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I had a effed' spider dream!


Active member

A couple years back. I was quite high, and walked out of my room. To see what I thought was a huge Brown Recluse jump at me. I shrieked like a lil girl friend. Scared the sh*t out of me.

As far as dreams. I have always had dreams so vivid. It is hard to tell if I am awake, or sleeping. Leads to some awesome dreams, but some scary ones as well. Best to you...D


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I vote night terror. I've had them, myself. Hard as fuck to sleep afterward because every itch feels like bugs crawling on you.


Active member
My vote goes to night terrors too. I just woke from a nasty ass vivid nightmare, me and the bed were DRENCHED in sweat. Second nightmare in about 10 days. That is one of the main reasons I smoke. NO dreams. They're usually fucked anyway. And I get much better rest without 'em. But I'm doing a tolerance break. Just might 'break' that.

Anyway, I once read, on average humans are usually within 10' (think it was less) of a spider at most times in their lives. Seemed plausible given the critters in the walls and shit.

When I was in Saudi they had these camel spiders that were as big as your hand. Nasty looking fuckers but I don't think they could hurt you. Only ever saw smaller ones, like 3-4". But we did kill a real nasty looking snake. Australia has some big nasty looking spiders too. Count your blessings. :tiphat:


I laughed so hard when I read this...dreams dreams dreams...This has happened to me more than once. One time it was so fukin real I flung out of bed, turned the lights on and made my husband help me look for it....you know in the middle of dark night. My husband had to convince me...honey he said, it was dark, how could you see it so vividly? uuuum good point...but man it felt real, but then again I have orgasms in my sleep too.
crazy shyt! lol

guest 77721

bleah Spiders. I just killed a big one in the downstairs bathroom. It was bigger than a book of matches and fast too. Have you ever noticed that they all seem to come out at once? It's like weasel stomping day!!!


Active member
Wow thanks for all the support and comments everyone. I love you all!!!! I did my research on night terrors and it sounds like I was terrorized all right.

I remember feeling that fight or flight response and I remember standing there trying to explain and rationalize what the hell just happened

Standing there a 4:45am in my boxers, heart beating 120bpm, fist clenched, pupils dilated, trying to explain to myself that it is impossible. I was in a dead sleep, how could I have seen so vividly this brown and black stripped, scalely looking critter right next to my face? What the hell did he want? Did he want to talk at 5am, maybe he wanted something to eat?

I don't know if he got the right response out of me? He/she needs to try a better approach when your that spookey looking! Cant just come creeping up on people like that at 5am expecting to talk!

It was for sure a night terror and my first one at the age of 25. It happened probably 60 minutes after I fell asleep so I was in a deep REM sleep and my mind was off thinking about spiders.......

Im not even that afraid of the little critters but given the right circumstance that can surely scare the living dog shit out of me.

Now I just have to figure out why this happened. What is my mind trying to tell me that I dont know? I thought I knew everything I store up there but I guess something is on my minds mind that I dont know about it?

What is it lil guy, tell me all about it...because I dont want that shit a happening again. You're fired. :cathug:


Active member
Just reading old threads. I have not had a nightmare like this since that occasion. First and only. Been a long two years, forgot all about this incident.


was quite funny b.weed . used to do a lot of seasonal work and at start of each property we would check the shit house out for red back spiders, wipe the iron walls for red backs. pulled sun viser down in car and spider came down into my lap on his web, near shit and swerved car lol.


As a tarantula breeder I sleep with about 40-200 tarantulas in my bedroom at any given time :biggrin: never been bitten. they really aren't evil or something they're just animals (really important ones I might add) with a slightly unusual way op catching prey. Biting as defense is only a last resort.

I haven't had much escapees over the years but I never once found one in my bed. They will usually find a dark, high or low hiding spot (depending if they're terrestrial or arboreal) and won't leave it unless necessary.

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