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Hydro Showdown: Under Current 6XL vs Bato Bucket - DCxGOO - 2,400Ws


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Under Current 6XL... running Dutch Master Gold line with Pure Flowers added to the mix... ppms around 500 on the hanna scale; usually lower though.. a lot less work doing the nutes than the bato system





Enjoy the update everyone :joint:
YO yo!!! Been a minute, love your system man, very tight as usual. Looking solid as can be.

I am just about pop my DCxNcG into bloom. You can see my last harvest in my photo album. About to post nug porn once I rebattery my camera.

I vegged bigger this time, I had no choice the other strain wasn't ready to go when I got home from Burning Man. I got a nice month cure on the finished stuff (thanks again to Burning Man)- owwww man perrrfectly sweet flowery and candy like. I run mostly organic hydro and had heavy sugars for sure.

So my veg this time is like 2 1/2 feet, maybe 3. I am going to push them down with a trellis. Whatcha think of that? Mine are more packed in, and I clean out the bottoms. Perhaps I am better with larger plants? Yield as always is a consideration, and I am curious how well it does for you. It did well for me, and now that the room is mostly done I am hoping to see what it can really do when everything comes together.

I have 24 in a 4x4. Yeah, packed. Just want a couple leads each. They look nice and branchy at the tops, so I am feeling happy. About to employ my drip line system for the first solid run.

Upgraded my mix to 50% coco 50% large chunk perlite. Adding large dose of earthworm compost and biological tea once a week. Roots are blasting fast after transplant. Pura Vida baby.

Adding CO2 too for the 1st time, so. . ya know.

I am going to keep tabs on your run. Looks superb my friend, really. I really dig how tight you pull it all together and make the space really work for you.

Mines thread is over in organic hydro forum.
Oww, yeah I got my veg to run fairly fast this time around I thought. I dialed in on using a 400ppm GH Mirco-150ppm GH Bloom mix. Raising up to 450ppm-200pm once good and growing. Adding EJ Catalyst watch it go. Dig well more for me, and I could have used more Micro perhaps even.

It is a interesting strain for sure. The DC has some very unique characteristics.


Active member
well as far as pruning the bottoms out goes.... this is what they started out like

and here they are now

Here are the ones in the UC

I tend to treat my ladies like roses; we are growing flowers not leafs... pretty much everything on the plant is a budsite and because of the co2 there is no popcorn... i took off the bottom 2/3rd of the plants at flower... the light canopy only goes about 1.5ft down... everything below that is gone

As far as the trellis goes.. if you look at the beginning of the thread you'll notice that i sort of had them pushed together as well; they like space; once they get about 2.5 feet tall they can really bush out; despite the appearance none of my plants were topped... i just took the 12 plants i had under 2 600s and split them under 4 600s; don't think they minded one bit... i figure with how long they take to veg you might as well get as much mass out of them as possible... i have some runts i threw outside and they're just straight colas top to bottom but the yield isn't going to be there

once they flower they don't stretch at all so where they are when they start is where they end up for the most part

also, for myself, plant count is a consideration; these plus my outdoor and then all the seeds i started plus clones of all the seedlings and then the rest of my moms and future cuts for the next run; well it adds up fast ;)

the trellis might be ok if you can get them to grow through it... get it down in veg not flower if u want some real support; i'm having to use butchers twine to tie up branches everyday now, not a bad thing in my book... they have pretty weak stems and very heavy dense nugs, stems bend but don't snap like pure dc strains are prone to so you can tie em back up once they sag as opposed to loosing a branch

from what i've heard they do like some teas more than other strains; i've added ewc to my res in both systems with no ill effects... the discoloration on some of the leaves in one of the previous pics was a combinations of high temps and an empty res; what does't kill em only makes em stronger though eh? ;)

If you can double the space, double the lights, and double the yield; that's what i did with fewer plants than before... started with 24 under 2 600s... 12 under 2 600s than 6 under 2 600s and added another 2 600s for the other 6... the other 12 went outside... take advantage of all that effort vegging em for so long to make em reward you


Active member
Yeah i think having root aphids at the get go really slowed my plants down by a good 15days from what i can tell from pics of other grows.... live and learn
Hmm, well, we shall have to see how mine look once they are in. I do find them to stretch some, its not exactly a no stretch. Minimal for sure. I think I will just push them down a bit with the trellis.

