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I have to go to jail on friday for 1 month. How bad does it suck?


ghost in training
Yup.. extreme bordeom. Atleast you don't have to do time in tent city.. and wear pink underwater+socks and towel. Just remember that no one really wants to be in there and keep your business as your business and it should pan out alright


it won't be as bad as you think unless you get a prick trying to fuck with you. Stick to yourself, locate those who you can shoot the shit on the day to day and leave people the fuck alone. Also depending on your age, leave the young ones alone who are puffin their chests at you.

Remember it is ONLY 1 month. Now if you were in fed, I would say hang with your race and don't touch anybodies shit and hope they don't touch yours.

Also, if someone does want to fight DON'T... you will end up stuck there longer, then it keeps extending. Not worth it, no pride to prove in the pen. Everyone in there got there because they did something stupid SO don't feel like you need to prove SHIT to anyone.

Be friendly, don't talk politics, religion, gangs, neighborhoods or anything that might corner you into a division with others. Keep on music, arts, books, get excersize and keep your head up and your eyes on your back.

Do not say you have mixed race anything to try and get buddies, if it is true then great but don't try and pretend to be something you are not because spotting fakes won't be that hard in there lol.

that is a funny ass comment though AND I don't see you being the only white. You do know texas has plenty of us white boys over there as well.

I also would never bring up my time or talk about it as though you are a seasoned penpal either. You fucked up, gunna do a bit a time and get out and anyways they don't need to be asking your time or what you did in the first place.

On that hit a big guy bullshit, that is the fastest way to be turned into a punk. You puff like that and knock someone out then you will be in for double/triple the time THEN have his buddies and him to deal with as well especially if you didn't even send him to the infirm.

stick to your own and you will be fine

too many people watch too many movies lol

for instance, that damn drop the soap shit. If they want to fuck your shit up they will and that could happen anywhere. Damn movies lol.

I would just keep an eye out for those up and comers who think its cool to be there and trying to go home with stories of what they did while there.

hey I wanted to vote this guys post as "helpful" but it said I couldnt vote anymore. :( I guess I wasted it on the douche above who said "call the waambulance" when I said his post was NOT helpful (not in the least, and disrespectful..I dont care if this guy does 2 hours, it 2 hours MORE THAN ANY OF US want to do..so chill douchey)

anyway..to the poster I quoted..I agree totally, and was laughing up above looking at the movie cliches being parroted like "kick someones ass the first day" yeah good advice there..just kill someone the first day there ya go..then you'll be stuck for life but at least no one will fuck w/ you..right? right??? I doubt it..

to the op..it's only county..some county's are worse than others..I went to a jail one time that served hot coffee and a FULL breakfast (I'm talking sausage waffles syrup, bacon..and like a cookie or some shit I forget..but it was hilarious) better than any continental breakfast at holiday inn, but they also made you wear pink sandals as soon as you step in the door.

then another jail I went to, in the good ol capitol city (of my state) was a straight shithole county..piss in every corner, drunks and nasty people everywhere..OVERCROWDED to the max..(also got strip searched cuz some brothers wanted to be down and puff a joint in there..so all 150 of us got to "squat and cough") and they gave your food 3 times a day in a brown bag..you got a bologna sandwich , a bag of chips, and a sugar cookie, and a fucking POUCH/or BAG of ORANGE DRINK..yummyy...

so I guess the answer is, it depends on how big of a county you are in, how ghetto, how poor..the holiday inn jail I was in, it was in redneckville, smaller jaill..I'd venture to say any of the bigger city county jails will be no picnic though (you have lifers..even in a county jail)

PS: to the op: be thankful you at least have a DATE to expect when to get out. for me that was the worst part, was not knowing what the hell was going on :)


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
@ county jail intake it funny to watch the guys that say they have a monkey on their back or are suicidal... they take them out, strip them, put a paper gown on them and put em in a cell with no mattress.

It's a hoot.... dunno how good it gets from there....


I think the lights always stay on lol

I would rather deal with cellies then solitary especially with a month count down in county/local


During chow time when everyone is sitting down and you have to get up and walk for some reason, make sure you walk around the outside of the tables and not in between, this is too keep the peace and prevent someone from taking advantage of another prisoner that's sitting and not ready to fight back. I spent 5 days in county here in SD for possession. It wasn't as bad as everyone says. I didn't bother anyone and nobody bothered me, shitty food, you'll do a lot of trading at the chow table so having someone on the outside to put money on the books for you is critical. Emails from pals help more than you can imagine. Just keep your mouth shut and ask the "white rep" in your lockup about ettiquette at that particular jail and you should have all the info you need to make your time pass quickly, good luck in there bro and spend lots of time reading books that make your think cuz that's what you'll have a lot of time to do peace


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I"m sure that it's a real hoot down at Los Angeles County Jail - whoa!

I was in oaklands and that was a blast lol, haven't played around in l.a. though, too clausterphobic for that shitty city.

too be young again

hell these days they are locking the older guys up as well so who knows maybe I should start doing pushups just incase and work on making space in my "wallet" lol.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I was in oaklands and that was a blast lol, haven't played around in l.a. though, too clausterphobic for that shitty city

I did 3 hours at Orange County Jail in 1979 when I quickly learned the value of having legal representation ON RETAINER and not standing next in line at the phone pleading with friends/relatives to get some cash over to the jail.

What a pussy, eh? LOL



2 Months isn't the most ever but shit I was in jail for 14 hours..damn dui...Next to some homeless dude who was literally dieing of liver failure, he smelled of death. Said the police took his bottle of Skol and Pepsi..Point is jail puts your life in perspective, no matter how long you're in there.

Me and CC doin hard time lol!


Active member
keep yourself to yourself and you will be fine ,,,, if not and u get a random prick starting shit that you cant hide from and they trying to bully you ,,,,, hurt them hard quick and brutally put the fear of god in them :)
good luck

Clackamas Coot

Active member
keep yourself to yourself and you will be fine ,,,, if not and u get a random prick starting shit that you cant hide from and they trying to bully you ,,,,, hurt them hard quick and brutally put the fear of god in them :)
good luck
You could also do the schtick from 'Beverly Hills Cop' when Eddie Murphy does the deal with the head waiter about his 'condition' with body parts falling off.

It could work with a younger crowd perhaps?



Living with the soil
The big $$$ is in chew....cheap cans on the outside smuggled in can fetch upwards of around 30 bucks a can. I knew a guy that would pack in 6 cans in his ass every day when he came in from the road crew. Then the guys that are addicted to that shit put it in their lip.
A single taylor made smoke was 5 bucks! But smoking will get you thrown in the hole for a month. People got stomped all the time due to tobacco debts.

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