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Huckleberry Hound (PurpleberryBX*TreStarDawg) by Chron Inc.


Reviewer name: BullDogUK
Date: 13 May 2013
Time: 17:00 GMT
Grower: BullDogUK
Strain: Huckleberry Hound [Unknown pedigree]


Physical Examination

Visual appeal (visual appeal of the buds from 1-10 unappealing - excellent)
Visible trichomes (visible trichome content from 1-10 none - totally covered)
Colors present in the buds ( on a scale from 1- 10 light - dark)
Green: 8 Green: 10 Orange: 8 White: 10 (Grey?) Purple: 1
Bud density (Bud density on a scale from 1-10 airy - dense)
Aroma description: (on a scale from 1-10 upon freshly broken bud where 1 indicates subtle presence and 10 indicates pronounced presence )
First somewhat chemical taste, possible connection to the lineage, later becoming more reminiscent of pine resin with a hint of mint
Aroma appeal (Aroma from 1-10 repulsive - delightful)
Aroma intensity (Aroma intensity from 1-10 subtle - overwhelming)
Were there seeds present in the sample?(Y or N)
Did the flowers show inter-sex expression? (Y or N)
Overall appeal ( from 1-100 where 1 is frightening and 100 is majestic)
Additional comments:
Overall I'm very pleased with the buds so far. The colours are very dark and blend together to make it hard to really identify what's going on. The heavy covering of glands don't help with this but make the buds sparkle in the light in a wonderful way.

Smoke Test

Utensils - King-size rizla with added tobacco (Golden Virginia). Not the best way to get the flavor but it's how I'm used to smoking.
Taste description (use numbers from 1-10 that apply to the taste where 1 is a subtle presence and 10 is a pronounced presence)
Floral: 4 Pine Resin: 6 Hash: 2 Acrid: 3
Taste pungency ( pungency of taste from 1-10 light - heavy)
Taste impression (impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant- scrumptious)
Moisture level (1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal)
Harshness (1-10 smooth-harsh)
Smoke expansion (smoke expansion in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explosive)
Smoke test comments:
I found this a very easy and enjoyable smoke. As always it was conducted with some mind-expanding material (good ol' Peter Hamilton) to aid in the process. Surprisingly a great deal of taste came through despite the tobacco. Overall a very fresh taste, possibly because of the short cure thus far, which for some reason had me thinking of pine trees and the smell of their resin. A few undertones of hash and the usual flowery taste as well as a bit of a smokey flavour which I attribute to the tobacco.

Follow up Questions

- 0.3 grams
Effect onset ~ 2 minutes & ~ 20 minutes until Full Effect

Potency (from 1-10 none-devastating)
Effect length
~ 2 hours
Usability (from 1-10 where 1 indicates the worst time of the day to consume this strain and 10 represents the ideal time of day)
Morning/wake up: 1 Day/work: 5 Evening/relax: 8 Night/sleep: 6

Effect (what effect did the strain have write P if it had a POSITIVE effect and N if if had a NEGATIVE effect, next to each selected area please rate the intensity of effect from 1-10 where 1 would be a subtle presence and 10 would be a pronounced presence)
P - 5 :Ability to rest or sit still
P - 1 :Anxiety relief
P - 2 :Appetite
P - 6 :Audio perception
P - 4 :Humor perception
N - 2 :Imagination/creativity
P - 3 :Memory
- :Mood
- :Ocular relief
- :pain relief
- :paranoia relief
P - 4:physical awareness
P - 3 :Sex drive
P - 2 :Sleep
P - 5 :Speech
P - 5 :Taste perception
P - 2 :Thought process
N - 4 :Visual perception

Overall rating from 1-100:
Final comment:
The high from this smoke had a very quick onset, not quite instantaneous but very noticeable within the first few tokes. The stone from this sample has provided a good deal of focus, with no real inhibition of thought processing speed (that I can notice?). Alongside this is a fairly enjoyable ability to bounce from topic to topic whilst retaining this focus; I almost feel like I can't move my eyes from side to side, even if I wanted to. I'm not fully sure how to describe the overall effect of this as you can probably tell, however the book read test and IM conversations are proving very enjoyable. I'm currently blasting out some Soom - T and definitely noticing a lot of subtlties within the music and notes that weren't noticed before. The overall stone is very chilled and calm without any sense of detachment that can sometimes come with this feeling.


Mold attack!

The top buds on my best hound have had horrible white fluffy mold on them, they were fine 18 hours ago!

I've cut off the affected areas, and now that's done it looks very superficial actually, I think if I remove the outer bits the clusters will still be good...

That sprung up so quickly!

I'm glad it was only one plant :) but I kind of wish it'd not been on the hound I most wanted seeds from :frown:


Here's the finished cured buds from the hounds, also a branch from the VBT in the photos aswell, the larger hound buds were a bit broken up to avoid the mold recurrring.

Obviously all the moldy bits were trimmed off with the areas around them.


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Active member
Nice DP, let me know how they smoke for you.

I got more seeds coming down if you need a new project friend, anytime just say the word and thank you again :tiphat:


I've been running the better looking purple through the vape now it's cured,

burgundy/purple buds, quite dark in colour almost brownish in places (especially in a yellowy light) as you can see above,

Not hugely strong taste, prevailing taste of grapes? I'd say.

Quite smooth but not the very smoothest, slightly wavey sight.

Quite relaxing and gentle, more pleasant than the VBT (the VBT had a bit of a headachey effect) from the harvest but less trippy too.

I feel very relaxed after 10 minutes and am looking forward to actually trying to do some work while vaping Hhound :p

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