I have some topped, some not. They are also giving a nice load of clones as I clean out the bottoms. Handy indeed.

I previously staked them. I bloomed at 15-17 inches, and they came out nearer the 30" range. Maybe with longer veg they don't stretch. But I had them packed, so it worked perfect. Now I want to support better to yield more. Staking is a pain and there is always bugs drooping by the end.

It does put out heavy flowers, and like to topple. Go ahead and get nice and fat, I'll hold ya up!


Damn Opt1c, those girlies are looking great in the UnderCurrent system. All that work is really going to pay of by the look of it.

Great Job.
How are yours on scent?

Mine sweet of very ripe fruit crossed with something almost musky. The final smoke is flowery and very sugary on the lips. Light subtle taste; and very smooth and easy texture. Had 5 dry days, 30 days of cure.

The overall smell is not too strong once all dried. Actually it is my only criticism as of now. But, it could have to do with some many other factors. It does have odor as a plant, but even that is not that super crazy. My plants were healthy, I suspect heat could have played an issue as I pushed into the upper 70's, low 80's.

I had a few mutant clones I had to weasel out too. Drawfy things. I am so glad to not return to Blue Sky. I have narrowed down to all good ones now. I have seen some bs genetics from them. Don't even start me on the Bubblegum.


Active member
nice grow man, crowded in there huh? lol I might be crazy but did you say 600 watt cmh bulbs? I didn't think these were out on the market yet, maybe you mistyped... so a bulb shot would be nice, also a shot of the inside of the control bucket on the UC system while running, and also of one of the individual buckets (again inside, with the top lifted or whatever)

Also, any leaks with this system? Im trying to build my own to save money and am wondering what kind of grommets are hold the pvc pipes to the buckets at the bottom? and are the roots growing into the pipes? how do you combat this, or is there no need to?

good luck hope all goes well let me know you whats up your feedback's appreciated. got this one tagged:joint:


Active member
Mist:thanks; nice thing about the undercurrent; no work... unless you consider tying up branches heavy with flowers work... aside from that the lower ppms the system likes, they've been around 500 all cycle, equal fewer addbacks and quicker feedings

Citizen:yeah the stretch was there in some colas, minimal at that, but overall it's damn near the same height now than when they started except where there was once leaf there is now flower; they're really filling in... when others who've grown this strain say they fatten up they mean it... should make for a nice yield too boot

as far as mutants; half of the clones i got i tossed outside... 50% bunk... talking slow uneven growth... not what i'm looking for on a tray of clones of the same strain... even outside they are all over the place; lets just say they're doing a lot better outside than they would have in the trash though

as far as smell goes sometimes they overpower my cf filter; and it's a big one... albeit it's on its second run these are some stinky plants; especially when touched or moved...my hands look like they're coated with glitter if i rub one of the buds... very sweet but musky dank smell... smells like weed in a "that smells like weed" kind of way... looking forward to pushing em the last two weeks... how long have you let yours go?

turbo:they are hilux gro blulbs by ushio made in germany advertised as a conversion lamp designed to run on ANSI coded HPS ballast described as Super Metal Halide with Optimized Blue and Red Spectrum for maximized branching and vegetative growth. Supposedly outperforms standard MH lamps as well. I'll snap a pic later today.

