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I dont have a facebook...am i in the stone age?

le crunch

It's a fucking joke. I know plenty of people who are on fb all the time. The most mundane shit - one girl in particular I know is always asking me to join. Her typical comments - me and boyfriend went to cinema, me and boyfriend going to see Paolo Nutini etc etc. Nobody cares what you and your wee twerp of a boyfriend are doing.

I didn't like most of the people at my school when I was there so why the fuck would I want to talk to them 15 years later? I agree fb is for attention whores. One guy I know even posted up that he had been for a shit three times in one day. Any of my real friends who need to contact me can text or ring me.

Twitter is even worse - twatter I call it. I remember one of the reasons Twitter gave to entice you to join is you can 'let people know what you're doing 24 hours a day'. I don't want people knowing what I'm doing 24 hours a day. It sounds like a nightmare.

Give it a year or two and Facebook will go the same way as Friendster, Myspace, Bebo etc when all the 'cool kids' move on to the next social site.


in the thick of it
i'm not on facebook, i think it's silly and a huge waste of time. I'm with Le Crunch, I didn't like most of the people I went to school with and of the people I know now, we actually talk or hang out. It's just not for me.

Lots of my friends still use facebook and I finally deleted mine about a month ago, actually - takes two weeks to permanently delete your account! Edit: facebook offers to deactivate your account, this secretly stores your info until you come back. Of course facebook doesn't want you to delete your account, so they don't tell you. Here is the link:http://www.wikihow.com/Permanently-Delete-a-Facebook-Account. To my surprise, when I told my friends that Facebook is just a cancer to society and I quit, they all agreed with me - instead of the, "hey, x, you want a soap box or something??".

One of my friends even deleted his account after me when I told him, and he had over 200+ friends. It's like people are trapped or something and are scared to get out.... Women, facebook will not hit you, just leave. Men, grow a pair and fucking delete your account.

"hey, just woke up... thinking about taking a shit."
"hey, so I got out of bed finally lol, still thinking about taking a shit."
"uhg fell asleep again, finally up, going to take a shit now."
"yay, took a shit everyone! look i type on here so you can acknowledge me. please comment about my shit taking"
- 6 people like this

Ya, no more of that thank you very much. Facebook can shove it straight up their ass.

Technology is becoming so acceptable everywhere that its become another pandemic. hahahahaha ya laugh at me now, but if I said food is becoming a pandemic 30 years ago, you would have fell out of your chair. Well guess fucking what? I don't hear you laughing right now.

I am afraid to bring children into this world, because they will become desensitized so quickly from the real world, and really what can I do as a parent anyway? What? In 15 years I am suppose to look at my son/daughter and tell them "you're not aloud to use the iPod637 or AppleBananaWatermelon laptop" Shit, look at the world now, and picture it in 15 years...

ok not so much rant now, kinda boring so you can skip this:

Very scary how moore's law is so accurate. Computers will eventually top out at a household level, and marketing will need to take place. Apple already does this - fancy boxes, hip commercials, etc... yet they charge an incredible amount for all their hardware/products in comparison to any other computer company. How do they get away with it? Demand has dropped to an all time low; super-upgraded products come to us every year. Technology has come to a point where, at a household level, we don't need anymore upgrades. Business demands computers, military demands computers, but households have all the power they need in a computer - gaming is a slightly different situation, and certainly isn't near the majority. Increasing the speed of the internet is the next big idea.

Butter's law frightens me as well. In the very short future, internet will be instant. There will be no more waiting on downloading movies, uploading files, surfing, streaming, etc... all the companies have now moved onto fibre optics and that doubles every 9 months. So right now, it's common to say the top speed a household can access is 1gbps. In 9 months, it'll be affordable for 2gbps... again 4, then 8, then 16... within a few years, North America will look like South Korea.

Things like twitter, facebook, and other such atrocities are destroying a functional society. Essentially, these are all privacy issues too; not going to get into that :deadhorse: I really don't feel silly when I listen to biochemists telling me we will be taken over by micro-machines. x.x who ever thinks that is outrageous is just ignorant with today's world and technology.

SUM UP. Because I know some fucking idiot will say tl;dr... I'm not fucking Amish... Technology can obviously be good, and bad; social technology is a pandemic. Technology helps us cure disease, creates efficiency, and makes society progress as a whole. Social technology spreads disease, creates laziness, and devolves us.
yes I don't think posting personal info about myself is a good thing and besides, I don't see the point. I can get the interaction I seek here, or in real life. Why post a bunch of details to total strangers? Even if those details are made up, it is a waste of time for me to devote so much time and effort to such nonsense. Call me a caveman if you must but it is not my thing. Hell I still don't have a cellphone and so don't text, and don't own a blackberry. Same goes for twitter, skype and all that crap.


Active member
nice post buddha, i agree with your ideas about social technology vs regular technology. dont get me wrong i like social networking, but i do it all on ICmag with people on the same level as me. faceboook social networking is different. i guess it shows the kind of people we are. most growers are in a different mindset. we are anti social by nature, we hate normal society and the sheeple rat race, which most people on facebook are involved in. looking at all those people caught up in their lives makes me so glad to realize that for the time being im freee...

dont even get me started on twitter...i think thats the stupidest shit i have ever seen.

like really....i would rather blow my brains out than read kim kardashians twitter.

i think that shit is mostly for brain dead celebrities and rappers to promote their shit...its funny because rappers like The Game get into "twitter beef"....all those stupid idiots are starting funk in real life because of their drunken twitter rants...


Green Mujaheed
i also dont have internet on my phone...

Yuck, Never ever !

