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I hate hydro

ok... what the hell??

It happened again....

I went to check on my single girl just a half hour ago and I noticed the tell-tale yellowing and dying, beginning at the top. So I pulled her lid and put it on another bucket, and sure enough..... her airstone had stopped working.

It's not a problem with the pump or check valve because I connected another airstone and it worked fine. I dumped her res, washed the inside of her buckets, put in a working airstone and HOPEFULLY she will recover since I caught it early this time.

What could cause the airstones to randomly fail/clog like this??
Just cheap? They're the blue ones available at wal mart.

The thing is, I switched her air pump so she's on a different pump than original dying girl.... so that rules out a defect with the pump blowing dust or someting into the stone, I would think.

Any ideas?


Make sure you soak your airstones for at least an hour in water before using them. If not, they will fail quickly, and won't put out the air like they should.

They do flake out, but I find they last at least a month or two in the system when everything else is in shape.

Sometimes you just get a crappy stone that won't work right for anything. It happens. However, I'm betting you need to soak yours before use. Sometimes you can pull em out and wash em down and get them working better, but why bother when they're 88 cents a piece? I only do that in a crunch.

The plant will recover just fine, I promise. Bringing dead sticks back to life is VERY easy with a bubbler. Just let 'er rip, and keep a stash of good airstones ready at all times.

Hope that helps! :wave:
I actually did soak the stones for about 2 hours before I initally set them up (2.5 months ago).

I noticed that the check valves do slightly restrict the air flow. The way I have it set up, the pump hangs above the top level of the bucket, so I may just remove the valves.... or would that still be a bad idea?

It seems like the airstones just slowly lose their "oomf" and then finally crap out.

Is it normal to just have to replace them every month or so? I mean, they're only 3.99 at Wally World but if they're gonna keep crapping out like this I'd rather just replace them ever so often so I don't have to worry.


Yup....check valves do slow it down. I have my pump above the water level and no check valves. Ran that way for about 3 years now.

The stones do wear out quickly....I'd say 1-2 months tops. After 2.5 months I'd say they're about done. However, I have some in my momma cab that last a lot longer. I just watch em and when they start to diminish I replace them. Are you using the big 6" flat ones? I find those fail quicker and don't really produce more bubbles than the 1" stone. The 1" stones are 88 cents each....much cheaper. I'd use those if I was you.
Ya, I use the 6 inch flat ones just because that's what my buddy uses and they fit so nicely in between the bottoms of the buckets. I may pick up the 1" stones enxt time I'm at the Mart.

Interestingly, I pulled out the little black "plug" at the end of the stones and looked through them..... you can see there is definitely some sort of buildup inside the stone's airway itself which probably contributes to their failure.

I wonder if they can be cleaned and re-cycled until they crap out again.....

EDIT: Just to clarify, I do soak the stones before I use them.
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Yeah, I noticed you are soaking them...that's good. I am not super experienced with the 6" stones. I have used them once or twice, but they just didn't seem to do as well. You might be right that they can be cleaned out some and re-used. Try it out! :yes:


New member
Redundancy can help with airstones

Redundancy can help with airstones

While my experience with hydro is minimal, I have had numerous aquariums and quite a bit of experience with the ever problematic "airstone" particullarly in tanks with live vegitation (a similar enviornment to a bucket full of roots). In an aquarium it is easy to observe as the stones lose their efficency and the bubbles decrease. Frequent checks of a stone at the bottom of a light-proof bucket is more problematic and decreased output can creep up on you.

If you want fairly hassle-free "pleace of mind" try using two (or if you are really paranoid even 3) smaller air stones. It is unlikely both or all will clog at the same time and thus you'll always have some air flowing if one jams. Airline valve/splitter assemblies are inexpensive and available at any Petsmart or aquarium store. Spend the extra $$ to get a high end (and powered) air pump and you can run many small stones off one pump with adequate pressure. The other option, though not real practical with individual buckets, is a "secondary" aeration system. In my grow I opted to use airstone(s) in my reservoir and a recirculating drip system (submerged pump w/ a distributor and spaghetti tubes w/ drippers) knowing how problematic airstones can be. The water drips through the rockwool/hydroton, cascading down the roots and into the resevoir below. This provides a significant source of aeration and it's my understanding that even if the airpump/stones fail completely, this constant recirculation will provide adequate aeration to keep my girls alive indefinitely. I've never heard of having "too much aeration" but a lack of air can be quickly fatal.

Like you, I have almost thrown in the towel on hydro and switched to soil several times but despite the costs/complexities/hassles I'm still glad I stuck it out. I'm hopeful that my end results will further confirm this! Good luck with your grow!




I do not know what to tell you...This pic is of a first time grower...Growing for the first time and that means growing Hydro for the first time....With OG kush which is supposed to be finicky and hard to grow....

Your technique needs help that is all....and i am sure the attitude is only from failing....I killed a plant once...But it was MY FAULT not the plants...or my style of growing...I just messed up....It is hard on the heart to loose a plant...But you get back on the Bike and keep on growing and learning....Growing and learning are kinda the same thing....Good luck on future grows...

I LOVE HYDRO! Dirt is just Dirty hahaha just kidding


Active member
I've had problems with airstones/ pumps failing and finaly upgraded to high preasure air pumps and $20 UNDERWATER INOVATIONS ceramic airstones. there expensive but worth it, I used mine through a whole grow already and there still as good as the day I bought them without any cleaning. and if they do need to be cleaned u can use murriatic acid.

I changed the airstone like 7 hours ago.
She has started looking "droopy" since then.

Air temp at 81F, 40% humidity.

Is she going to die on me too?
well, i went out the other week and bought a couple more of the same airstones I've been using, and I also picked up a few of the 1" airstones as suggested.

I soaked the 6 inch airstone for about an hour and a half and put it in the bucket.... things were good. However, within 5 days, the output had been reduced to almost nill and I changed to the 1 inch stone hoping it'd last longer.

Well, it did last longer, but not by much.... it maybe lasted almost two weeks, and I had to replace it tonight. This single grow, I've gone through 7 airstones!! This seems quite abnormal to me, n00b or not. What could cause this?

On the bright side, I'm still going to have a substantial harvest, and I'll get some pics up in the next few weeks when I finally cut her down. Thanks for all the help, despite my "attitude."


Active member
Try upgrading to some high quality ceramic airstones or the that air tubing that BLIND DATE uses.

I used mine through an entire grow with no redution in output.
available at....? your friendly neighborhood aquarium supply store?

hahah check out how ugly this girl is.... if I could get my friggin macro mode to work properly (new camera, and photography n00b), I'd show you she still has some decent resin on her :joint:



Active member
I use longer airstones... 12" or so in length...haven't read all of this thread but figuring you haven't got enough room?

Used them plenty of times in grows.... I give them a bit of a scrub after use with a nail brush ... lightly because they wear away otherwise.



Active member
Just go to the local pet store and get some nice airstones. If you do get the kind with suction cups, glue those suckers to the bottom. They never hold. I like the discs as well for buckets,but I like longer air stones or bars for larger containers.
Well, I don't hate it sooo much anymore.... have a look for yourself:

That's not including any of the lower popcorn buds.

Coudlve been much better, but live and learn, I guess. The next go around figures to be even better :joint:
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Active member
See it's not that bad. You'll get better and better. Once you find a strain that fits you as well. You'll be amazed.

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