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I don't think edibles are compatible with my body


Over the years I've tried eating weed several times, without success. I once took 12 yellow Marinols and felt nothing.
I've tried cbd MANY times at high doses and have never felt ANY pain relief.

Last year a buddy gave us a half tray of brownies me and wife split it and she was off in space I just got mad.

Last month I ate enough decarboxylated flower and concentrate to feel something but it took SIX HOURS.

So this time, I added 2 grams of wax, and 1.3 grams of iso reclaim, decarbed, and dissolved in coconut oil.
Now I got trashed, but it took 8 hours this time. Wife got fucked up in just over an hour. Not fair!
Anybody else experience this?


Yeah I've read that, maybe not this past week, but he has a huge tolerance. I didn't think mine was tolerance related because it finally did kick in, just many hours later.

Thanks! I'll get up to date on said thread.


Well-known member
Would that have been my thread 'below"? LOL I seem to be the only one with the extreme tolerance issues around here.

Your bioavailability may be bad. Try to adhere to the basics of edibles....

Always on a full stomach. Pot generally works much better with food than without.

Are you sure you are decarbing it properly? Since your wife went zooming, we'll assume, yes. However, under-decarbing often results on very delayed onset with my testers.

If you are zooming also, just hours later.... I'll bet an empty stomach vs her full stomach.

Also, try a beer or 2 (if you are a drinker) with your edibles. The alcohol seems to encourage a faster onset.

How much do you smoke? An ounce a week? An 1/8th a week. An ounce and I'll scream tolerance issue. If an 1/8th, I don't know.

Good luck, either way. I can certainly empathize.


I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. I make 16 brownies to half a cup of cannabutter - fairly strong butter I should say, but I've eaten 1/8 of just one of those 16 brownies and got to a level of high that I'm comfortable with, any higher and it starts getting too much of a wild ride where I lose control.


Would that have been my thread 'below"? LOL I seem to be the only one with the extreme tolerance issues around here.

Your bioavailability may be bad. Try to adhere to the basics of edibles....

Always on a full stomach. Pot generally works much better with food than without.

Are you sure you are decarbing it properly? Since your wife went zooming, we'll assume, yes. However, under-decarbing often results on very delayed onset with my testers.

If you are zooming also, just hours later.... I'll bet an empty stomach vs her full stomach.

Also, try a beer or 2 (if you are a drinker) with your edibles. The alcohol seems to encourage a faster onset.

How much do you smoke? An ounce a week? An 1/8th a week. An ounce and I'll scream tolerance issue. If an 1/8th, I don't know.

Good luck, either way. I can certainly empathize.

Maybe a quarter of flowers and a gram of wax a week. Not that much.

However, I didn't Know about the full stomach thing. I used to be a opiate head, and we always took pills on an empty stomach to get higher. Guess some habbits don't brake, even though my opiate habbit did.
Thanks for the knowledge! ill try again soon on full stomach and lecithin if I can find


Well-known member


Well-known member


Factors That Affect Bioavailability

When administered by a non-intravaneous route, the bioavailability of a drug varies from person to person. It may be affected by physiological and other factors including whether the drug is taken with other drugs or with or without food, and the presence of a disease that affects the gastrointestinal system or liver function.

Other factors affecting a drug's bioavailability are its physical properties, the drug formulation, such as extended release or immediate release, an individual's circadian rhythm, drug interactions, food interactions, rate of metabolism (the effect of enzyme induction or inhibition by other drugs and foods), health of the gastrointestinal tract, age of the patient, and the disease stage.

When a drug is administered intravenously, it has a bioavailability of 100 percent (F

If a drug is taken orally, it quickly reaches the stomach, dissolves and some of it is absorbed by the small intestine. From the small intestine, it travels to the hepatic portal vein before it reaches the systemic circulation. Some of the factors that may prevent the drug from reaching the systemic circulation are the drug's properties and the patient's physiological state.

A drug such as benzyl penicillin cannot withstand the stomach's low pH which destroys it. Digestive enzymes can destroy insulin and heparin.

Drugs which are highly hydrophobic may not be readily absorbed because they are insoluble in body fluids, while highly hydrophilic drugs – which have an attraction for fluids – cannot cross lipid-rich cell membranes.


Well-known member
i started making cannabis caps this year and have found a wide range of differing experiences from people who try them...

yes i have had edibles take 6+ hours to activate but since using lecithin, coconut oil and myrcene my caps generally start to activate for most people within 20 - 30 minutes, taking 60 - 90 minutes to be fully activated...


i started making cannabis caps this year and have found a wide range of differing experiences from people who try them...

yes i have had edibles take 6+ hours to activate but since using lecithin, coconut oil and myrcene my caps generally start to activate for most people within 20 - 30 minutes, taking 60 - 90 minutes to be fully activated...

That sounds great! Thanks for the research.


