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I got the scare of my life lastnight...

It's a hell of a coincidence but the same thing happened to me last November, I was discarding trim and had 3 pounds of fresh nugg in my trunk in paper bags. Cop pulled in and I said I was just tossing something out at the school dumpster. He never smelled anything and never asked to open my trunk. He never looked in the dumpster. Next day I was the happiest shit on earth for not getting nailed.


I'm too scared to bring my trash somewhere else to toss. I just handle it around the house - recycle some, compost, garden, etc. Heck, for anything under a 1kw or two an inconspicuous person could just toss it out with the trash (as long as the can was under recorded surveillance on pickup days, just in case).


Active member
I just started to harvest my latest crop and had to dispose of some rootballs.
I went to a dumpster behind a strip mall and I had just thrown my last rootball in the dumpster and got back in my car when a police car pulled in front of me...OH SHIT!!!
He asked what I was doing and I said I was looking for scrap metal to salvage because one of the bulidings is being renovated.
He took my license, checked me out, I'm clean.
He looked in the car, I had nothing and then He let me leave, everything took about 15 minutes.
He saw me pull in and park but very, very lucky for me He didn't see what I was doing thanks to the mountains of snow everywhere, otherwise I'd of been totally fucked...I need to find an alternate way of getting rid of my rootballs.
Still shaking.....

Yeah,,,,,,,for some the snow is a miracle


Active member
yea garbage dumps are definately one of those things that kind of get the heart racing...

i load up in 3 or 4 black trash bags. i have a few dumpsters in my town that are semi non visible from the street, but there have been a few close calls with employees. havent had anyone confront me yet but you definately feel like someone is secretly watching you.

another option is to just pay the dump 40 bucks and take it in there....theres always dozens of people dumping trash. but i have heard of a local case where cops were staking out the garbage dump place off davis st in san leandro/oakland. they found some guys dumping rockwool cubes and stems, they followed them and found their large warehouse grow and raided them because of this.

so be careful.....

Mr. Mountain

This is an area of concern for me.
I found a couple huge dumpsters close to me that are emptied often.
Then I went out and got the same exact trash bags that the business whose dumpsters they are uses, I go on sundays when there's nobody there, approach from a way that allows me to see all traffic in the area(so I can't be snuck up on like that) and then I dump my grow waste.
I only go once every three months or so.

Excellent idea! :tiphat:

If I may ask how did you know that they were the same trash bags? Did you enter the business and scope out the janitors closet/storage room? Did you ask an employee? Did you buy them from the same small office products company? Or is it obvious?
(as in a bag with a brand name on it, or obvious color etc.)

I currently use several different apartment complex dumpsters, and a few commercial dumpsters I see other people dumping in.


Creativity and simplicity are the key hear. for sure, i've found taking it to the dump yourself is most likely the safest route. lots of commotion and thats what yur there to do. Just make sure there is no personal info in there. use seperate garbage for that stuff, dubble bag so it doesn't come rippin apart when you toss it in there just incase someone is next to ya. Really depends on how many of those 7 gallons worth of dirt u got to get rid of and how often,that will determine how crafty u can get on disposal. I've burnt soil filled root balls in raging fires(safely), grinded root balls down, spread soil over large areas when its raining hard, washed organic grows down river, waited till it was snowin hard before, dumpster meth., givin it away, reused it for house plants/veg garden, fill in holes on lawn and planted grass over it, And about a hundred or more other ways threw out the years. But i purposly moved to the country where none of my neighbors have been within eye shot the last 8 places i rented. Now i got 15 acres of my own to play with and i now comply with all state regulations anyway. I DO SLEEP much better at night now to. Keep reachin for the stars. good luck!!


I take the rootballs apart handful by the handful. Each day when i take a walk on the yard I fill my pocket with soil. I have a hole in my pocket, so while I'm walking I shake the soil out, down my pantleg, and into the yard.

Sorry! Couldn't help it, isn't it just ridiculous what free people have to do to dispose of soil?!?!


just do it
thats awesome!!! i have a big rubbermaid tote in the bathroom, everytime i make a doodie i throw a handful of waste on top! the hole in the pocket method sounds way easier


Recovering Seed Whore
ICMag Donor
Hey Trichomedout,
I see your running Eastcoast Purple Diesel, so am I. What do you think of it??

I'm in fucking love with it!!! It's my favorite weed so far out of 40 strains.. It has the taste, smell, whollup of a buzz, and bag appeal!!! Outlaw Made a great strain. CUrrently running a bunch of F2's to select a few keepers!!! Highly recommended!!!!!!!!!!!:dance013:


May your race always be in your favor
I just knock the soil off and stick them in a bag and in the garbage it goes. Magically once a week I put the can out and it's emptied when I get home. No muss, no fuss, no balls, no cops either. But then I live in a really laid back town.:bongsmi::smoweed:


I just knock the soil off and stick them in a bag and in the garbage it goes. Magically once a week I put the can out and it's emptied when I get home. No muss, no fuss, no balls, no cops either. But then I live in a really laid back town.:bongsmi::smoweed:

Throwing grow related shit in your regular trash is one of the stupidest mistakes people make. Once your garbage is on the curb it is public property which means ANYONE can come up and take it. Cops do trash pulls all the time and it is a very easy and legal way for them to get a warrant for your home.


Captain Expando
you definately feel like someone is secretly watching you.

Ain't that the truth Prop. I gather the bags in the middle of the night and head out to the thickets. We have some heavy woods in this region. Medium and plant material find a good home there.


Captain Expando
Yes, I chatted with him earlier today and he said that he left the office at the end of the year. Well wishes to him :ying:


Kiss My Ring
I take the rootballs apart handful by the handful. Each day when i take a walk on the yard I fill my pocket with soil. I have a hole in my pocket, so while I'm walking I shake the soil out, down my pantleg, and into the yard.

Sorry! Couldn't help it, isn't it just ridiculous what free people have to do to dispose of soil?!?!

who was it that intimated we were free?


Overkill is under-rated.
Compost piles they really are snazzy!

Glad you are okay though brother was a close call! :respect:

Aint that the truth! I'm lucky to live in the country, but my compost pile eats up all of my stems and fan leaves (about 30# per month) mixed with rabbit manure, hay, and veggie/fruit scraps from the kitchen. Yesterday I dug up the bottom of my compost heap and was rewarded with about 1 cubic yard of gorgeous compost, all soft and earthy.

Until I get my veggie garden soil mixed heavily with coco I won't be reusing it. But that means about 25 bags of coco/perlite get dumped on top of the earth every month, so it will be soft, happy dirt in short order! :)

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