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Humboldt County worries about life after legal pot


Active member
I'd lay my money on the next presidential candidate winning on a legalize and taxit platform.

You have got to be kidding me. That's so naive. That would practically guarantee the presidential candidate would lose the election. Obamas afraid to even say the word marijuana and you think the next candidate will win by basing his platform on legalization and taxation? hahahaahaha


Active member
liquor and gambling are more a part of american culture than buds unfortunately...

However in the long run I agree that it will eventually be legalized I just don't think it's gonna happen in less than 10 years if it happened in 5 years I'd think it was a miracle. I think it's gonna take more time for old brainwashed people to die and younger folks to grow up who see it as a normal thing and not some evil drug.

I hear ya being dependent on an illegal market is not sustainable forever.

I'd like to see legalization or preferably decriminalization someday because it's a horrible injustice that people are persecuted for their use of harmless plant. However, I don't want to see our culture which has been created by the people for the past 40 years or more gutted and destroyed and handed over to big corporations... If it means that's gonna happen I'd rather it just stays illegal...


I think this legalization thing should be stopped, and I hope enough people have the foresight to vote NO on this. I for one will be with the WeedBagger protesters wearing my "KILL THE PROP." gear. Fuck legalization, this is one market who's status quo is perfectly acceptable. Medical Marijuana 2010.


Active member
I think this legalization thing should be stopped, and I hope enough people have the foresight to vote NO on this. I for one will be with the WeedBagger protesters wearing my "KILL THE PROP." gear. Fuck legalization, this is one market who's status quo is perfectly acceptable. Medical Marijuana 2010.

What logic is there to back that stance?


Active member
How about the logic that it will still not be legal for you to grow your own weed? You'll be able to buy it from some giant corporation though so I guess the sheeple will be happy.


Active member
If it's not legal for you to grow in your home, it isn't legalized. It's as simple as that. Making possession legal but cultivation illegal is just absurd.

What exactly are you referring to meduser?


Active member
plus even with the grey area of legalization here in cali, the dispensarys are still ripping people off...i see 8ths of OUTDOOR all the time here in the bay area for 50 an 8th!! i wonder who buys that shit and then i seee all the cars in the parking lot like damn, the clubs are raking in money.

even for good shit its still 50-60 an 8th. only a couple clubs give a nice dub for ten discount and thats only if you are really cool with the owners...

i think 10 a gram is a fair price for weed considering all the stuff that goes behind it.

if high quality indoors were 150 an ounce i think alot of us would smoke ourselves into psychosis...

take your average gallon plant that yeilds an ounce or two. i think 200 per ounce is a pretty fair (LOW) price considering real estate costs, electricity costs, supplys, sacrifices, etc etc..

i think 250 here in the bay area is a good middleground price, a little profit in there but not too much.

500-600 is down right lunacy but those guys get those prices because they are risking 5 years in prison....


Active member
What I'm referring to is none of these bills or initiatives that they are trying to pass right now envisions you at home growing as much weed as you want. They may allow you to have a couple of plants, but you will be limited. They want there to be a market that they can tax and that involves transactions. The average joe wont be allowed to sell anything and he will be limited in how much he can produce on his own if he's allowed to grow his own at all. Big corporations will move in and snatch up the whole market and most likely push for initiatives to stop home growing. They will be the only ones who will be able to jump through the hoops and red tape, and regulations/requirements that will be put in place to be able to sell.


legalize. growers worried about $$$ what the hell? it's like any good product or business, if your product or services are top notch people will be coming to you. Seems like those that are against legalization are the ones that probably don't have good products or very small operations.


Active member
I know it's crazy yes4prop215 a lot of this shit would stop if patients were more discerning and refused to buy that crap for more than $20 and eighth... Dispensaries realized the majority of their patients can't tell so they push outdoor that cost them half the price of indoor for indoor prices. It's a bad scam, but the patients buy it so it continues.


Active member
the only plus to that is maybe big pharma will open up lots of new jobs for old growers etc...but the measly salaries they pay wont come close to the money they raked in before.

if its legalized i would love to be able to grow some massive outdoor plants, and have a nice room where i can grow up all them exotic strains i be seeing...

i would definately try to get hired inside the business...specifically Marketing, they can hire someone else to do the trimming and watering haha

but until then, like the say in LAYER CAKE.."MAKE DUE WHILE THE SUN SHINES"

its illegal now, its a high priced commodity, grow grow grow sell sell sell pursue the dream...


something to also think about. growing up in the '70's the columbians we were smoking, along with the panama, Jamaican, and Mexican was grown OUTSIDE. And that shit was selling like hot cakes. potency? christ anyone my age or older can tell you the quality of high from the old school weed grown outside can't be touched.
LEGALIZE and let's see who has the real skills to grow.


