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I F^&@ing suck at cloning. HELP ME PLX


A couple tips on a subject that I'm dealing with at the moment as well.

You mention a clear tupperwear chamber.... spray paint it black then white. You want it opaque so no light gets in there.

Second, put an airstone in there... it will reduce any pathogens in the water.

I've got the same mushy stem issue in my aerocloner. The clones will eventually root above the mush but it takes way to long. I wonder if that is an embolism (air stuck in the stem due to not cutting the clone under water.) It could also be some kind of fungus, algae or rot... not sure.

Putting in some hydrogen peroxide might help as well.

Control temps as others have said.


my best cloning results easily have been with passive watering systems. I fill a solo plastic cup with 70/30 perlite/vermiculite (ala hempy), rinse with tap water, put some holes in the bottom, and put a few of them in a tupperware container under a 23w cfl. take the cutting, and quickly place in a cup of water with a few drops of h202 and superthrive. soak overnight. then dust the tips in rooting powder and stick em in the solo cups. water it every few days (fill up to "1/2") and I get 90-100% success every time. you can use plastic popsicle trays, old plastic seedling containers, as well as sticking them all in one big container.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Cloning is Voodoo! No other area will see such disparate results from identical procedures. What saves you may kill me dead. Just keep trying new things until something clicks

Temp wise, 25ºC is perfect. Used "correctly" (naked stems and tap water) my bubbler killed everything I put in it. Combined with my old cloning tray method of a 1 minute soak in Hormex (IBA & NAA cloning solution) Gel and rockwool, I haven't lost a clone in years.

Don't be afraid to tweak your system or throw it out altogether in favor of wicks, perlite, glass of water, air layering. There are a million ways to clone in the Naked City. Silly to cleave to a method which doesn't work for you.
I just started using freezerboys method and your method apparently and I just use ph adjusted water with 10 drops of hormex per gallon. maintain your watch on the ph (at 5.8) and you're gravy. i use little things of foam to hold mine. I leave a bunch of leaves, but i cut them down. You can always mist them to help keep water in.



If you want consistant rusults I would switch to an aero cloner. As you have seen with your friend, it is a no brian operation.
Some other factors that will help you are:
1-Get some Clonex clone nutrients and add to water as directed and make sure that the ph is correct.
2-Light should be 16" above the clones
3-This is important. After you do your cut on the stem of the clone take your razor blade/knife and, with it at a 90 degree angle to the stem, lightly scrape the stem to approx. 1" up from the cut end all the way around. What you are doing is just breaking the surface layer of the stem in the area that you want there to be roots. The makes it easier for the roots to break out of the stem.I also dip mine in Clonex gell to that 1" point and let them sit for 5 minutes before I put them into the cloner.

Good luck on this. It can be the most baffeling part of growing until you perfect a system and then you will go "DUH!" and wonder why you had so much trouble before.

Hang in there!!
I second that...:2cents:

A couple tips on a subject that I'm dealing with at the moment as well.

You mention a clear tupperwear chamber.... spray paint it black then white. You want it opaque so no light gets in there.

Second, put an airstone in there... it will reduce any pathogens in the water.

I've got the same mushy stem issue in my aerocloner. The clones will eventually root above the mush but it takes way to long. I wonder if that is an embolism (air stuck in the stem due to not cutting the clone under water.) It could also be some kind of fungus, algae or rot... not sure.

Putting in some hydrogen peroxide might help as well.

Control temps as others have said.


Active member
Your container..... is it some cheap ass off-brand or is it quality Rubbermaid or high quality product? There are some cheap plastics out there that seem to cast a spell on clones and prevent their growth. Read it more than a few times so you might want to spring $7 on a Rubbermaid shoebox before ya go messing with anything.

Unless your stems went mushy in a week and a half, your water temps are fine.


It is really just toooooo simple when you get down to it. This is a Daisy aero cloner that my wife bought when she was growing on her own when we split up for a while. My DIY cloner that is in storage is basically the same thing only in a 5 gallon bucket.
And I don't know what the BS about "when the leaves start to yellow, the roots are growing" is about. They should stay nice and green throughout the entire process.

See how the light is 16" above the cloner>

You use these easily available products>

It sprays around in here>

And you have roots like these in 6 days>

No secrets, no voodoo, just nature taking place.


