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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010


:bigeye::bigeye::bigeye::jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop:Everybody in these forums need to :bow::bow::bow::bow: down to HumboldtLocal and Ganja D for a superior grow show. Any chance of smoke report and final yield per plant? :respect::rasta:

That would be great if he/they could.

I'm blown away, my outdoor plants are super-bonzai's in comparison :tiphat:..... maybe one day i'll be pulling off something similar


seeker of greater knowledge
Your Guy's Hard Work All Summer Is Gonna Pay Off Big Time...and you deserve it...all the best with the harvest.....did you guys the super bright harvest moon we had last thursday, the next time the moon will be that bright is in 2031...
sorry best of luck you guys...k++
Damn, These pictures have me speaking in tongues.

My daughter will be moving to Sacramento in a couple of weeks. This will give me a good reason to drive up there and visit your collective. Just awesome.


Cannabis 101
This grow is insane I come on here to take a peek and start my day off right!!! some of the nices bushies plants ever.

Madrus Rose

post 69
Looking great HL & Ganja D......soon it will be twister time!

We just sold one of our Twister Trimmers 2 days ago ( 2yrs old ) for $1k more than we bought it for originally @ $15k ....and these folks were just overjoyed to have one, after they saw it do its thing . We got our first one thanks to Humboldt Local's praise of them on the thread & truely is a machine to own if the need is bigger . But good luck getting one now <gg

Trim on....

(First Cali harvest for east coaster -->GanjaD ! lol
...hip hip hurrah !! )



Active member
We just sold one of our Twister Trimmers 2 days ago ( 2yrs old ) for $1k more than we bought it for originally @ $15k ....and these folks were just overjoyed to have one, after they saw it do its thing . We got our first one thanks to Humboldt Local's praise of them on the thread & truely is a machine to own if the need is bigger . But good luck getting one now <gg

HL was the sole reason I got my twister trimmer, after seeing his thread last year I knew it was a must have item.
Before I felt like a farmer with a mule and a plow, now I feel like I am riding a tractor....glad I picked up my machine before they closed the border.
I could see someone happily paying 16k for a used twister this time of year.


Active member
A few words of gratitude for the immense amount of knowledge you shared this season
You’ve re-sparked the true spirit of growing outdoors in me this year.
I came into the season late this year being a casualty of Butte’s war on medical cultivators, bundling me up with the tweaker poison cooks, their toy soldiers, the irresponsible drunks and just plain ‘ol unconscious havoc doers in our community. Recently having my 215 “revoked” by the courts, I’m constantly under the undue stress of being re-incarcerated for containing the THC metabolite in my liver! Until I can afford another few thousand dollars to pay a hot shot attorney to “attempt” to modify my probation, the relief of the herb has been again, made illegal for me, yet I may ingest all the prescription narcotics I can get prescribed. ( falling 6 stories when I was 20, I can get anything I’d ask for  ) (thought about Marinol to skirt the test but it’s as much as an attorney) I’ve been jailed, forced into rehab, forced through outpatient, failed a probation and been reinstated for another full 3 years of this political nonsense, for a bust in 2002 of 32 flowering plants and about 175 failing, sickly clones and nothing else. I was blessed enough to have my partner and love of my life hold up our “mothers” and get 18 of our betters to a family friend in the “canyon view” plots I post shots of. The works all my efforts and it’s a beautiful scene there, I’m thankful everyday I have that to look forward to.
Meanwhile…I’ve had to whore out my techniques and skills to others in the community in hopes of a payback later this year, a fraction of I’ve always been told I’m worth. I’m ALL for sharing everything I can but it becomes a fine line when the gardens are a money game for folks that don’t give a rats ass about true medical end result, the frequency of conscious the gardens exist in , and the love for the ganja plant that us “growers for life” share. But I have 3 little girls and 2 teens I have to care for and support, no matter how I get my ends outside my own efforts, it’s a spiritual compromise, so I may as well stay within my passion and emit my frequency into the love depraved farms that so many have become.
I’m not crying, I’m getting to a point, that being…
HumboldtLocal, you resonate a deep compassion not only for your work but for your community, your fellow farmers, your environment and your scene. In a highly classified and occult community, you’ve earned a personal achievement of respect and honor so few continually strive for. Your energy and efforts, not only in your spectacular grows, but in your undercurrent, resonate deeply with me in a way that has me “pulling up my bootstraps” to trudge through another season in the hopes and dreams I can manifest my own massive little garden to share with a community that is about to be bombarded with “boxed wine” meds from Wal(pot)Marts in the Bay area and other large cities to follow. (600,000 sq ft. hydroponic growing warehouse proposition submitted to Chico city council from an L.A. growing corp, to be established out at the airport!?!?) You’ve been a huge inspiration to me these last few days. I’ve PDF’d your entire thread and took it up to the woods with me to literally “study” and absorb, it was meant for me and I’m taking the thankfulness of this synchronicity through the end of this season and keeping the focus in its blessed direction.
I’ve been growing for over half my life, and in the day or two it took to get through all your shared efforts you post, you’ve remodeled my growing spirit as if I never knew how to grow before.
I’m thanking you and encouraging you to continue to strive to be all that you can be as well as share it with the rest of the community in the hopes just a little of that light reaches to the darkest consciousness’ in our scene.


