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I always got nuteburn.. I Must Have Braindamage or what?


Soon i start cry, Im so angry,.

my plants are heavy over feeded again.

please give me a new brain, or help me please.

i need my medicine, it must be good. Please help please.

What is most easy way feed right.

I grow indoor, soil, organic

400w MH , 600w HPS DigitalBallast

little room about 160cmx160cm 195cm height

i got
Guanokalong powder 1-10-1
palm ashes 1-1-30 i think it is
bio root liquid
bio grow liguid
spirulina powder
bone powder bio
blood powder bio
bio silicone
epsom salt /magnesium

i also have litte airpump, i can make teamixes if i want.

What of these stuff i got is needed use= wich weeks and how much?

please help


Active member
Need more info to really be able to help lots more ?

What soil used would be a good start ?

In any case use 5 gallon containers for veg and flower use a common baged soil like fox farm ocean forest and use just water for the first 4 weeks of veg.
Then send plants to flower . you could use earth juice bloom during flower on a 3 day rule watering as needed . 1st time water only next time water only 3rd time use earth juice bloom at 1/4- 1/2 strength then repeat cycle for 50-70 days (strian dependant ) flushing with just water the week before harvest.

Keep it simple to start . earth juice is a no brianer it will work,with most water sources and ph is,not much of a issue just change soil out every cycle .

Slowly make changes and try new things one at a time . good luck .

Not sure on soil nute aviability in your area. Maybe some one from your area can give a simple way for you to start off.

St. Phatty

Active member
Beginners tend to over feed their plants.

If you measure the pH of the run-off from the pots, it's probably very acidic.

Make sure your pots are elevated off the container that the water drains into. The bottom of the pot should be sort of dry, as dry as something that's dripping water can be.

I suggest also flushing the plants. Just watering them with regular water, 3, 4, or 5 times. In the bath tub or shower so the excess water drains away from the plant.

I've had seedlings that were over-nuted, even though their neighbors were doing fine - with the exact same soil & treatment. When I flushed the over-nuted plants, they started flowering right. Since it was an Apollo 11 F3, the end result was PRIMO - the over-nuted plant produced better meds than her sisters.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
consider using organic soil or a standard nutrient formula like the lucas formula or maxibloom


New member
650 ppms. ssh.
Soon i start cry, Im so angry,.

my plants are heavy over feeded again.

please give me a new brain, or help me please.

i need my medicine, it must be good. Please help please.

What is most easy way feed right.

I grow indoor, soil, organic

400w MH , 600w HPS DigitalBallast

little room about 160cmx160cm 195cm height

i got
Guanokalong powder 1-10-1
palm ashes 1-1-30 i think it is
bio root liquid
bio grow liguid
spirulina powder
bone powder bio
blood powder bio
bio silicone
epsom salt /magnesium

i also have litte airpump, i can make teamixes if i want.

What of these stuff i got is needed use= wich weeks and how much?

please help


K+ vibes
Nobody mentioned humidity so I'll give that a shot.... Its your humidity mate... Look up VPD. The largest variable in plant behavior.

When your humidity is too low... your plants will eat food too fast, and overwork the leaves...

Make sure you veg plants until they are lime green if they are dark. If your burning plants in veg they are highly likely to run into a lockout or buildup soon as you flip into flower.

Give the organics a chance to break down, and your plants to get big enough to become heavy feeders... All plants are picky with nutes when small... Low humidity will entirely halt photosynthesis, burn the leaves, and stunt growth. The more overfed the faster it will happen when the humidity is low and your basically rushing the plants to leach nutrients from the leaves, and deplete their resources/reserves.

Also overwatering is another bad thing that will stunt\halt growth.. Its important to size the pot so you can water heavy in the morning. Watering late in the day will raise humidity {bad}, and most likely have roots flooded in cold water.


hi all
thanx for helping me

Soils is good. Professional use this Soil at here.
I have perlite 15%

and coco 15%
70% good soil fresh always

i need buy humidmeter right now.
I got old wet t shirt giving little humidy

can you check ppm and ph in organic mix?

i will buy humidmeter , and check

maybe cut all fertilizers to half i give now ?

That Maxibloom, is that organic?


Boreal Curing
St. Phatty has your answer. I'd add that beginners also tend to over water.

I always try to slightly overfeed in pots, then back off when I see the burn. If you underfeed, you're losing precious growth time that you can't recover from. Especially at the 2 month mark when they should be vegging like crazy. It affects your yield.

Flush and you should be good. Follow the nute instructions to a T. If you have been, then cut down on them by a quarter.


Namekian resident/farmer
Get fox farm happy frog soil get yourself some Dr earth all purpose, tomato, vegetable and herb,and the flower girl dry fertilizers then mix the instructed amount into the soil of the all purpose and tomato vegetable and herb then add seed or cut and when in veg it runs out of food just top dress the tomato vegetable and herb fert it will compost aND lose it's gross smell... Then when in flower add the instructed top dress amount to the soil and bboom some fire ass meds it's idiot proof if done as I instructed best of luck bud


ICMag Donor
The easiest way to grow is to get the nutes you choose and READ AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!

If your plants are experiencing nute burn still... FEED LESS.

If that fails you...

Write everything that you do down on a calendar so you can see your progress compared to your inputs.