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I have 2 females, but I'm having a hard time sexing this one... Please help!


Active member
Other 2 plants have definate hairs, they are about a month maybe 40 days into veg. Other 2 plants showed last week. I can't tell on this one so much, I'm thinking it's male. I'm pretty sure it's a male but I want some oppinions.
I don't have room for 3 plants so one needs to go. I also need to flower within the next week and can't wait around much longer. Please help!

I got plenty of pics for you guys... spent about an hour trying different angles, settings, ect lol

(Click to enlarge)

Please help guys, I'm in a bind! Thank you all very much! :yes:


have they been under 12/12 at all....it looks to me like a female but as a first time grower my knowledge isnt always accurate

Tom Hill

Active member
Try looking higher up the meristem than these pics and see if something is more firmly developed up there, you may have to gently pull back a stipule to have a look. -T


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
looks like a male,

give it a couple days, you'll know then for sure


Probably a male...if it is now you can dust those other 2 females lower branches for seeds.....:))))
What strain is this anyways?



Active member
Those were the biggest looking balls on the entire plant. And it's bubbledust. I guess I'll wait until Monday but if it's not completely showing by then it's getting the chop because I like to use scrog and this plant just didn't branch out like the other two.


Female Preflower for comparison

Female Preflower for comparison

Hey there, I thought I'd post pics of the pre-flowers on plants I've clones for sex & have confirmed as female. I always thought they'd be bigger, even the 20X magnifier I have leaves me mystified. As far as I can tell, the more elongated ones are females - I have plants into their 16th week of vegetative growth and I still have yet to see little white hairs. Excuse the fact it's slightly whited out - it's under a 1000 Watt light.


The preflower is smaller than the stipule.
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Looks like male but light leaks cause females to take a while longer to show sex. Also some strains or phenotypes just take a while to show, plain and simple.

Most probable cause of taking long time to show sex is just the plant itself is a little slow. Not ur fault. Every plant is gonna be a little different, just like your brothers and sisters are all a little different.