Active member
It's not about who has top notch product or services feral... Not that simple it's about who lobbys the government and has the ins/money to control the legalized scene. But you'll be happy buying prerolled joints with strains that arent' allowed to be above a certain THC percentage right? The free market is a myth it's about ins and money.


Active member
I know it's crazy yes4prop215 a lot of this shit would stop if patients were more discerning and refused to buy that crap for more than $20 and eighth... Dispensaries realized the majority of their patients can't tell so they push outdoor that cost them half the price of indoor for indoor prices. It's a bad scam, but the patients buy it so it continues.

yea its crazy...getting 6k+ for shit that costs them 2500....thats every dealers dream margins haha. shit back in the days breaking 35s into 4s paid my rent...


The real fear isn't the big mega-corp, it's the neighbor, or the grandma, or the college student who isn't a slave to their mafia. It's people everywhere just growing their own. Outdoors, for pennies on the gram, or indoors for their real high medicinal stocks.

I've always thought it'd be a good idea to have state monitored grow centers in the empty office space here in California. These multi-story offices are rigged for high power consumption and have very nice heating and cooling systems. With a small amount of work individual rooms could be "rented" to patients. The room could come prepared with lights and a hydroponic system. Hell, it could even be full service where you pay a monthly fee and collect the harvest, or a large percentage of the harvest.

In this way the state can monitor and regulate the personal grows of what we want to call medicine. We can regulate organics, remove and ban certain substances, and guarantee the best product possible to the patients that need them.

What California needs is their own Amsterdam. What we have though is a great wine culture.

So the second idea is that wine growers begin growing and specializing their own cannabis strains. "Try the blueberry bud, it's fantastic with the port. The flavor of the cabernet is highlighted by the spice in this BC Big Bud. Nothing like a good Pinot and some Lemon Skunk."

Imagine that culture. We're talking bus rides, and a good amount of consumption and possibly some sales. How awesome would it be to go on the Wine-anabis Tour in Northwest California?


Active member
It's both because the mega-corp is gonna fight hard to stop people from growing their own. In this scenario the mega-corp IS the mafia.

I think everyone should be able to grow as much as they want. Until there is a legalization bill/initiative that allows that I think it's not gonna be a positive in the long run. Your just switching blackmarket dealers for legal ones. It's a lose lose situation for people.


Overkill is under-rated.
Mendocino and Humboldt counties (among others) derive a large portion of their income from illegal weed. By some estimates weed makes up 90% of Mendo's economy. If weed is legalized across the state, do you think that number will remain unchanged? I think it would drop by at least half, if not more.

Who will pay for roads, firefighters and schools if there is no revenue coming into the county? You?

No money coming in = no money being spent. Tax revenue goes to shit. Good genetics are easily driven or mailed anywhere someone wants them. Humboldt and Mendo will lose their exclusiveness and will almost certainly go bankrupt.

The tax dollars made from taxing weed will be a tiny percentage of the cash that changes hands on the black market, and the whole frickin state will suffer for it. Why pay anything for weed when everyone and their mom has a small grow?


Active member
What I'm referring to is none of these bills or initiatives that they are trying to pass right now envisions you at home growing as much weed as you want. They may allow you to have a couple of plants, but you will be limited. They want there to be a market that they can tax and that involves transactions. The average joe wont be allowed to sell anything and he will be limited in how much he can produce on his own if he's allowed to grow his own at all. Big corporations will move in and snatch up the whole market and most likely push for initiatives to stop home growing. They will be the only ones who will be able to jump through the hoops and red tape, and regulations/requirements that will be put in place to be able to sell.

Come on... look at the history books. We've been through all this before with alcohol prohibition. Obviously there will be the big companies that get involved, but there are tons of great local microbreweries. Instead of saying how terrible things are going to be... what do you think should happen? If it's going to be legal, there are obviously going to be some sort of regulations. Age limit, sellers license, tax, etc.


Overkill is under-rated.
h, and those mega corporations? I can guarantee you they won't be turning out ditch weed. They will hire the best and brightest growers off forums just like this one, and pay them $300K salaries to grow killer weed, both indoors and out. It will be grown by the ton, and you will NOT be able to compete with their volume or efficiency. You might have some different strains, but if they can sell their grade A weed for half the price of yours, are you gonna sell a damn thing? Probably not amigo.


Yup. Many dispensaries are selling outdoor as indoor........ and they can get it lower than $2500 from some meth heads growing up in the Triangle.

The folks up North are just afraid to lose their profit margin as the supply goes up, the prices will come down. The more growers there are, the harder it will be for them to compete in the open market.

Example : Just a few years ago, runners used to make good profit from making runs from the Bay to LA. Now the prices in LA are pretty much the same as in the Bay.

My buddy from Amsterdam says pounds over there are about $1400 to $1500, so when this whole fake drug war blows over, we're probably looking at similar prices here in the USA. That's less than a $100/ounce!!! Almost the street price of mexican schwag!! LOL

Talk about putting the Mexican Cartels out of business... :)

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