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hydroponics - homemade Organic Nutrients [Q]


Peeps, im considering starting hydroponics but theres something im not really sure if i can do and that is use the:

bat guano
worms castings
seaweed liquid

As tea for my grow and if i can make the tea in the water im feeding the plants, i guess thats my only problem standing between me and hydro :p

Thanks for sharing, T.


Sorry but we're not on the same page :p
You want to mix labeled nutes with organic nutes, im not looking for that cause the place where im leaving doesnt have ferts for sale like in your country and thats why im looking for 100% homemade organic nuts cause thats the only way im gonna be able to feed my plants.
You want to mix labeled nutes with organic nutes, im not looking for that cause the place where im leaving doesnt have ferts for sale like in your country and thats why im looking for 100% homemade organic nuts cause thats the only way im gonna be able to feed my plants.

Fair enough, but the details are still in that thread. The very simplest answer to your question, though, is certainly "yes"! I just figured that you'd want more information than that. :dunno:


No, yes i've read it, so far what i've understood from the thread is that the only problem is the bacteries in the mix that can block the pump. But the part where i have to use the labeled nutes to be able to do it, its just something i wont be able to do...
anyhow thanks for the info i subscribed it to see further progress, you might bump into a free way of doing that :p
so far what i've understood from the thread is that the only problem is the bacteries in the mix that can block the pump.

It's not the bacteria that blocks pumps. These problems happen when you put the raw foods in the reservoir. They tend to fall out of the holding bag. I recommend that you make the tea in a different container, filter it, and then use only the finished liquid.

But the part where i have to use the labeled nutes to be able to do it, its just something i wont be able to do...

Right, but the "special" part of this whole process is the organics. :) So, feel free to add ideas and knowledge about your pure organic grow in our thread. You'll probably learn things that we won't. So, the input will be very valuable.

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