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I Got Busted!

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Best of luck dude. Sounds like a real nightmare. Fuck em hold your head up and fight this shit. T freakin cops theme was playing?? lol sheesh those police make it obvious why so many get labelled as pigs....



Active member
so let me get this straight...

you're a hacker who lets everyone know where you live and what your real name is.

on top of that, you have 3 "friends" who ratted out your grow...

plus, you live in a medical marijuana friendly state, but you have no participation in the program...

plus the cops who busted you were so amped up about the bust they played the "cops" theme song while eating your pears...

AND you were growing with CFLs?!

get the funk out of here.

you just got caught slipping on soooooooooooo many levels.

i hope you bought your mom some flowers


Active member
Make sure you get pics of the Pear damage left behind.I doubt very much permission was given to consume fruit from your tree on your property

I can't believe you said that with a straight face, are you telling him to bitch about pears when they have him for growing? Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.

LOL, I didn't feel that comment warranted a response...I'll mention it to Mr.Katz, I'm sure he'll get a kick out of it. My word (Pot growing criminal in the "systems" eyes) against SWAT and the narcotics task force of two counties...


I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Damn Bro ,Im lost for words man, I hope you can use the medical defence.GOOD LUCK

@ MrDumbDiggitty,,,You should learn compassion for someone living with
medical problems or IMO STFU.



Active member
so let me get this straight...
you're a hacker who lets everyone know where you live and what your real name is.
Yah, I pirate all my software including games, movies, music and even my operating system (Windows Vista Ultimate x64) By definition that makes me a hacker, whopdy fucking do...

on top of that, you have 3 "friends" who ratted out your grow...
One friend, one chick who found out that snitches I guess for money or favors, and one nosey neighbor. I stated all that, i fucked up...where are you going with this??

plus, you live in a medical marijuana friendly state, but you have no participation in the program...
I just covered that...

plus the cops who busted you were so amped up about the bust they played the "cops" theme song while eating your pears...

AND you were growing with CFLs?!

Whats that have to do with anything...now you give me negative rep.??
Whats with the personal attacks?? Who side are you on??

You remind me of HawaiianPunch who was banned for being a troll...


I doubt the assclowns who raided you would even bother (or be savvy enough), but you might want to consider they could use all of your posts to make a case against you in court - perhaps evidence of persistent criminal behavior (stealing software, past growing efforts, etc). The judge could consider all of this in your sentencing if found guilty. As far as your real identity/address, lets say MrBomDiggitty is some anti pot psycho who happens to live in the same state and goes beserko. Plus your residence is the same as your moms. Just sayin.


Active member
Sorry to hear about it man; you should be able to get the intent to distribute thing dropped no problem; i'd really try the medical aspect as much as you can; does your family know any doctors? I think the argument that it was medical for you and you thought with all the federal confusion that it was best to just be off the radar completely... anxiety is probably your best bet; it's been documented that klonopin, xynax, etc are pretty addictive when used daily for long periods of time and a lot of dr's would rather have u smoking mj instead if it worked bettter for you... hopefully you'll know a nice dr who saw you when you were a kid and dr's actually knew their patients and you'll be able to work something out; maybe u were given a verbal rec as you didn't realize it had to be in writing

moral of the story though; if growing outside illegally don't do it on your own property
if growing illegally; keep it ALL inside... i know outdoor is free money but you can't do anything about the smell hence a nosey neighbor following his nose

just get a good lawyer and do whatever you can to plead out of any felony charges; take misdemeanors with a smile and a thank you sir; those won't follow you around for the rest of your life

because you got setup you're sorta dead to rights so a deal is your best bet; by making a deal you're just saving the da paperwork and headaches; all of which you'll create if there isn't a deal; this is what a good lawyer does; they will burry the da in paperwork and just be a general thorn in their side

good luck with everything; it'll be expensive but you really can't put a price on not having felonies on your record for the rest of your life in the united states of amerikkka

also karma always comes around; stay up; stay positive; and those who wronged you will get theirs in due time

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Whats that have to do with anything...now you give me negative rep.??
Whats with the personal attacks?? Who side are you on??

