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hybridization question


New member
i want to cross afghani with lowryder
to make an F1
now will it make a difference
which parent is which strain?
i mean afghani male x lowryder female
or afghani female x lowryder male
is there an application of Mendels Law
that governs this type of cross?
thx in advance


Active member
I'm no breeder...

But I would want the female to be the 'focus' of what I wanna bring out in the progeny...

The male would be what I would use to donate qualities.....

ie: I would want the autoflowering qualities of the lowryder, for a female, and hit it with something more potent, afghani, for a male, and hope for autoflowering potent babies...

but in all honesty this is all speculation....there are many breeders (very knowledgeable) on here that can help you more than I



New member
interesting way to look at it
the pollens not a prob
just need to turn out some lady lowryders
You may want to find dj short's article on the origins of blueberry , he talks a bit about what he has experienced...

a quick google search will yield a couple of results and you can always consult the backissues of CCmag on their website.. Dj Short has quite a few articles.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I have a question. I have some seeds of a strain that is a hybrid of an Indica and a Sativa. When I grow out the seeds, I may see an Indica, Sativa, and the hybrid, in both sexes right?


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
Depends on how stable the parent plants were,if there both IBL's like skunk1 and original haze for example then the F1 offspring should be pretty uniform with 50% of the genetics being donated by each parent so thay'd be intermediate between the 2 but if the parents are unstable then the F1 hybrid offspring will show alot of variation.