Can't get you one of the inside of the buckets right now; they're sorta full and the plants are too big to move; that being said i don't think anyone moves their dwc trees out of the buckets until right before harvest; too many branches are tied to other things to lift them anywhere... i'll take one of the controller bucket but all you're gonna see are bubbles... they have a airstone/membrane diffuser thing that i've never seen anywhere else; it's not rock like the other 8" diffusers but it's damn near bigger and has massive plumbing for air... fills the entire control bucket with bubbles and dissolved oxygen... on either side of the diffuser are the 2" pipes that make up the heart of the aquaducts that connect the buckets... they're sealed with uniseals... if you don't want leaks get uniseals... end of story

i used to run bio-buckets; made the system myself over lots of hotglue and silicone... when all was said and done not only was the cost in the same ballpark... seriously, i've said it before, but spending over $100 at homedepot or whatever and walking out with a little ass bag full of 1/4" and 1.5" fittings does not feel cheap anyway you cut it... the cost of hoses, fittings, buckets, and whatnot add up fast... then you throw the massive h2o and o2 pumps on top of that, a chiller to be safe, and well... you're diy recirculating dwc system didn't save you any money in the end and you're often stuck with something that isn't as easy to disassemble if you need to change it up

far as the roots and pipes in my system go; they're 2" pipes... no issues with clogging... also i'm only running them at about half the water level so the roots are really really packed into the buckets but i've had zero issues... and no leaks at all... light or water... and light leaks can really kill you in a rdwc system... all it takes is a little light and its bloom city in your aquaculture... the only improvement i've made to the uc system was drilling two holes in the epicenter lid to route my chiller lines without allowing light to leak in through the epicenter if i left the lid cracked... better safe than sorry... ounce of prevention for pounds of cured etc..

I'll try to take more pics today before the lights go on; the pics with lights on are so red in comparison its not even worth it really as you can't get a feel for the trichs and i'm too busy to play in photoshop anymore than i have to


Now I really have an idea of how those Under Current systems work. I was at my local hydro store today and they have a 12 long setup with nothing in it but water so that you can see how it all circulates and I was quite impressed. No shortage of water movement there!!~
I would love to have one and guess I will have to start saving up for when I go to my new location.
How did you like running bio-buckets in comparison to the Under Current? It seems like that thing could be modified easy enough to run like one. I looked at one in Burlingame. Looks fairly well made, and so modular its very nice.

Thanks for the info Optic, your a good man!

Oww, and mine finished just over 8 weeks- day 65'ish. I got a good flush in. I use EJ Catalyst to ph correct my tap water for about a week, then drop to just water. At 5 ml/gallon the Catalyst gets my water to 6, and keeps em from yellowing out too fast. Once I drop that, they go quickly into starve mode. Then I don't water for 3-4 days before cutting, then just enough to keep em going. I am in coco run to waste, so I control nutrients very easily.

I used Sugar Daddy, and though Technaflora claims to not add any flavor aids (the way Sweet dose) it sure tastes really sweet; a lot like the smell of the Sugar Daddy in a certain way. I don't know. But I do know that the longer cure (4-5 weeks) I gave it this time really brought the sweetness out of it, much more floral then the spicy-hashy smell when I handled it and first put it in. I tasted along the way, and it went through about 3-4 distinct different phases. The final smell is ripe fruit this time, and sugary as can be. The final smoke taste is smooth, sugary sweet flowers. Good all the way to the end of the bowl. The tric's just turned a slight golden, then I stopped the cure. Absolutely perfect!

She is one gooey resinous plant, no? Rubbing against them will have you feeling sticky in no time.

Such a great day time smoke- no head fog, very functional. Potent, but has never pinned me down even once. I really enjoy the quality she produces, a mellow relaxed pleasant stone that leaves you feeling pretty darn good. Great for my medical needs, as I can function well and go about my day.


opt1c - First off, nice work. I have a few questions regarding the under-current setup that you're running. I'm trying to find the specs for the packages they have, but I'm coming up short. The system looks good I just don't want to buy it if I'll be adding a bunch of redundant parts to my collection. So, my questions are : What comes with the package base line(in terms of stats for the pump/air pump etc). Their video shows the water filter and a chiller - do they come with the setup as well? I've been searching for awhile for this info but haven't found it yet. If you could shed some light on this issue I would appreciate it. Thanks man, peace.


