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Hydro System(s) Questions

There are so many Variations possible for Hydrosysthems and like with every style of growing there allways poeple having alot of success. Im pretty lost with all that information around these boards regarding hydro, as i havent used anything except soil and coco yet.

As seen in the Stickies and other popular threads, from hempys to buckets with just an airstone to complex deep flow recirculating systhems and Aerotubes with Sprayers, Ebb&Flow or whatever nearly everything seems to produce great Results when properly operated.

Would like to expand my experience on hydro systhem but i dont know what Systhem to choose :dance013:

So my Questions:

1) Whats the drawback of using an Airstone in a closed bucket ?

2) Do Roots grown in a Aero Environment(nft,ebb&flow and other hybrid systhems) support better Yield then Roots grown in Water(all kind of dwc)?

3) When using a DIY recirculating Bucket Systhem, how does one control the Waterlevel in the Buckets? I know the intake is usually 1/3 the Size of the outtake, but what if the pump doesnt have enough power, wouldnt the waterlvel be lower over time. What if the Reservoir is lower then the Bucket?

4) Is introducing organic Additives like Molasse(with or without added Benficals) worth the trouble?

Thats it for now, thanks in Advance

PS: Im thinking about using a airstone fueled bucket for my first llitle try on real hydro(coco isnt hydro lol). One tubing of the pump would fuel the diffuser ring at the bottom of the bucket and the other would drive the additional dripper i would install ontop of the net bucket, basicly like a GH Waterfarm without a inner bucket + an additional Airstone. Any Input?


stone fool
There is no one right or best way. Keep reading the grow logs and forums, when you are in a thread where the questions you asked here are germane, ask them there from the folks who can answer from experience. Do not wait for answers, go find them.
So my Questions are not valid, i should read more?

About 1) This thread https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=13327 covers the method of using a non recirculating Bucket with an Airstone but even though i read like 10 pages of it, there were no mentions of the Drawbacks.

About 2) If even HeathRobinson tries a new Systhem nearly every grow, im sure there are lots of Poeple out there who would like a definitive Answer, to whats has better Potential, Aero or DWC.

3) I saw lots of Pictures how to set up the reservoir and control the Waterlevel, but noone really explained the Physics how it works. Im bad at Physics, so forgive me .....

4) Age old debate, there are lots of Organic Additives around suited to Hydro. Flitered and Reduced so its not clogging anything or prodcing Slime. Little Talk about whats really suited to Recirculating, so again i thought its ok to bring it up.

Maybe i should have opened a thread for each single question, like the newb i am......


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
the easiest & simplest way to do hydro is the hempy buckets ...IMO
no pumps to fail ... no airstones to clog etc..... just follow hempys directions .... use Maxibloom as your nutes & it doesn't get much easier .


stone fool
Your questions are valid, I think all questions are valid really. But you ask questions that can have multiple right answers, and some folks here are glad to give advise on things they have never done, much of it bad advise, do you know who is a goof and who is a guru? If you seek out the info in the threads where folks are doing it, you will get better advise. I set you a path that would lead to the info you need, feel free to ignore it.


New member
So my Questions are not valid, i should read more?

About 1) This thread https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=13327 covers the method of using a non recirculating Bucket with an Airstone but even though i read like 10 pages of it, there were no mentions of the Drawbacks.

The drawbacks depend on the situation. Obviously water change outs, topping off, ph adjustment etc become cumbersome when using too many buckets. Using RDWC one has a central control reservoir so using more buckets doesn't mean much more work as long as it is properly designed. The constant movement of the water is also a good thing for aeration, temperature control and prevention of disease.

About 2) If even HeathRobinson tries a new Systhem nearly every grow, im sure there are lots of Poeple out there who would like a definitive Answer, to whats has better Potential, Aero or DWC.

One would argue that any system that maximizes the effect of the largest number of beneficial variables in a grow environment would have the most "potential." However one might also argue that it depends on your particular goals for your grow. Are you looking for yield? Flavor? Do you buy into the "organic tastes better" hype? Start reading and decide for yourself. And I get the feeling HeathRobinson builds new grow systems all the time because he likes building them as much as he likes growing in them. I know the feeling.

3) I saw lots of Pictures how to set up the reservoir and control the Waterlevel, but noone really explained the Physics how it works. Im bad at Physics, so forgive me .....

I am no physics guru, or any type of guru, for that matter, but it seems to me that a passive drain will only move water out as fast as the diameter of the drain and the flow rate of the intake pump will push it there. The action of the water being taken in by the pump, combined with the water being pushed into the chambers (buckets, totes, what have you) creates a circular type of fluid motion which naturally will control the water level so that it never rises above the intake tube, as it is draining as fast as it is pumping. In other words, the pump is as much the drain as it is the input. The water level in the pump reservoir is controlled by a float valve hooked to a reserve or fresh water inlet so the water level never drops too low for the pump.

4) Age old debate, there are lots of Organic Additives around suited to Hydro. Flitered and Reduced so its not clogging anything or prodcing Slime. Little Talk about whats really suited to Recirculating, so again i thought its ok to bring it up.

Again, read up and decide for yourself. I personally like the good old clorox approach, while many swear by aquashield or hygrozyme. Cost is also a big factor as a $2 bottle of clorox is a lot more affordable than a $30 bottle of hygrozyme. But I am also a small personal grower hell bent on doing more with less and never going the other way (less with more...or just more with more) so your best option is to try the cheap route and if you hate it try it the other way.