You remind me of HawaiianPunch who was banned for being a troll...

+rep to you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,He sounds like HP:yeahthats


ICMag Donor
To be honest with you, if they stripped the tree, it very well could work in his favor.

If his Lawyer were to bring up to the Prosecutor in private that the police stole from him, that's something they wouldn't want brought up to the public. By rights, it's petit larceny.....


Active member
LOL... okay first off. Comparing me to someone else gets you where?

Second, if my kids/roommate/whoever were living with me, and I got tackled to the floor and my arm restrained behind my back in the middle of the night by some strangers, I would want the person putting me in the situation to suffer BIG time and learn a lesson in life. I wouldn't even care if the "pigs" were eating the pears. So what, you just jeopardized my freedom and livlihood because you want to grow some plants where I live.

Why do you even have to hide the plants from your mom in the first place? Is she going to stop providing you care if you are growing/using marijuana? I just don't see how you could put someone in a position so dangerous without letting them know the possible risk involved.

I honestly don't see how in the world you, or anyone else here, figures you deserve +rep for broadcasting you got busted by 3 snitches and cops playing their own theme music while they hogtie your own mother. If anything, you deserve -rep for every post you ever placed on IC mag.

Just to end my contribution to this thread... JJScorpio warns you of an obvious mistake and you respond with "I wouldn't have slipped up like that, I'm a hacker."

Well you did slip up like that. And being a hacker has nothing to do with being a complete dumbass.

You're lucky if someone hasn't already contacted your local DA and made an annonymous tip to your activities at IC, mr.SD of MD


Active member
To be honest with you, if they stripped the tree, it very well could work in his favor.

If his Lawyer were to bring up to the Prosecutor in private that the police stole from him, that's something they wouldn't want brought up to the public. By rights, it's petit larceny.....

Yah, unfortunately they only took a few pears out of hundreds from 2 trees.
Man if I had their behavior on camera...I would have one hell of a barging chip...or a great clip for "youtube"



Active member
LOL... okay first off. Comparing me to someone else gets you where?

Second, if my kids/roommate/whoever were living with me, and I got tackled to the floor and my arm restrained behind my back in the middle of the night by some strangers, I would want the person putting me in the situation to suffer BIG time and learn a lesson in life. I wouldn't even care if the "pigs" were eating the pears. So what, you just jeopardized my freedom and livlihood because you want to grow some plants where I live.

Why do you even have to hide the plants from your mom in the first place? Is she going to stop providing you care if you are growing/using marijuana? I just don't see how you could put someone in a position so dangerous without letting them know the possible risk involved.

I honestly don't see how in the world you, or anyone else here, figures you deserve +rep for broadcasting you got busted by 3 snitches and cops playing their own theme music while they hogtie your own mother. If anything, you deserve -rep for every post you ever placed on IC mag.

Just to end my contribution to this thread... JJScorpio warns you of an obvious mistake and you respond with "I wouldn't have slipped up like that, I'm a hacker."

Well you did slip up like that. And being a hacker has nothing to do with being a complete dumbass.

You're lucky if someone hasn't already contacted your local DA and made an annonymous tip to your activities at IC, mr.SD of MD

Man you don't have a clue and its obviously pointless to try to explain myself to you. You don't get it, and you never will...
go troll someone else, because I won't be responding to your ignorance...

BTW give me -rep, this account is fucked already!!


If only you'd injected those pears with cyanide...

I don't really know what to say, Elite. It's one of those situations where I think the only thing to do is cringe and hope it's all over as quickly as possible. Hearing the details makes me furious though. And hearing that it was a good friend of yours that caused this trouble makes me question my trusting nature.

I've said it before, but good luck. It really brings me down to log on and read stories like this.


Active member
Man you don't have a clue and its obviously pointless to try to explain myself to you. You don't get it, and you never will...
go troll someone else, because I won't be responding to your ignorance...

BTW give me -rep, this account is fucked already!!

well, in that case then, ill respond to your ignorance.

Obviously _you_ don't get it, and you never will...

Good luck playing the "police did me so wrong" card. Sounds like they had a blast over at your place.:dueling:


Active member
If only you'd injected those pears with cyanide...

