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I got an interview! need tips.


if it smells like fish
do some research on the law firm ..find out all you can about them....good luck bro......having some knowledge of the company ,its cases and such will show them you mean business....yeehaw go yummy go


Well-known member
I still dont understand why yummy wanted to be a lawyer in the first place.nobody wants a 30 something virgin with no social skills to be there lawyer.do you even have a basic understanding of how the law works you yummy doppleganger?cause i dont think you do

The Revolution

Active member
I was being interviewed for the 3rd time with two of the higher ups in the company and I was trying to keep it professional but not tightassed. When one of them asked me where I saw myself in 5 years I said that that was a pretty vague questions but I always wanted to be an astronaut.

I got the job

I got this question one time in an interview. I had no idea how to answer it so I was honest with them. At the time and still today I was working on building my own masonry business.
so I told them hopefully an established business owner with 5 -10 employees.. Apparently that was the wrong answer lol o think they were surprised by my answer. I'm an entrepreneur from way back and I'm always working towards my goals. I got dreams doesn't that count for something? Im glad i didnt get that shitty job anyway. Id prob still be stuck in there living paycheck to paycheck. I'm still working towards that goal, working a Job I love and scarfing up all the side work I can handle. Trying to make a name for myself..

Don't be awkward. Be confident and take the above advice and treat it as its not life or death. In my experience the more I prepared for an interview the more nervous I was leading upto. Joking is fine as long as they're not corny jokes that make everyone awkward. Sense of humor is important always but second to confidence and composure. Of u go in there all nervous n weird how do u think theyll think you to handle yourself in a courtroom..
As much as I hate lawyers, I wish u luck.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
If you get so wrapped around how bad you need the job, you will probably come across desperate and fawning.

This isn't the only job. You don't have to get them to like you. You have to see if they are the kind of people you want to work with.

If they like you that's cool. If not, pretending to be someone else to gain their acceptance will only blow up on you in the long run.

I once went to an interview that was crushingly important to my future and family. I put that out of my mind during the interview and decided to just be myself and let the chips fall where they may. I got the sense that they were wanting someone they could get along with and who wouldn't play office politics. So I said to them, "this doesn't seem to be about can I do the job, we know I can do the job, it's about can we all get along together as co-workers . . . blah, blah, blah

I was hired. I later found that I wasn't even a likely candidate based the the packages that were submitted. It was my off-hand matter of fact way of saying "we know I can do the job" that impressed them the most. Confidence sells. Go figure.

Btw - turns out we all got along fine and I nailed that job.

without even resorting to linking out to all the old Yummybud threads??? WTG!!!!


Active member
Take a Benjamin and bribe 'em. Shows initiative and a willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done.


ICMag Donor
i'm just wondering is it okay to joke during an interview?
Not really. Be yourself, but joking sets off managers.....used to hire/fire and those joking we did not think were serious about the job and tasks.

Google interview tips on job hunting/interview sites....familiarize with those questions....try to hone in on legal company questions.....there's a lot of tricky questions to answer....review those. Don't speak....think before answering. Reframe the question if you need more time.

Have a few questions to ask when they end their interview and ask if you have any questions. Do your research on the company/firm you are being interviewed for.

NEVER ask about salary.

Good luck


Active member
"can fit in with the team"

When I worked at Boeing Computer Services people stood around and talked all day, so if you were a slacker that talked all day and did very little work and sucked up to all the guys above you and ate lunch with them you fit in just fine. If you were there to work hard you didn't fit in very well.

When I worked for an Automobile Factory and worked as well as the assembly line work that was given as to keep up with the speed...A car every minute making Toyota Corolla,Chevrolet Prisms so I would be on a team like with 4 other people rotating jobs daily on the 4PM to 1AM in the morning with 4 other teams.We Had a Big talker and bullshitter that tried to make people laugh or find the weaker guy and tease him.Everyone would find it funny but me.I had no clue what's going on.After working for 6 months working overtime,half an hour a day some days if i wanted it.I was promoted to work the 6am to 1 pm shift...EveryOne Wanted that Shift.I mean everyone.They put in the order to be transferred to that slot.Some wait 4 Years.NoT many people ever get it.Stuck in the 3pm to 1am morning slot.