A few words of gratitude for the immense amount of knowledge you shared this season
You’ve re-sparked the true spirit of growing outdoors in me this year.
I came into the season late this year being a casualty of Butte’s war on medical cultivators, bundling me up with the tweaker poison cooks, their toy soldiers, the irresponsible drunks and just plain ‘ol unconscious havoc doers in our community. Recently having my 215 “revoked” by the courts, I’m constantly under the undue stress of being re-incarcerated for containing the THC metabolite in my liver! Until I can afford another few thousand dollars to pay a hot shot attorney to “attempt” to modify my probation, the relief of the herb has been again, made illegal for me, yet I may ingest all the prescription narcotics I can get prescribed. ( falling 6 stories when I was 20, I can get anything I’d ask for  ) (thought about Marinol to skirt the test but it’s as much as an attorney) I’ve been jailed, forced into rehab, forced through outpatient, failed a probation and been reinstated for another full 3 years of this political nonsense, for a bust in 2002 of 32 flowering plants and about 175 failing, sickly clones and nothing else. I was blessed enough to have my partner and love of my life hold up our “mothers” and get 18 of our betters to a family friend in the “canyon view” plots I post shots of. The works all my efforts and it’s a beautiful scene there, I’m thankful everyday I have that to look forward to.
Meanwhile…I’ve had to whore out my techniques and skills to others in the community in hopes of a payback later this year, a fraction of I’ve always been told I’m worth. I’m ALL for sharing everything I can but it becomes a fine line when the gardens are a money game for folks that don’t give a rats ass about true medical end result, the frequency of conscious the gardens exist in , and the love for the ganja plant that us “growers for life” share. But I have 3 little girls and 2 teens I have to care for and support, no matter how I get my ends outside my own efforts, it’s a spiritual compromise, so I may as well stay within my passion and emit my frequency into the love depraved farms that so many have become.
I’m not crying, I’m getting to a point, that being…
HumboldtLocal, you resonate a deep compassion not only for your work but for your community, your fellow farmers, your environment and your scene. In a highly classified and occult community, you’ve earned a personal achievement of respect and honor so few continually strive for. Your energy and efforts, not only in your spectacular grows, but in your undercurrent, resonate deeply with me in a way that has me “pulling up my bootstraps” to trudge through another season in the hopes and dreams I can manifest my own massive little garden to share with a community that is about to be bombarded with “boxed wine” meds from Wal(pot)Marts in the Bay area and other large cities to follow. (600,000 sq ft. hydroponic growing warehouse proposition submitted to Chico city council from an L.A. growing corp, to be established out at the airport!?!?) You’ve been a huge inspiration to me these last few days. I’ve PDF’d your entire thread and took it up to the woods with me to literally “study” and absorb, it was meant for me and I’m taking the thankfulness of this synchronicity through the end of this season and keeping the focus in its blessed direction.
I’ve been growing for over half my life, and in the day or two it took to get through all your shared efforts you post, you’ve remodeled my growing spirit as if I never knew how to grow before.
I’m thanking you and encouraging you to continue to strive to be all that you can be as well as share it with the rest of the community in the hopes just a little of that light reaches to the darkest consciousness’ in our scene.

yeah it's too fuckin bad ramsey doesn't go after all the tweakers in his bassakwards county- oh yeah tweakers have nothing to take so just fill up the pods and make money off keeping the racks full. good luck man - hopefully someday you can relocate so you and your family can live in peace. fuck butte county!!

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