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HUMID!! help please


my rooms reaching 60% bugging me out. any suggestions? i have a window a/c with a dry feature think it will help my garage out?


do you know if the temps will get to high on the ac im speaking, or will i have to build a box and vent it? there are no windows in my garage. Thanks


I didnt think 60% was anything to worry about..

Are you in flower or veg?

My flower room is regularly at 60 - 65% humidity during flower and ive never had any problems.. However if its going to get worse definitely invest in a dehumidifier like PK suggests. When it gets cold and rainy and the humidity starts to climb, a dry heat source such as an oil column heater works very well.. Kills 2 birds with one stone by raising temps and lowering humidity. I usually only need heater on during winter when the lights are off

Just my 2 cents

Good luck and dont stress on 60% imo its perfectly fine!


we can combine rooms ... I can't get my humidity over 20% ... we could average each other right into the goldilocks zone.


Active member
is the garage attached to your house? or is it seperate?.. I had sim. issues with mine which is seperate, unless your occupying the entire space running a standalone ac could be costly... My temps sky rocketed come summer and also with no window I was limited w/ options.. but if you have a way of venting the window ac unit OUT of the area you can get by... as far as humidity a dehumidifier will be more practical with the season that's coming. GL


60% is a problem imo, breeds molds and other crap im trying avoid. im in flower 4 weeks in. i know i need a dehumidifer im just on a low buget. im going to try the dry seetin on the ac and build a vented box for it. my garage is attached also. thanks


Buy an evadry. It is a really cool product and it isn't expensive at all.

Google it and see


60% is a problem imo, breeds molds and other crap im trying avoid. im in flower 4 weeks in. i know i need a dehumidifer im just on a low buget. im going to try the dry seetin on the ac and build a vented box for it. my garage is attached also. thanks

Really 60% breeds mold and other crap? Is this actually scientific fact or is it just something u heard? Or is it from your own personal experience?

Im not trying to get smart or anything its just im in week 8 of flower with some big colas and im regularly at 60 - 65% relative humidity when the lights are off.. When lights are on its between 40% - 52%.

What do some others think?? this has got me ever so slightly concerned.. From all previous experiences ive only ever had one top start to rot on me at the very end of flower. This was in a room full and i removed it immediately before any bad spores or anything could spread. Seeing as it was an isolated case i never gave it much thought or concern that the RH being at 60 - 65% was a problem..

Thoughts please guys??..



Active member
60 is the HIGH end of the scale during flowering... for veg. it's acceptable but no higher, about the only time you want 60+% RH is when cloning and first few days of seedling germ./preveg... the range you wanna stick to is 30-50%, should have little if any to NO problems if kept in that range, 25% or below constant will stall growth 55% and above constant will deff. run you a high risk of mold related problems.. like the dreaded green mold on soil or the unforgiving powdery mildew.. you might of not had problems in the past but that doesn't make you immune and trust me loosing anything due to high humidity is a shitty way for them to go since it can be prevented early on in with simple measures IMO... Increasing your vent is the easiest way to bring the RH down a good 5-15% which can make a world of difference... more than that would prob. require a dehumid.


60 is the HIGH end of the scale, about the only time you want 60+% RH is when cloning and first few days of seedling germ./preveg... the range you wanna stick to is 30-50%, should have little if any to NO problems if kept in that range, 25% or below will stall growth 55% and above consistantly will deff. invite mold problems.. like the dreaded green mold on soil or the unforgiving powdery mildew.. you might of not had problems in the past but that doesn't make you immune and trust me loosing anything due to high humidity is a shitty way for them to go since it can be prevented early on it with simple measures IMO... Increasing your vent is the easiest way to bring the RH down a good 5-15% which can make a world of difference... more than that would prob. require a dehumid.

Good points Deoxy points well taken.. obviously losing everything would be a disaster on epic proportions i think in the future i will keep my humidity down below 55% at all times

thanks man
blazing saddles

EDIT: My vent system is a beast the centrifugal fan i have could vent a room 3 times larger in under 5 minutes. Having a good vent system only helps so much tho when it starts to rain. Thats when i have the most problems controlling the climbing RH. An oil column heater works very well but i think ima have to invest in a dehumidifier also.


