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I figure this is a security issue!


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
the super wealthy are only looking out for themselves, and are not looking out for others.... not even their own grandchildren....


WHAT! Not even one Pat Boone shot.

One could switch the names making the USA Japan and China the USA and turn the clock back twenty years and you get a similar story. Not sure what politics have to do with making money though. One could have the best product but with out access to "The Market" that's all you got. Similar to street dealers protecting their corners or turf it gets ugly.


Active member
thats not to cool that gm sponsors communisim,and the tax payers sponsor gm,its not gonna change any time soon unless we speak up, they'll make any excuse to extract tax money.


Active member
Yes bentom187..that is why I posted this..get this out in public..get people understanding..that the bailout was a scam..not jobs for the USA at all..jobs for the USA was never their intention! Wake up USA! Dr. Ron Paul 2012! monkey5


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
the sad thing about ron paul is that he needs SOOOOOO many more delegates.... he is down by over 1,000 delegates to MITT...... sad sad sad stuff that the RICH are fucking this country over.......... greed...... greed kills....... it really reallly does...... its sad that these guys don;t think about anybody else but themselves....they don't even care about their offspring


To Have More ... Desire Less
thAT IS the most disturbing thing ....GM the American icon...getting pimped out by Chinese communist/mobster's..... just too much, Sad~indeed... what we have allowed to be....america screwing america.....yet it happens right before our eye's....
and yet "they" ask why the revolution is coming......plz


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
all of these other countries are clashing within themselves like crrazzzyyyy and us westerners are just caught up in our video games, sports, movies, and facebook........ we are really all sleeping, and before we know it, we will be wiped out from the face of the earth....... why? because we are fucking ignorant as a nation of sheep, controlled by some greedy ass wolves

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