I have a FB account, but mostly post links overthere. I find it usefull to keep in touch with people far away, and also finding people whose contact you've lost. Otherwise this is an ugly-monster, making people to happily welcome Big Brother into their everyday's life. I'm always baffled at them people who post any kind of stuff about their private life. The lamest is when someone on vacation far away, post a message from the beach/mountain/forest/desert through mobile phone, eeaargh ! Damn, drop me on a Caribbean beach or an Himalayan slope and the very last thing i'll think about is grabbing my mobile to pose & post some BS on facebook, this is just insane !

that site is for attention whores

you name it ! Attention whores !

And of course good old fashioned handwritten letters.

Postcard ruuules !

Irie !

Mitch Connor

So nice to see everyone here despises FB as much as me...

I had an account for about a year until Sept 09, I got banned and my account deleted because I had a script that sent out friend invitations to every girl age 18-24 in my city.

Ended up getting 500 chicks on my list, met up with a few, got some action and that was that LOL. I must admit FB is the new myspace, so easy to get girls ready to spread their legs but it got old fast.

I was pretty happy when I got banned though, it was like quitting World of Warcraft all over again HAHAHA


I have some friends that own dispensaries, they are always asking friend us on FB. Sorry I don't do face book I tell them.

Shit I care less about the cops, it's the thugs that will use it to draw a bead down on me... If they know you are going to a show or when you are taking a shit...

Make a routine of being random if you use things like this to talk to friends and family. Log on when you leave the house and leave it on. Or at bed time... Say you going shows and don't go, You never know what your sister's or brother's little junky kids told people or might do to get a fixxxxxxxx...
Or some dude you pissed off in life, and him and his bros found out you are friends with dispensaries, or at a show or know where you hang out at.They come over and take your shit... Be safe with your real life people! Peace and puffs


I am afraid to bring children into this world, because they will become desensitized so quickly from the real world, and really what can I do as a parent anyway? What? In 15 years I am suppose to look at my son/daughter and tell them "you're not aloud to use the iPod637 or AppleBananaWatermelon laptop" Shit, look at the world now, and picture it in 15 years..

My gf an I were just talking about this last night after I watched the most horrible video online I have seen in a long time. I said to her, "do you ever watch something so horrible you feel like a little part of your brain has just been burned out and desensitized?". Who needs prime time tv when you've got endless amounts of surgical videos and watch me rot to fill your hours with before bed.

Its great that the internet gives you access all the info you could ever want, but do we really need it?

People in the 1950's weren't privy to late term abortion videos or even shot gun suicides and they did just fine. Why are these things there, why does anyone need to see these things. Talk about desensitized, my cousin who is now 14 grew up playing Turok Dinosaur hunter, it was basically his baby sitter. Turok is a pretty violent game and I think he's a little wierd because of all the time he spent playing that game and not socializing like a normal child. I'd say by the time he was 4 he was probly already turned off and desensitized to blood and violence. to think the modern day equivilent would be letting you toddler play GTA :laughing:

I dont exactly know where I was going with this, the internet is bad folks :angrymod:...............I say this even tho Im stuck like a hooker to crack.
My gf an I were just talking about this last night after I watched the most horrible video online I have seen in a long time. I said to her, "do you ever watch something so horrible you feel like a little part of your brain has just been burned out and desensitized?". Who needs prime time tv when you've got endless amounts of surgical videos and watch me rot to fill your hours with before bed.

Its great that the internet gives you access all the info you could ever want, but do we really need it?

People in the 1950's weren't privy to late term abortion videos or even shot gun suicides and they did just fine. Why are these things there, why does anyone need to see these things. Talk about desensitized, my cousin who is now 14 grew up playing Turok Dinosaur hunter, it was basically his baby sitter. Turok is a pretty violent game and I think he's a little wierd because of all the time he spent playing that game and not socializing like a normal child. I'd say by the time he was 4 he was probly already turned off and desensitized to blood and violence. to think the modern day equivilent would be letting you toddler play GTA :laughing:

I dont exactly know where I was going with this, the internet is bad folks :angrymod:...............I say this even tho Im stuck like a hooker to crack.
You couldn't be any more right. In fact, I'll show you just how powerful desensitizing oneself is....

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a method used to defeat OCD, by desensitizing yourself to whatever you are afraid of. Just by exposure alone, you can fool your mind into thinking something is ok. All serial killers share at least one trait; after the first kill, the next is easier. Desensitization is part of the pandemic; the next generation is sucking back a dose of social riddlin every single day.

What happens if an entire generation becomes desensitized to say... family moral? Right and wrong? Secularism? <-- cheap shot, sorry religious guys. Would it be a stretch to say, if these things have already been desensitized, we would see : families not wanting to spend time with each other, starving oneself for beauty, and concluding facts out of fiction, exaggeration. All can be part of the social networking dilemma... These tools seperate family bonding and assimilates girls into... creatures that think this is what men want...and worst of all, this is by far the best way to spread fiction, easier than the media - because this is directly targeted at the next generation; social networking is another form of media.
I think it is ok if you use it for the right purpose, I mean I dont want to know if you ate pizza and watched a movie today then gave your dog a bath! I found alot of friends I havent seen for maybe 10-15 years, then deleted account after idiots want to know shit about you.

the Rock

Active member
ive got FB and spend more time on it than I do here,the last couple years this site has went waaaay downhill =a bunch of punks growing in their mama's closets,. 90% of real growewrs dont waste their time yakking about getting busted(their not that stupid) getting robbed or getting laid. Anybody who sits in their trailer 24/7 posting on here must have to much time on their hands. I spend 16hrs a day on my crops and have three full time employees always busy


I think it is ok if you use it for the right purpose, I mean I dont want to know if you ate pizza and watched a movie today then gave your dog a bath! I found alot of friends I havent seen for maybe 10-15 years, then deleted account after idiots want to know shit about you.

Same here, helped me find a few people I wanted to find. After that I had no use for FB.

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