Maybe i should have opened a thread for each single question, like the newb i am......

In the end, either just pick a "method" (grow x pounds in y amount of time!!!111!!1) and be happy with your results or go and read everything you can find on every subject related to horticulture and cannabis and decide for yourself what "method" works best.

I also do not find any problem with someone posting a request for some concise answers to what can seem at times some complicated questions, when clearly their own research has left them wanting for further understanding. Unfortunately, as has been said by others, most of the time clear and concise answers are the hard to come by, and one must use his own judgment in determining the best course of action, and if all else fails, good ol trial and error.

Peace and good luck.


I really dont understand why you would want anything more complicated if youre new.
IMO, when you have just started with hydro, dont go with a system that is difficult to operate. Youll have enough trouble learning to balance pH and EC (and to learn each plants needs)
do that with a simple hydro system (the one you linked too looks good) and then decide whats needed for an upgrade


1.if you are already growing in dirt pick out your nute hog for your first hydro experiment.
2.if it is the first time you have ever gown and you want to start with hydro, mono crop strain-wise, you are going to have enough to think about without cooking one plant and starving another.
3. read and make an educated decision on a system. nobody has seen your space or knows your abilities better than you. ask as many questions as you want there are thousands of pages out there for the reading. the stickys rock. READ THEM and run with the one that you think will work for you.
In the end, either just pick a "method" (grow x pounds in y amount of time!!!111!!1) and be happy with your results or go and read everything you can find on every subject related to horticulture and cannabis and decide for yourself what "method" works best.

I also do not find any problem with someone posting a request for some concise answers to what can seem at times some complicated questions, when clearly their own research has left them wanting for further understanding. Unfortunately, as has been said by others, most of the time clear and concise answers are the hard to come by, and one must use his own judgment in determining the best course of action, and if all else fails, good ol trial and error.

Peace and good luck.

Thx alot for answering my Questions

I want to cut out Trial and Error as much possible. Looking trough Growlogs for Information when most of the replys are onliners is kinda hard imo^^

Stating that im a newb was more about me making this thread then anything else.

I have grown on soil and coco and im pretty sure i could build and operate most of the Hydro Systhems, thats not the Problem.

Unless its supporting better growth and yield, theres little reason for me to switch from my container garden with Coco/Perlite Mix.

I do like try out stuff and DIY anything is allways Fun. Thats why im looking forward to trying Recirculating Hydro.

Also noone commented on my idea for a modified Airstone Bucket, havent seen anyone use a similar Systhem.


you will not learn anything by jumping over the learning process.


Active member
Anything that has your roots sitting in water is going to be a lot more complicated and a lot harder to maintain, and like everyone has said so far, everyone thinks their own way works the best. Which pretty much tells you that no matter what way you use as long as you do it right you will get great results..

That being said, why would you choose anything else than what is the most simple? Especially to start..

I would have to say rockwool top drip with a recirculating res is the easiest way to start. Although I do not grow this way because I dislike a lot of things about rockwool. Others beg to differ with me though so it obviously works. Top drip means your ressys can be a lot smaller than would be needed with ebb and flow.

Next easiest would probably be top drip hydtron.

Only problem with top drip is that each plant needs to be hooked up individually and that is a lot of parts that can go wrong. Ebb and flow is pretty much based on one tube being hooked up properly. A lot less can go wrong.. I would definitely recommend staying away from any kind of bucket ebb and flow (like the ebb and grow system) though and stick with trays if that is the direction you choose.

The hardest is anything where the roots will be sitting in water like I already stated.. It is relatively hard (compared to rockwool etc) to keep the water temps where they need to be and have enough dissolved oxygen in the water. Some people will tell you it is worth the hassle, but it is a lot to deal with your first run..

The main thing I have to say on the topic is that don't get caught up in all the hype over additives being necessary and having to have a special recipe to be successful growing hydroponics.

Also growing hydro is easier than people make it sound. Don't be scared by all of the horror stories. Do your research and you will be fine
G'Day mate hows things, i have grown on water for some years now and atm i am dabbling in Aero runs which i find quite easy to maintain. I am a believer in the basics, good light, air, water, strains and medium, create my own climates within the room and excellant hygene of my growroom. Give water growing a go, it isn't as hard as it seems, if you create your system, growroom, resume as simple as you can, you soon will find out how carefree growing can get.

Welcome to the machine.



Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Read read read your arse off! and rdwc is awesome for noobs as long as you got the funds for a chilled and meters. run it sterile for a run or 2 then test "organic" nutes.
Listen to Green thumb he's got the inside track for RDWC or check out pureknowledge's grows also for advice on RDWC.
Now I ask this, is your heart set on a RDWC or are you also looking into recirculating drip systems ,ebb and grow buckets . There are many good systems out there just takes time to familiarize yourself with all the components. Good luck to you and remember trying is the only way you'll find out if Hydro works for you
Maybe this thread will be the right place for my question, and it won't detract from the OP's questions.

If I have a 4x4 area (tent) to run 6 plants, in 2 cycles (so effectively 2x4ft per 3 plants, set into flowering approx 30-35 days apart) what would you run. Ebb and flow tables, RDWC buckets (3+control), or individual DWC buckets? I will have room outside the tent (barely) for reservoirs, and height shouldn't be an issue for drain back from an ebb&flow setup (elevated tent height).

Where would you guys recommend purchasing 2x4 flood trays from? I found some for around $60+SH that look nice (I think it was from BGH) but they seem pretty spendy for what they are...

Thanks in advance.

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