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I got raided in the middle of the night!



So its like 2 am and all cold. Its raining, and I get a call from a police officer asking me to come outside, telling me he has a warrant. So I go to the front, and don't see anything, go to the back, and don't see anything. He keeps telling me to come outside (I am barefoot btw in full on pajamas), but I'm like, "I'm in my pajamas, it's all wet outside"... Then he says "nevermind" and hangs up...

Ok, so the titles says I got raided, which I did... Almost... In the middle of the night, too...

I was so paranoid I'm having trouble taking a shit right now. Normally I poop in the morning, this time nuh uh.

I only have a 400w and 6 plants.. well 7, including the clone I just bought, but its still techinically in veg...

Whats the most time they'd give me.. O and I have a medical license and Im in southern cali... I think they pick on me, because someone doesnt like the smell.. neighbor must have good nose

BTW, I know it was a officer because I looked up the number


that is an unusual approach to serve a warrant... this thing sounds weird, but something is up for sure...

good luck


weird man ? Best of luck to you. Did they actually come in? If not and if you haven't already Its prob a good Idea to close up shop for a bit.


Freedom Fighter
Did he call you by your name?? If not, they may have miss dialed and called you by mistake (1 in a million shot that you were growing!!)
The other scenario isn't as good....
When a Judge signs a search warrant, he has to check a li'l box for a night time execution of the warrant-- They only do this in cases with a high probability of violence-- Cultivation does not fall under this--
So they could have pulled back, and are waiting....but seems they would have done it after 5 this morning tho--
Either way, I think you will be fine, as long as your Rec is in order, with that low of a plant count--
Good luck bro--

PS...it is times like this, that make growing not so "EZ"!! lol


Green is Gold
Wait so are you saying they called you and told you you're about to be raided? And then they never showed up so now you're just waiting for the shoe to drop? Unless you are leaving out some details this story sounds highly improbbable
i know someone that plays around with those caller id faker things... they call folks and put in police station numbers to play games... since you have a license... it could be a friend or you never know bro...
They asked you to come outside to make sure number was really forsure... sounds like a neibor has a friend thats possible a cop and is just trying to scar you.. Prob not a cop tho cause they wouldnt want you to have time to destroy evidence... Niebor most likely is fuckn with you cause it makes them feel like they got a big penis


maybe they went to the wrong address? lol, and their planning on comming to your later after they verify where you live this time.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
My caller ID was 867-5309 for a while, just because it "was" a call from a cop shop doesn't really mean it was a cop. Sounds like bs to me.


Overkill is under-rated.
i know someone that plays around with those caller id faker things... they call folks and put in police station numbers to play games... since you have a license... it could be a friend or you never know bro...

Yep I've got that app on my cell phone too, I could call you from the White House, FBI, CIA, your local PD or NSA and tell you to come outside with your pants around your ankles. Would you?

My vote goes to a friend messing with you, cops simply don't do shit like this. They sure as SHIT wouldn't say "nevermind" if you complained about it.

Someones pulling your leg, but yeah someone knows. Run down that list of people and call them, and ask them why they were fucking with you at 2 AM. one of them will laugh, I bet.


i think they were checking who the number belonged to. watched you look out the window and now they have a bit more intelligence.


Active member
What? I've been through a couple, first there's a bunch of furious knocking, then the smashing of the door starts, eventually it breaks, and in they come.

That's how a raid with a warrant from legit police works


just don't molest my colas..
wow you are gullible man. cops aren't calling you and telling you to come outside. especially at 2 am. if they have a warrant, they're coming in.


I am no expert, but a cop with a drug search warrant isn't going to give you a chance to do anything to mess up the arrest. They are kicking your door down and pointing a gun at your face, maybe even shooting your dog. This is probably the work of someone you have a personal beef with.


Active member
some is out to get you. tear it down or watch ur back. the cops won't fuck with you if you have 7 plants and they wouldn't call you. they will kick down that door. trust me i know my BROTHERS are COPS. do you live in house or apartment? does ur room smell? gotta cover that stanky danky.


this is fucked, I don't think anyones messing with me, I actually got a call a few days ealier from the local station regarding something else... Thing is, I am not sure what they would be trying to get on me. The only illegal things I have done r download music, watch movies, and grow under 12 plants...

I am not sure what to expect... I have pictures on my phone and on here, maybe they'l charge me for every plant I ever grew, and every joint I ever smoked.. if so I'l be gone for awhile


400 watt and cop is outside his place at 2am. There's someone with an itch for you. Tear down - peace of mind..sleep better.
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