok,,, so im cleaning the carpets in the living room,,, and i go to turn off machine so i can grab a spliff to smoke,,, as i look down i see little black thing,,, thougght it was trash or something,,, so i goto pick it up and it runs for me barefoot,,, so i run back to office and grab mason jar,, and now i got this fucker locked up tight in an old mason...

i love catching animals,,, coyotes,,, rabbits,, etc... but spiders have always facinated me... and i can tell instant he is black widow,,, long legs,, small body,,, huge belly,, with the 2 connected triangles on his stomach

normaly i would not think twice,, but my gurl is terrified and she wants me to get the house sprayed. but thats going to cost more money than id like to allot,, so im thinking if anyone has any experience using pest//spider bombs,,, and how effective are they?

or should i just spend the money and have professionals come out and spray?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
ps,,, i threw a nug in the mason jar,,, and i think spideys trying to munch it

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
UBER21 said:
Aren't those fuckers poisonus???

Although these spiders are not especially large, their venom is extremely potent (it is also reported to be much more potent than the venom of cobras and coral snakes).

Compared to many other species of spiders, their chelicerae are not very large or powerful. In the case of a mature female, the hollow, needle shaped part of each chelicera, the part that penetrates the skin, is approximately 1.0 millimeters (about .04 in) long, long enough to inject the venom to a point where it can be harmful. The males, being much smaller, inject far less venom with smaller chelicerae.

The actual amount injected, even by a mature female, is very small in physical volume. When this small amount of venom is diffused throughout the body of a healthy, mature human, it usually does not amount to a fatal dose (though it can produce the very unpleasant symptoms of latrodectism). Deaths in healthy adults from Latrodectus bites are relatively rare in terms of the number of bites per thousand people. Sixty-three deaths were reported in the United States between 1950 and 1959[16]. On the other hand, the geographical range of the widow spiders is very great. As a result, far more people are exposed, worldwide, to widow bites than to bites of more dangerous spiders, so the highest number of deaths worldwide are caused by members of their genus. Widow spiders have more potent venom than most spiders, and prior to the development of antivenin, 5%[17] of reported bites resulted in fatalities. The venom can cause a swelling up to 15 cm. Improvements in plumbing have greatly reduced the incidence of bites and fatalities in areas where outdoor privies have been replaced by flush toilets.

There are a number of active components in the venom:

A number of smaller polypeptides - toxins interacting with cation channels which display spatial structure homology - which can affect the functioning of calcium, sodium, or potassium channels.
The venom is neurotoxic.
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Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Squish the fu@ker and move on. You can find black widows all over the place, usually hiding under rocks or in wood piles. On a positive note, they're pretty territorial so it's uncommon to find 2 black widows hanging close together. If you need to do something to settle your girl, make sure you dont have stuff piled up against your house...and watch where you grab if you're moving stuff around.

Peace & Squished Black Widows


Wow damn a Neurotoxin thats not good....I saw one dude who got bitten by a indian cobra and his skin literally burned off on his stomach and left a gaping hole showing his intestines due to the toxic venom.....thats some crazy shit man good find....

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Sort of related....
A chicken or two free ranging around your place will dramatically reduce your bug / spider population everywhere they can reach. Of course...the reduction in bugs / spiders will be matched by an increase in chicken poop....but if you get hens you'll get eggs for the trouble

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
what wierd is this happnd not at the farm,,,, got the family all up in the rental house in town until we bring the newborn home..we right in the suburbs and my neighbors proly kill me if i brought a group of chickens&&roosters to live with us,,, but more i think about it,,, i should build chiccken coop at the house and get us some little hell raisers

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
UBER21 said:
Wow damn a Neurotoxin thats not good....I saw one dude who got bitten by a indian cobra and his skin literally burned off on his stomach and left a gaping hole showing his intestines due to the toxic venom.....thats some crazy shit man good find....

damn that sound like somthing out of movie ALIENS


lol....Yeah man it was pretty nasty he was a snake handler for like 10 years and slipped up messing with a cobra and it caught him right in the gut....he nearly died from the bite because the hospital didnt have cobra anti-venom....the toxic venom ate away at his stomach in about 30 min......shit was crazy...


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Just so you know, you caught a female. Yeah, a bite would hurt but, you have to be pretty darn sick or infirm for it to harm you. Growtech's first post covers it well. Just give the area a good vacuuming. Pull out book cases, move low coffee tables and beds, anyplace that could provide a hidey hole. Who want's to bring a new baby into a house sprayed with poison?


Freedom Fighter
FreezerBoy said:
Just so you know, you caught a female. Yeah, a bite would hurt but, you have to be pretty darn sick or infirm for it to harm you. Growtech's first post covers it well. Just give the area a good vacuuming. Pull out book cases, move low coffee tables and beds, anyplace that could provide a hidey hole. Who want's to bring a new baby into a house sprayed with poison?

Pretty much, except I have been bit, and like an idiot, didn't go to the Dr's...until on the 3rd day, I had a red line up my arm, and a lump like a golf ball under my arm...blood poisoning-- I went to the ER, and got a shot, and some antibiotics pumped into me...I was fine after-- But yeah....squish her....bitches kill their mates after fucking...they are no good!! lol!!


Registered Med User
If you see a couple more then worry, otherwise no need for poison or anything like that. Blackwidows are a bitch, I got a car that had been sittin for a while and it was filled with um. Pretty aggressive when they got an egg around. The males are brown and smaller and usually harmless. After they mate they kill the male and suck out his blood, thats why they called a Widow.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Vincent Price kicked ass! Alice tries hard but, Price was in a league of his own.


Active member
Do What I've learned and My Roomies had to do the same thing when we got a house to Room and found one outside by the wall.

Grab a can of WD-40 Not paintcan.you're not painting anything...LOL

And use a lighter and light the wd-40 spray and fry the whole area in case of eggs with Fire-sprayed wd-40 firestreamer..

Works Wonder Good ! Just don't hold the lighter too close to the can.

I do the same thing with Ants..follow the trail while cooking them smells good!



FreezerBoy said:
Just so you know, you caught a female. Yeah, a bite would hurt but, you have to be pretty darn sick or infirm for it to harm you. Gr
I agree,I was bitten by a female 4 years ago.I wasn't sick or unhealthy at the time but I still got pretty sick,threw up for a couple of days.The wildest part was that I was bitten on the hand but ended up with a red streak that followed the main vein on my forearm for about 12 inches.My arm also burned like fire for a couple days and litterally radiated heat.The brown recluse was far worse though and took many months to heal,Lol.I hate spiders.


If it bites you youll swell up like a blimp they are bad bad news.1
