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I got mad.... i need to let off some steam....



The CBD mixed with THC and beer, is wonderful for me. THC alone does not do it. Have been smoking GG4 for years, with no CBD.

Hunger Force is a series I would like to watch again.

"What the hell happened to my FRICKEN CAR??'



Well-known member
He can't eat his feelings so he may revert to the fetal position in search of comfort...

Now I'm looking for chocolate ice cream.

And looking up ancient hip hop.

Damn you all!! *Stewie Griffin voice*

i had a mental picture of a lady getting over a break-up on the couch, curled into the (you guessed it) fetal position whilst devouring a quart of butter pecan and watching the fucking Hallmark Channel bullshit 24/7. i can't fucking STAND that horseshit...do i sound bitter? my wife is settling into that crap for the summer. i'd like to shove a crowbar through the screen...:woohoo:

Bobby Boucher

Active member
That shit is bad for your brain. My moms side of the family was always addicted to their spanish soap operas, and it showed in how the behaved in their personal lives.

Anything that shows scandalous promiscuous morons in a flattering light is probably not healthy entertainment. Then again, I might just also be a bitter bastard. Probably a bit of both.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I've built my own racecars and won with them, doesn't mean I don't keep em in a garage. There are levels of ownership which are proper, and levels of ownership which are, shall we say, unremarkable. I find the original problem to be a consequence of unremarkable ownership, though I'm sure everyone can turn a wheel.

Can we get a couple of drinks in here for the two greatest accomplishments that our race has had the favor of spawning....

And their professional advice is the same for cars as well as dogs....

It works wonders when you throw potheads in a cage too.

Sometimes the dumb ones just don't understand remarkable proper ownership.




I'm not sure what you guys are saying?

I'm bad because i had my dogs sleeping inside for a few days until i put a log under the back gate.... and they urinated on my switch?

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Dogs are a full-time responsibility. In my experience, if you have a normal job like a normal person, you can't really own a dog. The dog winds up owning you.

I don't blame anyone for being "unremarkable" dog owners. Everyone wants a dog, but who tf really has every moment in the day to take care of them? Unless they are retired or disabled of course, in which case you usually wind up with remarkably intelligent and affectionate dogs.

..Ain't nobody got time for that, though. Cats ftw.

But yeah, people who lead normal lives really can't be held to that standard of ownership, imo.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You're only being judged by people who think you should do it the easy way by locking up your dogs into tiny cages whenever you value your freedom over theirs.

No worries.


You're only being judged by people who think you should do it the easy way by locking up your dogs into tiny cages whenever you value your freedom over theirs.

No worries.

Ok, no wonder i was confused.... if caging them makes me remarkable, i'm quite happy to be unremarkable....

Race cars cough*prize winning race cars*cough and dogs :dunno: weird comparison....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

But as long as it's what you sunk your life into it's best done the way you did it...


*Plays Karate Kid track*

You're the best...



Indicas make dreams happen
Almost all the dogs in my life have been wonderful. One that was a real rascal was a rescue foxhound mix. My experience with cats hasn't been so fond... I grew up with a few cats, most of them which took great interest in urinating on all of my childhood possessions. One in particular was a REAL pisser. An unneutered male cat (wonderful fragrance of urine by the way) that targeted my bed at any opportunity. Discovering this was always a highlight of any just getting to bed experience. Wonderful cat, really. :cathug:

One time my family had bought a new recliner and of course, all the necessary precautions had been taken... Custom vinyl cover that fit tightly, aluminum foil strategically placed all over it. Yep, cat nearly laughed his head clear off about this. The amazing Mickey the cat managed to outwit the gauntlet and slipped under and up the cover to spray on it. Pure genius. :pet the cat:

I now only have one cat and he is truly awesome, one in a million. He was a feral that ran into my house from outside, stole a dog toy, and ran back out. Next day he ran in the house and refused to leave... so he stayed. :comfort:


Well-known member
We had a cat that was great for the most part.but he would always follow me to the bathroom.so i was going to read something in the bathroom and i let him in.fucker jumped right in my underwear and took a piss while i was shitting.to this day i dont understand why he did that.he was ok as far as that.


Indicas make dreams happen
We had a cat that was great for the most part.but he would always follow me to the bathroom.so i was going to read something in the bathroom and i let him in.fucker jumped right in my underwear and took a piss while i was shitting.to this day i dont understand why he did that.he was ok as far as that.
My stepdad was laying on the floor watching TV when the cat pissed on his head, funniest shit ever.


Well-known member
an indoor cat that stops using the litter box turns into an outdoor cat almost instantly. my dog would die of a ruptured bladder before peeing on my floor.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
My Toby trained himself to piss in the toilet.

A lot of cats are smart enough to do it, they are just notoriously aqua-phobic. He would use the window above the toilet to exit the house and bounce back in off of the toilet seat.

After finding him soaking wet from the waist down a couple times, he took right to pissing in the toilet. True G. He never pissed on anything he shouldn't have. Except for twice in my old walk in grow closet, which he was always just so curious and excited about. I couldn't blame him.


Active member
I got adopted by a feral cat kitten. Little bitty thing out on my back porch one day. Gave him a milk-bone I had bought when dog-sitting my daughters Pug. That mutt refused to eat the milk-bones but loved baby carrots. Strange mutt.

Then the next day the cat brought his brother. We call the cat Gladys but I'm pretty sure it's male. The brother I call Slick. He used to beat the shit out of Gladys but she grew up.

Maintains a healthy fear of humans. Runs off if I even grab the door handle. Slick stands there, the idiot.

They have graduated to cheap cat-food and refuse to eat milk-bones anymore. They're just lucky to get anything the finicky bastards. I never want the little pissers in my house. No mice at all around here... but no geckos either now.


Well, my switch seems to work now but only when it has been 100% charged.... if i power it off then try to restart it, it goes to blue screen.

I will eventually get the right screwdriver to open it, it seems like the console is ok when it starts up, just something has gone wrong with the power, which kind of makes sense as i think most of the urine went into the dock.

I'll probably get a new Switch but i'll try to fix this one myself as a little project.... i can find a second hand dock for it for cheap someday.