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I found a spider in my grow area so I sucked it up with a vacuum cleaner

  • Thread starter Guywithoutajeep
  • Start date

Rabbi Reefer

Killing the spider was a bad move. You just lost out on free pest control by killing the exterminator.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It will crawl down your throat when you fall asleep, the average person ends up swallowing a fair few spiders whilst they snooze.


Active member
He's been sitting in that vacuum sending out a distress call this whole time, and his friends are coming, black widows, brown recluse, all the bad ones.
You better sleep with one eye open.


I thought this thread was a joke at first. Even if you have a fear of spiders if it's in your vaccuum whats the issue? Also I highly doubt the spider survived getting sucked up a vaccuum lol.

Shoot, I encourage spiders as the above posters said: spiders don't do any harm to your plants (besides spider mites), equipment or yourself and they kill bugs. Sounds good to me.


oh come on, what is this forum? the people against the abuse of insects?

i kill spiders all the time, those fuckers bite me in my sleep and according to studies, we eat them in our sleep.

fuck em! unless it's like a tarantula or something i fuckin step on those fucks like smush


lol interesting topic.. did anyone call 420 magazine about this event?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
Killing spiders is just plain old bad... bad luck, bad karma and it's mean. They only help your grow man.

it is good luck to keep all bugs out of your grow.

there was an old lady who swallowed a fly, so she swallowed a spider to eat the fly, and so on and so forth.

the point is after spiders come you get what eats spiders; bigger spiders, and then mice. then you get what come with mice... DISEASE!

so karma can not harm you for defending your healthy home.


Haha this is turning into an amusing thread. No it's not unethical to kill a spider and no there is no such thing as Karma - there isn't a mystical force insuring karmic justice around all spacetime. There is a correlation since when you treat people nicely it comes around and vice versa but it's certainly not causal or due to something like 'karma'. It is just in your best interest to keep the spiders around haha (unless they scare you, in which case go ahead and kill it).


I think I got what I wanted out of this thread hahaha

Yeah theres a bunch floating around the apartment. I have smartpots and the felt was folded over near the handle of the pot. I went to unfold it and this fucker tears ass out of there right towards my hand...it might have touched my hand, not sure.

I'm against anything with more than 4 legs. Except for triamese triplets.


Woah hippies! It's just a spider!

I am not comfortable with proclaiming "no karma"
But I do believe in evolution. If I let that spider Live in my house or cozy grow room, every generation of spiders to follow will think it deserves the same treatment.

Insect Intruder in my garden must die!


Active member
ICMag Donor
spiders are natural predators in your garden....they wont harm your plants....

maybe next time, if you want to get rid of it, interrupt it to the outdoor...better than killing it!



Are you fucking kidding me??? Have none of you seen a borg spider? After all that shit we spray to keep the mites,gnats,thipes ya all those bugs off the plants the spiders grow huge and mean they can talk to each other! I think they are stealing buds shh, they are watching me Right now, oh dam fucked that up .":<} MX?CZEDN/ V NGDAFWQCs VV

EDIT: I fought them off for now... Don't know how long me and the dog will last...

Update... Now the dog is watching me... After I read the would I eat dog thread waiting for the spiders to come back... She won't be able to see this because dog's are color blind... Dam it to hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,


Woah hippies! It's just a spider!

I am not comfortable with proclaiming "no karma"
But I do believe in evolution. If I let that spider Live in my house or cozy grow room, every generation of spiders to follow will think it deserves the same treatment.

Insect Intruder in my garden must die!

I don't think you fully understand evolution haha. You letting the spider live there doesn't have anything to do with evolution, I suppose natural selection but ya. Also, spiders don't think ^_^

And saying that there is a mystical force insuring cosmic justice is like saying there is Santa IMO.


poppin' outta control
Hello again jeepless,
I am not a spider fan as well, and I killed them dispite people telling me not to for the longest time.. UNTIL- about 2 months ago I found a wolf spider that had a web INSIDE of one of my plants, and attached to the web: gnats from the soil.. For now on im lettin the big spiders live.. Not only are they not bad for your plants, their beneficial..


There's a little jumping spider thats been moving from top to top that I've been watching for a bit. This one is chill. I like its personality. :)

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
Don't people on average eat 7 or 8 spiders a year when they crawl into their mouths while asleep? I think so. Gives new meaning to the term midnight snack.