Smokes, lets go
things are looking great man, glad to see that UC XL in action i am trying to decide weather I want to do another run with my Ebb N Gro Buckets or try the uc 8 xl sure would make longer veg time for sure running 8 plants under 2kw instead of 24


Active member
Mist:thanks; nice thing about the undercurrent; no work... unless you consider tying up branches heavy with flowers work... aside from that the lower ppms the system likes, they've been around 500 all cycle, equal fewer addbacks and quicker feedings

Citizen:yeah the stretch was there in some colas, minimal at that, but overall it's damn near the same height now than when they started except where there was once leaf there is now flower; they're really filling in... when others who've grown this strain say they fatten up they mean it... should make for a nice yield too boot

as far as mutants; half of the clones i got i tossed outside... 50% bunk... talking slow uneven growth... not what i'm looking for on a tray of clones of the same strain... even outside they are all over the place; lets just say they're doing a lot better outside than they would have in the trash though

as far as smell goes sometimes they overpower my cf filter; and it's a big one... albeit it's on its second run these are some stinky plants; especially when touched or moved...my hands look like they're coated with glitter if i rub one of the buds... very sweet but musky dank smell... smells like weed in a "that smells like weed" kind of way... looking forward to pushing em the last two weeks... how long have you let yours go?

turbo:they are hilux gro blulbs by ushio made in germany advertised as a conversion lamp designed to run on ANSI coded HPS ballast described as Super Metal Halide with Optimized Blue and Red Spectrum for maximized branching and vegetative growth. Supposedly outperforms standard MH lamps as well. I'll snap a pic later today.

Can't get you one of the inside of the buckets right now; they're sorta full and the plants are too big to move; that being said i don't think anyone moves their dwc trees out of the buckets until right before harvest; too many branches are tied to other things to lift them anywhere... i'll take one of the controller bucket but all you're gonna see are bubbles... they have a airstone/membrane diffuser thing that i've never seen anywhere else; it's not rock like the other 8" diffusers but it's damn near bigger and has massive plumbing for air... fills the entire control bucket with bubbles and dissolved oxygen... on either side of the diffuser are the 2" pipes that make up the heart of the aquaducts that connect the buckets... they're sealed with uniseals... if you don't want leaks get uniseals... end of story

i used to run bio-buckets; made the system myself over lots of hotglue and silicone... when all was said and done not only was the cost in the same ballpark... seriously, i've said it before, but spending over $100 at homedepot or whatever and walking out with a little ass bag full of 1/4" and 1.5" fittings does not feel cheap anyway you cut it... the cost of hoses, fittings, buckets, and whatnot add up fast... then you throw the massive h2o and o2 pumps on top of that, a chiller to be safe, and well... you're diy recirculating dwc system didn't save you any money in the end and you're often stuck with something that isn't as easy to disassemble if you need to change it up

far as the roots and pipes in my system go; they're 2" pipes... no issues with clogging... also i'm only running them at about half the water level so the roots are really really packed into the buckets but i've had zero issues... and no leaks at all... light or water... and light leaks can really kill you in a rdwc system... all it takes is a little light and its bloom city in your aquaculture... the only improvement i've made to the uc system was drilling two holes in the epicenter lid to route my chiller lines without allowing light to leak in through the epicenter if i left the lid cracked... better safe than sorry... ounce of prevention for pounds of cured etc..

I'll try to take more pics today before the lights go on; the pics with lights on are so red in comparison its not even worth it really as you can't get a feel for the trichs and i'm too busy to play in photoshop anymore than i have to

thanks for the response man, awesome stuff. I'm going to look into getting a UC system maybe a 4 site if they have it for a 3x3x7 grow, it'll be much easier than assembling it myself for sure.

those bulbs sound crazy id like to see them or a link would be cool, and i wonder if they would work on a 600 w digital lumatek ballast :chin:

congrats on the grow so far it looks amazinggggg


looks like both systems working real real well :wave:

that rdwc system your running looks like a breeze did you say self leveling ro unit? sounds nice!

id say my vote is going to have to be for the dwc but who knows!:dueling:
ill stay tuned to this thread for sure


Active member
the gods must be happy... home before the sun comes on... i see updated bud shots in the very near future... lightning storm in the garden again :)