So the point ? Don't bullshit when you have a goal in sight.Don't play games.My Goal was to go to work,do the work,go home.Keep chatter to a minimum.Worked out Great!

Get that Goal you want in life if it's a Career Choice as to say,buy your first House.Many people wonder why you don't smile..Deep inside,you haven't got your first house yet,not until you get it,,,then you would smile.Sometimes One can read that you want something far ahead in life because you told no one and that shows confidence.

Must be an intern interview,Go to any law firm and see if they have time to explain what a lawyer would be looking for.THAT alone may create opportunity.

Since you're Yummybud.I dare you to put up the yummybud bad grow poster that had mold on the bud,Burned by the lamp light,in the attic,hardly the plant was green,Mold to the Bone.
Been looking for that picture for ages!


Well-known member
practice, making a video of yourself fielding likely questions
watch and repeat, practice will reduce nervousness
have a friend watch and give some feedback


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

yb944, Just go in there, be yourself (humble and confident) and smile. If you don't know the answer to a question say "I don't know but I could figure it out by researching past rulings on Lexis Nexis Legal or some other database." -don't make up some foolish answer.

Just go to the interview and treat it like a practice interview. This will be one of many interviews you'll have to do in life.

For people who get nervous and interviews the best way to get over that is to just apply for 1000 jobs even if you're overqualified go to the interviews every day to practice... after you've done about 100 interviews you get over the anxiety and it becomes pretty easy.

Even though I have steady work I still do interviews almost every week just to stay on top of the game and now it is a gravy train.

Good Luck!


Active member
ICMag Donor
My advice: Keep applying for other jobs until you actually get an offer you like. You'll feel less pressured in this interview if you know you have others coming up. Don't get "oneitis" (overly infatuated) with a particular job or law firm until you actually work there.

You get better at job interviews by doing job interviews. Think of each one as a learning experience. Do your best, and learn from your mistakes if you make any. They start to feel easy and natural when you have recent experience.
Thanks for all the replies guys, I appreciate it.. I'll do my best and see what happens. I am also a bit stressed bc i feel like this could be my last interview at least last chance to work close to my home town. I have pretty much applied to every firm around here and most aren't hiring and i had 2 interviews before this and didn't get the job. This time it seems more promising, and I hope I get hired. i have been looking for a position for over 4 months now and if i don't get this i may be screwed.

I'm going to go in positive and think about the fact that this lawyer was impressed by my resume and that's why he gave me an interview and I will get this job.

I will let you guys know if I get the job! I've been feeling depressed lately if i get the job i'll have a reason to celebrate after all the hard work i've put in to get my law degree.


Well-known member
The law of attraction is real. Don't worry so much about the interview but rather envision yourself acing it, and see yourself in the position.

You can manifest this into reality through your own thoughts. Concentrate hard and have at it.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
here's a tip Yummybud: before the interview, Don't bathe with electrical appliances.......

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Leave your fly undone with some shirt tail sticking out.

Also, some toilet paper stuck to your shoe.

Great ice breakers.


Well-known member
What do you mean dont overdress?if he has a suit and tie he should wear it.if not he needs to buy one.especially if hes working for a law firm.either way it dont matter cuase this whole story is fiction anyway
guys i think i may have good news coming soon. i don't want to get too excited and then find out i got rejected but they pretty much told me they like me and that they see themselves giving me an offer next week. nothing is guaranteed right now but I am hopeful. the interview went pretty well i think i just screwed up a bit but I don't think it was a fatal error (i'll explain what happened later i'm pretty tired right now).

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