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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010


Ganja D

Great work bro, but where's the music?:tiphat:
Ask and you shall receive.
Next time I post a Morals song it's gonna be a sick one I've been saving. This ones just promo.

HL and I have spent a tremendous amount of effort and careful observation to select the right males to use for breeding. We narrowed it down to the best and still have a good looking group of guys.
Right now we're beginning to collect pollen from the first to drop pollen. I'm loving this but lot's to do.
Some of these males have me as excited or even more excited then our females. I'll take some pictures over the next few days of some of what's going on with the boys. We kept them healthy all season and they are a sight to see.
Of all the traits these males were selected for aside from structure and vigorous growth,strong smell from early on in veg is a must for me. Can't wait to share some pics. So much pollen!:dance013:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ganja D again.
Fracking Sick Guys, my jaw will never be the same again, I was just recovering from last years killer thread, now this year, your avenue of Giants has me drooling out of a badly dislocated jaw :biggrin:


I'm just catching on to this thread now, but I took the time to filter and read the posts, and good lord I am envious. Gorgeous farm, beautiful plants, and the resources...

Just to point it out to everyone else; you all do realize this is clearly a multi-million dollar harvest approaching right? Like, clear the calendar. We're going to Disney world.

Honestly, 2 or 3 years of what you're doing and I'd retire. Fracking sick is right. Most Rediculi indeed.

Really cool how that bird attack was a blessing in disguise. Sort of a defoliating thing maybe... I dunno... but I'd pray for birds every year if I were you. Maybe it was just the genuine bird shit they left behind for ya!

Reading everything you jokers put down thus far has been a treat. I've only been at this for 4 years, and I don't know a single other grower personally yet, but Santa Cruz Co. will one day be the home of my trees thanks to you all. I started outdoor and went indoor and it's now time to come full circle. All I need is some property...

But now I know all I need are great genetics, hot soil, smart pots, great NorCal summer weather, a bird attack, and dinosaur bones that have been poo'd out by worms. Sounds easy enough :) lol. Dinosaur bones.

This lowly peasant bows before the masters.


Active member
holy holy!

this is by far the most enjoyable thread for me at the moment! you guys are going huge.
cannot wait to see the flower shots!stay safe



Me infront of an HK/BB x B/P(Hindu Kush/Blueberry x Blackberry Purple

Mikado Oak

Both are PTW/GF x GF/P F3's(Purple Train Wreck/Grape Fruit x Grape Fruit/Purple F3). These plants are so wide,I wish you could see,

PTW/GF x GF/P F2 with one of our patients and our guard dog who loves to pose for cameras.

Enjoy the pics friends,have a great night and a good tomorrow.

¿where are the plants ? ¿I dont Look? :muahaha::muahaha: Really looking very nice and healthy :groupwave::groupwave:


I have a little question -> Just how in the world are you going to transport them beauties to the triming shack? I hope you got a big ass truck to do it because you are going to need it. There isnt enough space between them to get anything in there to load them up on (bring in the sky hook lol) Just a question lol Looks great, blowing it out of the water.
Stay safe and be very carefull
signed kava


Took this guys pic in town the other day. He had a cardboard cut out of some scissors and a sign that said Trim Work?

If only he knew that "HumboltLocal" was the one standing in front of him snappin the pic. he may have gotten up and chased you like a lost puppy

On another note, keep up the great work.

Ganja D

would love to know your fellas watering schedule/stats!!

happy growing
Right now most of the gardens are receiving 90-99 minutes of water every other day from our drip system. Our 300 gallon smart pots have about 30-35 ft of drip line coiled with one drip emitter every foot. Each drip is 1 gallon per hr I believe.


hey i will definitely use the coil method next time. the pump and sprayers im using only because i have no elevation to play a gravity feed system.

i was thinking though, it would be more of a pain, but what about just coiling 35' of non drip emmiting polly tube and pop in your own emmiters?

that way as the plant grows, you add more emmiters. less water wasted when they are small right?

or do the roots shoot out to the edge of the smart pots fairly quick, meaning you would have to water the entire pot?

it seems like watering the entire pot with emitting line would create very wet areas when the plant is small and not clearing out the water along the edge. making not overwatering on the outset tough.

lets hear that track D

Ganja D

All the plants were hand watered until they were mature with big enough root systems to need the drip. Also the trip wasn't set for so many minutes back then.

This track isn't the best,it needs to be re recorded,but the lyrics are tight.


Active member
Right now most of the gardens are receiving 90-99 minutes of water every other day from our drip system. Our 300 gallon smart pots have about 30-35 ft of drip line coiled with one drip emitter every foot. Each drip is 1 gallon per hr I believe.

insane. My biggest plants are only getting 20 minutes a day MAX of water. 200 gallon pots have 25 1GPH emitters. Plants are not thirsty. Am I holding them back by not watering enough?


Active member
lovely plants and LOL @ the guy asking for a trim job

I have just one question , why do you guys bother to put your plants in pots? why not in a hole in the ground? Wouln't that be easier as far as water is concerned in hot california ?

Especially with so many plants?

cant wait till flowering starts


Greeting friends. I wanted to introduce another friend of mine. He is a very knowledgeable breeder, master grower, and long time friend. He breeds with old school Emerald Triangle genetics, elite clone only genetics, and Dutch genetics to make some amazing works of Cannabis art. Without further ado I present Humboldt Nation Farms.
Here is one of the greenhouses for males.







Here is a tip for aspiring breeders. Add a tsp of sugar to the water you put your males in for them to feed on and they will stay alive a lot longer while you collect your pollen. Organic sugar of course.:)

On to the monsters.:dance013:





Healthy girls

Organics and the sun will make healthy medicine for the masses





We do not pump water out of our fragile watersheds during dry months. Part of being a responsible Cannabis producer is reducing our impact on our environment. We use ponds and water tanks to store water during the rainy months so we do not harm our local creeks, rivers and native fish habitats. Please do the same.




I am really happy to share this glimpse behind the redwood curtain. I hope to dispel the stereotypes of Emerald Triangle cannabis farmers as irresponsible, polluting, gun-toting, drug crazed, outlaws. Most of us are responsible upstanding members of our communities. We support the schools, fire departments, womens shelters, hospice programs, meals for homeless, and many local non-profits. Cannabis has always supported this community and it will for generations to come.
More from Humboldt Nation Farms





Some very tasty light dep just came out of these greenhouses.