60% RH is high for flower. I'd shoot for 30-40% RH

Wow we learn something new each day. I really thought 60% RH for flower was kosher, apparently not!

I just turned my oil column heater on before whilst the lights are off. It took the RH from 60% down to 48% and the temps from 64degrees up to about 74degreesF.


have a cool day peoples



Active member
Good points Deoxy points well taken.. obviously losing everything would be a disaster on epic proportions i think in the future i will keep my humidity down below 55% at all times

thanks man
blazing saddles

EDIT: My vent system is a beast the centrifugal fan i have could vent a room 3 times larger in under 5 minutes. Having a good vent system only helps so much tho when it starts to rain. Thats when i have the most problems controlling the climbing RH. An oil column heater works very well but i think ima have to invest in a dehumidifier also.

I hear that, I'm in the midwest and we have been having mad rain.. if its not f'ing snow its rain or massive coldness..., reason I had to move my grow to the basement where its cool normally from being so deep underground and dry from the lack of humidifier hooked up to the central heating... so my Rh stays around 30-40%.. climbs to 50% only after initial watering then slowly climbs back down as they dry(2x4 tent with 8inch inline fan hooked for vent(overkill) but it works well and keeps everything in check, temps r steady in the 78-82F range with lights on(600watt HPS ALSO overkill for my space lol) and 66-70F lights off., before moving down here I was dealing with 80-90F temps(uncontrolable in the space I had them) and my RH wouldn't drop below 50~ and would only climb which caused green mold on 4 of my ladies and I lost em quick! considering I only had 9 growing and am down to 5 It hurt me badly... lesson learned I guess.. can only move forward right?


Oh man those 90degree temps are killer ive been dealing with them the last 3 months! Im not in US.. infact very far away from US and we've just finished our summer months here.. ive had as high as 94 even 96 degrees for short periods which has made me decide absolutely no more growing over summer.. Next summer season im all about the outdoors.

This is of course without any airconditioning this problem could easily be fixed its just a matter of a few grand for aircon unit / install.

Ive never had any green mould or anything like that touch wood... god i hope i never have to deal with such things im the type of person that loses sleep when my garden has any minor problems... and if its something i cant fix straight away like mould etc.. ugh i shudder to even think of this happening!


haha yeah im in seattle and its pouring out, my enviros not perfect. through my experience up here 60% i way to high there is a lot of powdery mildew issues up here. just saying. thanks for the input.


Ahh Seattle... the birthplace of grunge rock!!

Im a huge fan of Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam its pretty much some of the best music of the 90s imo came out of Seattle. Niiiiice 1 :)

take it easy man

EDIT: Oh and lets not forget Soundgarden another cool Seattle band imo
I have been lucky with my RH where I am currently, but I don't left the girls go much about 30% that late in flower. Right at 50%, if not a tad lower, in veg.

OP, throw another fan up on the wall if you ahve it until you get a dehuey.

She's a versatile girl :)


Active member

The answer to all your problems.....this thing keeps my 10x10 at a steady 50% even when its pouring rain outside....and she only pulls 7 amps. worth every penny...the smaller dehueys simply dont cut it..

Really 60% breeds mold and other crap? Is this actually scientific fact or is it just something u heard? Or is it from your own personal experience?

Im not trying to get smart or anything its just im in week 8 of flower with some big colas and im regularly at 60 - 65% relative humidity when the lights are off.. When lights are on its between 40% - 52%.

What do some others think?? this has got me ever so slightly concerned.. From all previous experiences ive only ever had one top start to rot on me at the very end of flower. This was in a room full and i removed it immediately before any bad spores or anything could spread. Seeing as it was an isolated case i never gave it much thought or concern that the RH being at 60 - 65% was a problem..

Thoughts please guys??..


once your humidity hits 60 percent you are inviting powder mildew and other things to thrive.....65% is too high, 45-50% in flowering is the cleavage...

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