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i cant sleep!


Well-known member
Exercise.........I know everyone is in the "i need to fix it now" regardless of whether it's better for you in the long run.

Start with eating right and exercising regularly.......hate to be a debby downer, but i had the same probs as you and exercise and eating properly really helped.

Congrats on the little one, and I wish you all the best.



i have had problems all my life with insomnia its kind of ruined my family life as after a week or two without sleep i crack up snap at people i even used too get prescriptions off the doc but i dont take tablets as they made me worse next day but sine i have been smoking herb i was sleeping great for months but now its back i maybe need too learn how too make tincture...i will do plenty of sleeping when i am dead lol


Señor Member
^ From one insomniac to another... don't forget about the powerful synergistic effects cannabis can have when mixed with other herbs. Something like drinking chamomille tea along with smoking a nighttime bowl will be more effective than either of those alone. Then there are the potent herbals, like Valerian root. Take a tincture of that under the tongue right after smoking a bowl and go lay down.



I keep my hash vape on the nightstand by the bed. When I wake up early, I hit the vape and go right back to sleep.

Wish I could. I want to keep my house smoke-free, so I pre-load the pipe & keep it in the kitchen for a late night Puff.

I notice that when I go on vacation, e.g. skiing, sleep is not so difficult. Same when I visit my family, or stay at the motel on the way to visit family. AS LONG AS I HAVE ENOUGH FOOD, I get a good night's sleep at most motels.

I think it's related to the crap I have at home, 10 life-times worth of work. I have recently been interviewing a local homeless guy, to help me about 1 1/2 hours a day. He is a semi-retired tech worker who sleeps in his truck. Hopefully, that will not result in more stress. I know him from the Internet cafe. He would be my first employee.

For me the creative angst that is related to insomnia is not getting projects done on schedule, or at all. I have been backing away from all the hardware crap in my shop and living room and yard, and focussing more on my computer and on recruiting affordable help.

I think this may be an example of sort of mental or emotional things-going-on that can interfere with sleep. As is demonstrated to me when I go on vacation, stepping away from it really helps. The easiest way to do that is ... ROAD TRIP !!! :woohoo:

Exercise and nutrition, FOR SURE.

Alternating days of cardio and yoga work best for me, exercise wise.

I have tried the benadryl (diphenhydramine something) and some Walmart product, "Docc -something Succinate". And Ambien. The side-effects of all 3 for me is a head-ache hang-over. But for other people one of them may work just fine.

I used to have a room-mate who chilled every night with a pint of Haagendaazs and a joint, some of the worst press brick Mexican I've ever had. But he slept good.

But one thing I can learn from that is, going to bed hungry does not work. So I try to eat as much as I can, healthy food, during the day. Especially early in the day and at lunch, forcing down healthy food, so that if I have a good hard-working (or hard-playing) day, I don't go to bed hungry.

I think one of the primary magic tricks for insomnia is finding the right Significant Other. Besides the access to Hot Love, a definite insomnia aid, a well-matched significant other will even bring you your pipe, and they may bring you a snack before you even realized you were hungry. :tiphat:

If you don't have access to the Significant Other, there is always the Do it Yourself Approach, the Big M. God I hope I don't hear about that forever. :biggrin:

As far as cannabis, I found 2 of the most helpful were Grimm Brothers White Widow, just a knock-out blow, good for heart-burn too.

Also, some of the more Sativa crosses, sometimes. Yes, they may leave you to lie there with your brain buzzing with thoughts. But I find that, most of the time, the next thing you know you are waking up.


Well-known member
Tubs of water that are too damn hot to be comfortable have helped me a lot with chronic pain. Sometimes I can sleep real well as a result. Sometimes, the are nights are kind.


Well-known member
I'm a chronic insomniac, and have been for the last 30 years. I've tried everything, including alcohol, all the common prescription meds, cannabis and even saw a sleep specialist that put me on Xyrem, which is basically legal GHB. Even that only knocked me down for 3 hours, and I took a second dose in the middle of the night. The good thing was I didn't build a tolerance to it. The bad was it was $1600 a bottle and only a couple of doctors in the country are willing to jump through the hoops the Feds require to prescribe it. Evil shit. You had to be in bed when you took it, because when it kicked in, it was instant lights out.

I have a very physical job, which helps a lot. Lots of exercise will help.

Nothing works for any length of time, so I have to mix it up. Cannabis helps a lot, but only for a week or two, and then I have to switch over to a couple glasses of wine until my tolerance drops. I take 2 mg of Xanax about twice a week to get at least a couple nights (or days, I work a rotating shift) of solid sleep. I build a tolerance to the Xanax fast, so twice a week is the limit, plus you don't want to experience benzo withdrawal. Trust me there.

There is no simple answer. It's a frigging curse.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
3 fingers of Bourbon on the rocks with a fatty of indica.

Seriously though, I have always been able to sleep for as long as I wanted, anytime anywhere. Now its 3 hours max at a time, series of naps, it sucks. I do not ever seem to achieve deep sleep.

If I eat something like a cookie or some chocolate before bed it seems to help.

Good luck!


Whatever you do, NEVER TAKE BENZO's Jesus fucking christ the damage that shit caused in my life and when I finally got off ( had to spend 3 weeks supervised in a hospital having multiple seizures a day and feeling as terrible as you could ever imagine. I was an opiate addict back then too and heroin withdrawal was a walk in the park compared to benzo's. After I got off them my head was so fucked up I couldn't even put a sentence together. I couldn't look people in their eyes I was terrified of everything and it took literally 8 months for my normal "brain" to go back. I really thought I was going to be insane for
I also second the hot bath ritual, removing stimulants such as light/sound. Heheh - also good to see so many people opposed to sleeping pills. I will also say please please don't use alcohol to solve your sleeping problems.


Well-known member
My god wegobig.that sounds like a nightmare.I go through dt's on a normal basis and that's a lot like what you described.I'm glad you got the shitmonkey off your back.now I just gotta get the shitmonkey off of mine


Bubba kush is my favourite for sleep. Honestly though, I started sleeping amazing when I stopped being a drug addict that was selling drugs and doing all sorts of illegal things on he daily. Now I just grow and smoke my weed and since I have no paranoid stressful thoughts, just happy ones, I drift right off to sleep.

If I had a kid on the way I probably wouldn't be sleeping very well either but I feel like now I have learned to turn my thoughts off. Staying up thinking about it just makes shit 100x worse the next day when your to tired to even think. It's not like we get any productive thinking done when we're lying in bed anyway. I have learned to tell my head to shut the fuck up and get some rest so I can sort through my problems with clarity in the morning.

I know that is much easier said then done though.


Well-known member
That's exactly my problem.my head is just swimming with weird thoughts,and won't shut up.weed just makes it worse