Well-known member
The most important thing NO MATTER what method u use, And i never see anyone mention it...


then, like alot of the above people say will work.

I also find that when trimming lower branches, dont cut to close to the stem, will increase your stem rot chances. I also place the cut immediately into water and let it sit for a few hours. Trying to decrease chance of air pockets in the stem.

Keep the light out of the tub area, 75-80 temps also important

Good luck and b-safe, remember.... healthy cuts is a major factor.



Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
yeah i havnt ventured in to aero cloning, still using vita grow root hormone clip dip stuff in rapid rooter into dome with heat pad spray twice a day and 99.9% success so far.


2-Light should be 16" above the clones

That really also depends on what type of lights / cooling he's using though right?

3-This is important. After you do your cut on the stem of the clone take your razor blade/knife and, with it at a 90 degree angle to the stem, lightly scrape the stem to approx. 1" up from the cut end all the way around. What you are doing is just breaking the surface layer of the stem in the area that you want there to be roots. The makes it easier for the roots to break out of the stem.I also dip mine in Clonex gell to that 1" point and let them sit for 5 minutes before I put them into the cloner.

I have to try this sometime ^^. I've only cut it at a 45 so the roots were focused on one side x.x..


I have built an insane bubble cloner with 80 inches of bubble stone. but almost every clone died because water temps were near 80F

I built an aero-cloner with the guide you are talking about, it's way more reliable.


That really also depends on what type of lights / cooling he's using though right?

I have to try this sometime ^^. I've only cut it at a 45 so the roots were focused on one side x.x..

Well you should be using floros for cloning in the first place. But even if you were using say a 150 watt MH or HPS you would do the same thing. Though I can't imagine using anything that strong for clones.

On the other, the whole idea is to just lightly scrape the top layer of the stem just enough to break the surface so that the roots have less resistance. Don't go crazy scraping and remember to keep the blade at a 90 degree angle :


Hard to illustrate that, LOL!


my best cloning results easily have been with passive watering systems. I fill a solo plastic cup with 70/30 perlite/vermiculite (ala hempy), rinse with tap water, put some holes in the bottom, and put a few of them in a tupperware container under a 23w cfl. take the cutting, and quickly place in a cup of water with a few drops of h202 and superthrive. soak overnight. then dust the tips in rooting powder and stick em in the solo cups. water it every few days (fill up to "1/2") and I get 90-100% success every time. you can use plastic popsicle trays, old plastic seedling containers, as well as sticking them all in one big container.

Got a picture of that for me?

Green Love

Is an areo/bubbler cloner faster than using soil to clone in?


Is an areo/bubbler cloner faster than using soil to clone in?

I think on average it's faster. The Reason I don't wnat to clone in Rapid Rooters or Rockwool or soil is because I want to "KNOW" when my clones have rooted. Not wait weeks for them to poke out of some cube.


Given 2 Clones No What?

Given 2 Clones No What?

I Will Be Getting 2 Or So Clones Tomorrow. Don't Know Anything At All About Them Or Condition. I Have No Experience Of Any Kind. I've Read Allot Here But I Would Like To Know Whats The First Thing I Should Do To Keep Them Healthy?
Anymore Info Is Much Needed!
Thank You All!


I Will Be Getting 2 Or So Clones Tomorrow. Don't Know Anything At All About Them Or Condition. I Have No Experience Of Any Kind. I've Read Allot Here But I Would Like To Know Whats The First Thing I Should Do To Keep Them Healthy?
Anymore Info Is Much Needed!
Thank You All!

Rooted or unrooted?

For rooted clones you will place them into your hydro or soil setup and go with a 10 percent fert/nute solution.

If they are unrooted cuttings>

Well if you are ready for them you should recut the bottoms at 45 degrees and put them into your cloner or whatever you are using as a cloning setup.
If you are not ready for them and they are in good condition, nice and green with no black spots or mushy stems, you can place them in a large ziplock bag, mist them lightly and then blow up the bag and seal it. Then place in the frig. making sure that it isn't set so low that they will freeze.
I have done this with freshly taken clones and left them in the frig for 10 days with no ill effects. But those were fresh healthy cuttings.
If they are wilted or otherwise look like they are not doing to well you can put them into cups of ph adjusted (5.8-6.2) water for a few hours to freshen them up. Look for the leaves raising up and flatening out to tell that they are responding.

Any other specific questions don't be afraid to ask.