I don't really know what to say, Elite. It's one of those situations where I think the only thing to do is cringe and hope it's all over as quickly as possible. Hearing the details makes me furious though. And hearing that it was a good friend of yours that caused this trouble makes me question my trusting nature.

I've said it before, but good luck. It really brings me down to log on and read stories like this.

Sorry to bring you down...think how I feel. Its a battle we all fight...sometimes we lose.
But think when I beat this battle, It'll help others beat theirs, eventually with enough battles won, we'll win the war.

Its just tough with so many narrow minded ignorant people like MrBomDiggitty in this world.


Owl Mirror

Active member
I had a difficult time getting klonopin for my anxiety. This is MD not CA. They don't prescribe MJ unless you have like MS or Glaucoma. Doctors won't prescribe MJ for my ailments. With all due respect, just because you can "copy and paste" our laws, doesn't mean you understand how they work...


Yes, you are quite right, I can copy & paste laws from Medical Marijuana friendly states. Should I copy & paste the laws of my state which I am enrolled under and comply with?

I got to say, I don't know you or your history but, just reading this thread tells me this whole story is bullshit. Way too many stretching of the truth incidents.
Personally I believe the reason you didn't care about broadcasting your name and address is because the person in the news article is not you. This thread seems to merely be a discussion so as to bait responses.

I'm done with this discussion.


Active member
well, in that case then, ill respond to your ignorance.

Obviously _you_ don't get it, and you never will...

Good luck playing the "police did me so wrong" card. Sounds like they had a blast over at your place.:dueling:

Wait, I thought I read somewhere in the rules that respect is a requirement? All I have seen from you in this thread is asshattery. Way to be supportive of another soldier getting rocked by the pigs under unjust laws. What the fuck is your issue? Did he make mistakes? Yes, we all do. Did he do anything to incur your intellectual masturbation in his thread? Not that I see. Go troll somewhere else. :dueling:


Sorry to bring you down...think how I feel. Its a battle we all fight...sometimes we lose.
But think when I beat this battle, It'll help others beat theirs, eventually with enough battles won, we'll win the war.

Its just tough with so many narrow minded ignorant people like MrBomDiggitty in this world.

They've clearly failed to break your fighting spirit, which will be of great help to you and anybody else that you choose to help in the future.

On second thoughts about the cyanide; I'm not sure how good it would look in court if you were to be found with a pile of dead cops in your driveway, but it might give you enough time to clear the scene of plants. :biglaugh:

And yeah, MrBomDiggitty probably doesn't believe what he's saying. He's talking as though you deserve what has happened, and that you don't acknowledge that you made a mistake (albeit a trivial one; people should be able to trust friends). Either that, or he's deluded enough to think that his incessant trolling will somehow help the situation. Failing all of these, he's just a common douchebag that gets some sort of gratification from trying to make people feel even worse than they already do.


Active member
Yes, you are quite right, I can copy & paste laws from Medical Marijuana friendly states. Should I copy & paste the laws of my state which I am enrolled under and comply with?

I got to say, I don't know you or your history but, just reading this thread tells me this whole story is bullshit. Way too many stretching of the truth incidents.
Personally I believe the reason you didn't care about broadcasting your name and address is because the person in the news article is not you. This thread seems to merely be a discussion so as to bait responses.

Huh..."bait responses" WTF would I gain from that??
Strange thing to say...

I'm done with this discussion.
Well thanks for your contribution, I would surely be fucked without it!!



weed fiend
They've clearly failed to break your fighting spirit, which will be of great help to you and anybody else that you choose to help in the future.

On second thoughts about the cyanide; I'm not sure how good it would look in court if you were to be found with a pile of dead cops in your driveway, but it might give you enough time to clear the scene of plants. :biglaugh:

And yeah, MrBomDiggitty probably doesn't believe what he's saying. He's talking as though you deserve what has happened, and that you don't acknowledge that you made a mistake (albeit a trivial one; people should be able to trust friends). Either that, or he's deluded enough to think that his incessant trolling will somehow help the situation. Failing all of these, he's just a common douchebag that gets some sort of gratification from trying to make people feel even worse than they already do.

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