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I found a spider in my grow area so I sucked it up with a vacuum cleaner

  • Thread starter Guywithoutajeep
  • Start date


They say that killing a spider will bring bad weather..

In Norse folklore its said that Odins 8 legged horse Sleipnir is really a spider, when Odin rides his horse in a trance he weaves the web of reality as he rides. For the superstitious, the spider is best left alone or treated carefully ;)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hell, just toss the vacuum in the trash, get a new one and be done with it. But no wait, the spider might rise from the dust inside the vacuum from whence he spun, crawl out of the vacuum, force open the trash bin, break into the house and seek his revenge upon you. Do you have gasoline and a match handy? :D


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
First off,,, that spider is usually there because there is (or was) a meal, so he's not alone.

Do you realize what 1 single hungrey spider can do to a early bug infection? - get the fertile one and the rest never come,, sooooo a spider or two in the grow isn't a bad thing at all.

Different strokes fer different folks, but part of what make bug infestations a problem is they have no predators in "bug free" grows.

I even brought in a Preying Mantis I found once.

Speaking of which,,, I never did find him agan.


I don't think you fully understand evolution haha. You letting the spider live there doesn't have anything to do with evolution, I suppose natural selection but ya. Also, spiders don't think ^_^

And saying that there is a mystical force insuring cosmic justice is like saying there is Santa IMO.

:laughing: yea right. Your crazy.
That theory comes from the same school as "my crop is seeded so now I'm a breeder"!