Active member
Always decarb before you put it in any recipe. This is a decarbing method I read somewhere a few years ago, the guy said it was a standardized method recognized by some intetnational group. Sorry about being scetchy on the extact details but it's been many years ago that I read about this method.
Preheat oven to 220 degrees F. Put material on a tray, I line it with aluminum foil and heat for 10-15 minutes depending on the dryness of the matetial. Take out tray and preheat to 250F. When preheated to 250F put the material in and cook for 50 to 60 minutes. Cool and use. I frequently crumble up about a third of a gram and put it in some salsa. Eat with some tortilla chips/fat and a piece of cheese/fat. Eating it with fat helps it get metabolized faster.
Works everytime.


Is there anyone that has problems getting high orally that also hasn't felt relief from cbd? Even when dabbed or vape?


The only time I ever felt anything at from cbd was the first time I smoked cbd only flower, but that was probably be placebo because it never happened again.


Comfortably numb!
Always decarb before you put it in any recipe. This is a decarbing method I read somewhere a few years ago, the guy said it was a standardized method recognized by some intetnational group. Sorry about being scetchy on the extact details but it's been many years ago that I read about this method.
Preheat oven to 220 degrees F. Put material on a tray, I line it with aluminum foil and heat for 10-15 minutes depending on the dryness of the matetial. Take out tray and preheat to 250F. When preheated to 250F put the material in and cook for 50 to 60 minutes. Cool and use. I frequently crumble up about a third of a gram and put it in some salsa. Eat with some tortilla chips/fat and a piece of cheese/fat. Eating it with fat helps it get metabolized faster.
Works everytime.
Too high for too long! 225 deg F for 25 min. Those numbers are easy to remember. Anything hogher amd you are loosing terps.


Comfortably numb!
Is there anyone that has problems getting high orally that also hasn't felt relief from cbd? Even when dabbed or vape?
Dunno good buddy! I've seen reorts on here were folks need 2-3 grams to get a buzz. My pills are size "0" with a capacity of 0.69g. Each pill weighs 0.22-0.24g. One pill takes me on a ride for 4-6 hrs. 30 min in and I am feeling the buzz. When it comes to CBD (straight CBD) same thing. Within 30-45 min and I am feeling the effects. I truly feel for folks that require COPIOUS amounts to get where they are going. Talk about expensive. This week I am rocking Ww during the day with Gdp for the evening.


Thought I'd post another edible experience.

I went to the National Cannabis Festival in Washington DC. Just before I left I drank a 100mg THC slushie, and on the way home I ate a 200 mg THC jolly rancher.
I did actually feel it. Wasn't trashed, but much higher than normal.

The next day, I gave my lightweight wife some THC sourpatch kids.
She ate 1 1/2 pieces for about 22.5 mg.
I ate the other 12 or so pieces so about 180mg of THC and I ate an entire bag of "sugar stoned" sour candy. The entire bag was 300 mg.

My wife got shitfaced of 22.5 mg, and I sorta felt something, but mostly tired instead of high off of 480mg.

I guess the slushie got me higher the day before because it was liquid and easier to absorb?

My body just won't absorb it properly.

Now that I look back at it, I always did have to take more acid than everyone else. Pills too. So I guess it's not just cannabis.


Well-known member
You are my twin (cannabis wise, anyway LOL).

My dose is about 1000mg so I know where you are coming from.

The simple answer is that your tolerance is simply too high. However, what you said about having high tolerance to other drugs is exactly my life as well. I always took 4 hits of acid while everyone else did a half hit. I could easily kill a fifth of booze in my drinking days. Everyone else was trashed on a few shots.


Your body simply does not process like other people's. A few things you can do.... make sure you take your edibles on a full stomach (take with food). Fatty foods if possible.

If you make your own edibles, make sure you use plenty of lecithin and maybe some myrcene. Both help with bioavailability.

Try sublingual instead of swallowing the edibles. Cannabis will enter your bloodstream a lot quicker and better through the blood vessels under your tongue than through your stomach.

Good luck. High tolerance is a pain in the ass but other than quitting for a while, increasing dose and bioavailability is about all you can do.




How are people making those slushies?
Is it a truly water soluble form of THC in there? I would figure that would be cost prohibitive.
But it was like a normal slushie, and it actually worked for me.

I ordered a package of lecithin, haven't used it yet.

For those of you who can feel edibles from a normal dose:
Does eating it work better than sublingual?
I know that it doesn't convert Delta 9 to Delta 11 sublingually, because it's not being processed by the liver.

I wonder if it would work better for me sublingually. Not sure if my body has trouble absorbing in general, or just my stomach.


Well-known member
How much do you smoke/vape/whatever?

It might simply be a tolerance thing (or a combination of tolerance and bioavailability).

I was smoking about 3 ounces a week+. Now that I am about 80 to 90% vaping I have cut that in half. However, I have increased my rosin consumption 2 or 3 fold. Suffice to say, if I am awake, I pretty much have cannabis in my mouth in some form.

With that said, certainly part of my problem is tolerance but, again, bioavailability is definitely an issue with me.

EDIT: And, yes. There is water soluable forms of cannabis out there. I have read about a number of companies that are doing it.
