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hybrids = sterile plants

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Crazy X Seeds Breeder
Cannabis can produce sterile offspring/seed but its very very rare.Have a read of marijuana botany by R C Clarke it explains it alittle on page 69/70

Big Eggy

Active member
Cannabis can produce sterile offspring/seed but its very very rare.Have a read of marijuana botany by R C Clarke it explains it alittle on page 69/70

And i thought i'd read that book cover to cover.. will have to check it out at lunch time.


ICMag Donor
Linnaeus is the Swedish botanist ...

His system of plant categorization helped reduce the confusion associated with the depth of common names in botany,, esp. across continents.

For example, there's hundreds of names for weed, yet under the linnaeus system the Genus is Cananbis , the species is indica, sativa, ruderalis, afghanica, et al. and the cultivar or cultigen is the strain name or variety of weed.

A true 'hybrid' is a cross between species in Cannabis. e.g. Cannabis sativa x Cannabis indica ,, to make Cannabis sativa/indica 'whatever name' . The lineage can be inbred ,, and are not sterile.

Hope this helps

Please can you explain the original question , in a context we can understand
Then maybe we can help :D


Big Eggy

Active member
While we'r on the subject of carl linnaeus, check out the bbc4 series on the Iplayer Botany: A Blooming History. Part 1 is about the confusion of names.
I can't wait for the next one.
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