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I have the worst luck of anyone I know......when will it ever end?

I sincerely hope everything starts to brighten up for you. Your story helps me put some of my bad luck into perspective and helps me realize that It could be alot worse. Tgs.


A real problem is one that money can't solve, and some of those things you mentioned like injury and illness are indeed real problems.

But on the other hand, you are being rewarded as we speak. Your reward is this: by caring for a sick animal your capacity for love increases. You've got a big heart. Do not trivialize this, it's the most important thing there is. There are many people who go their whole lives and can't open their hearts the way you can. In this regard you are truly blessed.

Dogs and people will die, money will come and go, illness and injury happens to us all. But love will remain with you and increase if you cultivate it, which you are doing. Good luck to you, you are a quality human being. If I knew you I would want to be friends with you.


Might try learning to be more optimistic. I saw a news casts that said that people who were more optimistic cut their chances of getting depression by up to 50%. Maybe counseling...quit THC for a time...get more sun and fresh air. Time for some attention to your own self - first! Think through the negative occurrences and see if there is some pattern you have fallen into unaware. Change some bad habits into better ones. Go back to school or get a new hobby. And above all - Refuse to be defeated! Never say Never!Get you finances in order and eliminate excess or bs spending! Read a book. Do some easy stretching...stay limber...more sun every day...at least 15 minutes...get laid!


This stuff is def not og kush. I had some sour in there as well and that came out great, nice nose and super frosty. Ironically out of the whole thing there were 2 plants that were OG and came out great. I just wish it would have all been that stuff.

I'm def optimistic, but then again there's reality and if anything I simply believe in Being rational.
I know many of the choices I've made were mine to make and
I'm not here to cry to anybody but it does feel good to vent to like minded individuals.

Like you guys said someones always got it worst and I count my blessings everyday despite my recent bad streak of luck. That's partly why I don't mind telling people of the recent downfalls I've had. When they hear I hope it might put things in perspective for some and that they realize their bad times aren't so bad after all.

Thanks to all for the well wishes though it really means a lot to me. I actually feel a lot better knowing you guys are supportive and even some are willing to help a guy like me out. I'm just more of an introverted person who isn't used to asking for help ever but it's nice To know so many people have me in their thoughts. I sincerely hope the coming months and my next harvest comes in without any issues.
Thanks again to everyone. if I haven't gotten back to any PM's I'll do so Tom. God bless you all. Good night.
norcal, all the best wishes go out to u bro. u've done the toughest part, reaching out for advice & acknowledging you are in a bad state. your introversion only keeps things bottled & manifesting in your mind. this is the worst thing to do. so, we r here for ya man. least i know i am if you ever need to just vent. one thing i can suggest is this - what energy & vibes you put out into the world or those around u, i what u receive back in return. so, do try ur best to think positively & you will see that other positive energies & cicrcumstances will follow. it is so damn difficult to do when you're down, i kno, but you must try & think positively about today & tomorrow. the past is just that, past. spending energy on things that already have happd & are out of your control to change is just taxing your mindset w/ no benefit to follow. its impossible to forget a dog or pet, i know. but, accepting the situation & moving on is where you shall find & see how much strength u have. i hate hearing it could be worse, bc we are individuals. a girl who loses a gucci purse could mourn the loss just as much as a another girl mourns the loss of her cat. so, everyone takes bad circumstances differently. sure, u are in the usa & not ethiopia or whatever, but, u have feelings & they are unique. so, i never say others have it worse, so buck up. if anything, when im told that, i feel even worse knowing people suffer more than i am, i don;t take pleasure or solace in that advice. all i can say is life is short, do whatever you can to enjoy the positive things you Do have in your life & focus on the positive things you want & are working for in the future. goodluck norcal & stay up bro. i have an aging dobey who is starting get white whiskers, i can't even think about what you had to go thru. i am sorry for your loss. peace & God bless

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