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Huge cartel bust - 1186 arrested - news to come

U.S. drug raids net 300 suspects in assault on Mexican cartel

A series of drug raids nationwide has netted more than 300 suspects in a major assault on the Mexican drug cartel known as La Familia, the Justice Department says in a statement.

The arrests, carried out over two days in 19 states, was aimed at La Familia's distribution network. The Justice Department says law enforcement agents seized $3.4 million in cash, 729 pounds of methamphetamine, 62 kilograms of cocaine and 967 pounds of marijuana.

La Familia is based in the state of Michoacan in southwestern Mexico.

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Owl Mirror

Active member
I am curious as to how these two comments can be in agreement with each other?

"Huge cartel bust - 1186 arrested ~ U.S. drug raids net 300 suspects"

Rollin Face

Great news...I hate hearing about those damn mexican mafia low lifes ruining our national forests and plaguing our streets with their dirty drugs..

Really im quite happy..finally the govt. is going after the REAL criminals and its proving successful...all that money that just went to the govt, and the guns and drug seizures are sure to set them back at least a little bit..

Hopefully we can gain back our border patrol and keep this shit out.


Active member
1200 arrests over 4 years; 303 today... of those i'm sure wherever they go will be overcrowded and the powers that be will have to decide between releasing other gang members or sexual predators back onto the streets to make room for all the new gang members. 2 days, 19 states, only 300 people, barley any money, no large caches of guns, decent amounts of drugs(we all know how hard those are to replace) and another turf war between la familia and upandcommers brewing in mexico

sad thing about these raids is that they make zero impact on the streets and whatever positives came out of it are quickly outweighed by the negatives that come with a drug turf war as rival dealers compete over the newly opened markets


Active member
1200 arrests over 4 years; 303 today... of those i'm sure wherever they go will be overcrowded and the powers that be will have to decide between releasing other gang members or sexual predators back onto the streets to make room for all the new gang members. 2 days, 19 states, only 300 people, barley any money, no large caches of guns, decent amounts of drugs(we all know how hard those are to replace) and another turf war between la familia and upandcommers brewing in mexico

sad thing about these raids is that they make zero impact on the streets and whatever positives came out of it are quickly outweighed by the negatives that come with a drug turf war as rival dealers compete over the newly opened markets

Don't want Mexican Cartels overcrowding our prisons at taxpayer expense? Then LEGALIZE IT!
729 lbs. of Meth off the streets is a good thing. #.4 million added to the governments war chest to be used against it's citizens is not such a good thing. 976lbs. of Mexican shwag taken out of distribution is good also.

Respect bass

Owl Mirror

Active member
FOX forgot to mention the 1186 arrested, was over a period of 4 years, with this last sweep of 300+

LOL didn't see the source was FOX !
I'm surprised they didn't include the 20 Million illegals in those figures.
We know every one of them belongs to these criminal enterprises and they should all be forcibly removed.

FOX News, what a joke !


Aways good news to hear that meth dealers/traffickers have been busted


New member
They didn't even bust anyone of any importance just foot soldiers and regional bosses. All easily replaceable in a matter of no time at all. How about legalize Marijuana and take away 60% plus of their revenue?


wouldn't more grass coming into the country keep prices lower?? I don't know about you but I dont like paying $60 an 1/8.

You're speaking to people of whom a large quantity cultivate their own marijuana, think about it.

Also it wont affect med users unless they're in non med states, whereas its still a good thing, that shit's gotta be bad for you by the sounds of it, sort of like soap bar or sprayed weed.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
this post right here shows that tree is not the cartels major money maker.... 729 pounds of methamphetamine jesus lord allmighty.... Do you know how much that is worth...? Honestly i dont know why they even traffic in weed when they have that much meth.... weed is shit money compared to that shit...


Did any one notice that those amounts are just a drop in the bucket?

That's what came to mind for me..

It looks good in the media I assume..

Would those ratios be symbolic to our actual consumption?
