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Hung out with a Moroccan hash dealer today


I was hanging out with a guy from Morocco today, he said 2$ worth of hash there would get him high four times a day for a week. He wasn't a big dealer but he'd sometimes be a middle-man and they'd give him a nice chunk of hash. He said most stuff was Moroccan Gold, and it'd be stamped "Moroccan Gold 2006" if you bought a 50$ slab. He's seen hash from all over the world, this pakistani stuff that he said was really good and made him twitch, and he said some hash you could stretch out like putty but it was very poor quality. People would just sit out on the sidewalk smoking hash, because it was mixed with tobacco and it didn't smell suspicious. His 'school' (an abandoned house) would let him smoke in back as long as he blew out the window. Crazy stuff!

Then he came here and he was like "so I have 25$ how much'll that get me?" "umm . . . 2.3 - 2.4 grams of dank" I felt so bad. Then the dealer was taking a long time because she kept having to go to different people (we're dry right now), one guy tried to sell her an ounce of almost all stems, another just didn't show up and kept giving excuses, finally she found the local lime-green dank (very distinctive smelling stuff). Still it took 3 hours. He said in Morocco, his dealer would sprint to his door because he knew if it took too long he could just go to someone else. America doesn't have enough competition and the prices/service sucks as a result :(

Laughing Jim

Active member
Sounds great, but I wouldn't want to live in Pakistan...or any other 'stan for that matter.

Comments about the competetion here? I don't know if there's not enough competetion or too much law enforcement.


My little pony.. my little pony
Did you wear a fez so you could blend in with the natives?



Laughing Jim said:
Comments about the competetion here? I don't know if there's not enough competetion or too much law enforcement.

Both; the amount of law enforcement makes it so that a lot of the weed in most of the US is grown by a few large people with the resources to avoid the DEA. That's why prices in the Netherlands are still pretty mediocre, while it's semi-legal to buy, commercial pot grows are still punished by the government there and this drives the prices up to near-American levels.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Horus said:
People would just sit out on the sidewalk smoking hash, because it was mixed with tobacco and it didn't smell suspicious.

We get the same Moroccoan kif all over Europe, traditionally people here smoke it mixed with tobacco. Don't think it doesn't smell though, it gives off an unmistakeable odor that will give you away for sure. The thing is, if you walk down a street in Paris or Barcelona, you'll smell it all the time.
Walk into a park in the summertime, and the whole f....g park will smell. So what's a cop going to do?
When i lived in Ibiza we used to buy "nup" (THC fallout from the harvest) from a Morrocan once a month, what a fantastic stone that was, i could never get more than an eighth of an ounce off him at any one time, and i used to get a bit pissed at his prices but when i think back to those times now, i'd happily pay him 10 times over for that same stuff right now, hell i'd even throw in the wife to get an extra ounce of it.
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