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HURRRR GOES!! (MY first grow)

No I never took a photo of roots. Its hard holding a plant up in the air and snapping a picture all by yourself. :)

haha, indeed!

Thanks for all your help, guys! i'm glad i found so much support on here! looks like i got some brainstorming to do. who knew there were so many ways to grow a plant! i love all this stuff i'm learning, tho. i'll def be posting some more photos as my babies grow.

:thank you:
Yes I agree for first grow use dirt more forgiving and easier to learn as you Grow. Then as you get through this grow then just check out other grows here and see what people are doing and you can make an educated decision for what system to use. Hydro is great but it moves a little faster then dirt, but worth it to me. I use aeroponics which is pretty fast but that being said if it gets away from you you could lose your girls in a matter of hours. With dirt you can correct in a couple of days. IMO. good luck. come by and take a look at my aeroponics system if you like. I will be watching.
I use aeroponics which is pretty fast but that being said if it gets away from you you could lose your girls in a matter of hours.

yeah, see that's what i'm worried about. I don't want to put all this effort and time into it and then lose it all :-/ It's so funny tho cuz from all the people i've been talking to it's almost like a straight line down the middle, half say i should do soil and the other half vouch for hydro. I should make a pros and cons list!! haha
alrightt so i just went for it and i'm going to be working with hydro. I know a lot of you were against me going with hydro for my first grow but i fell in love with the process of hydro!! i just think it's really fascinating and it's the future of growing!

anyway so here are some pics that i took a couple days ago:


so i took a couple of my ladies and i put them in this DWC bucket that i made out of some materials that i got from my friendly neighborhood hardware store. There is a 6" airstone in each DWC bucket.

more Bubba Kush that just came in.
p.s. please feel free to give advice. i may have the bible but i'm still super new at this, guys!!!


St. Elsewhere
Hey, just found your thread. Those clones are looking rough, have you fed them yet?

Rooting for ya, dude. If ya have any questions, feel free to PM me.


New member
Hi there Zoe,

They are lookiing good and you should be proud, only you should give them each a bucket. You kinda threw them all in together.

I think that the drip ring system will burn your leaves as its too high on the bucket.

You gotta bring it under the hydroton so that the hydroton covers it, this way the drip system does its job without getting the leaves wet.
yes! i noticed that the leaves were getting wet while the drip system was working. i'm making more buckets right now. thanks for the heads up, imma lower the drip system.


St. Elsewhere
Oof, if they've been rooted for as long as it looks like they have, you'd do well to get some nutes in there. Start low, obviously. They are probably going to stall on you, so just be prepared for that.

Good luck!


St. Elsewhere
That's the attitude, hope ya don't think I'm being a buzzkill. Unfortunately, we all make the mistake of getting our hopes up on our first grow, I know I did. Trying to save you the months of headache I went through, lol.


and what are you using for lighting? Lighting is just as important as medium...Metal Halide for vegging or flouros? Are your flouros T-5? Are you using High Pressure Sodium lights for flowering? how many watts? What are you going to do for ventilation/Smell? Are you adding a carbon filter?Are you using a inline fan? Whats the CFM (cubic feet per minute)compared to the room size of the grow? Kush is a smelly plant in flower so make sure you got that covered...
Here is a wonderful hydro calculator to help you; I know it helped me http://www.briteideashydro.com/bicalc.swf
Good luck
May the force be with you
Alright so i got two T-5s with an intake and exhaust fan. I'm still in veg so i'm too worried about smell but i'm looking into getting a carbon filter. (Would Febreze or Oust help at all??) The room size is 8x8.

Thanks for the luck, some epic stuff is about to go down! haha i bet you guys are all laughing, i hope this doesn't go to shit! :)


Alright so i got two T-5s with an intake and exhaust fan. I'm still in veg so i'm too worried about smell but i'm looking into getting a carbon filter. (Would Febreze or Oust help at all??) The room size is 8x8.
Thanks for the luck, some epic stuff is about to go down! haha i bet you guys are all laughing, i hope this doesn't go to shit! :)

well If you do want some nice dank buds you should really get a hps light for flower 2 600w maybe ...it all depends on how much you want to yield...If you flower with those T5's you won't get crap for weight.. you will get wispy airy buds.... No good


St. Elsewhere
A 600 would be a great first light. Alot of people get 1kw lights and end up switching back to 600s because they are so much more lumen/heat efficient.
well If you do want some nice dank buds you should really get a hps light for flower 2 600w maybe ...it all depends on how much you want to yield...If you flower with those T5's you won't get crap for weight.. you will get wispy airy buds.... No good

well i'm going to be in veg for about another month. I'll be getting the hps 1000w for flower. Thanks for the tip on the 2 600w, i might do that instead but i guess i'll see when i get to flower.

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