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htgsupply growbright carbon filters, avoid them.



Can't decide if I want to go for a larger 40lb or so filter ($200) like the can 66 or try a sealed room ($700). I might just go for a better filter since it will be useful to scrub inside the room later if I go sealed. That growbright filter has me wondering if carbon filters will even work, it's the first I have used.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
You get what you pay for if it's Chinese... Which is more or less everything these days.

But yeah man, I'd switch out that Odorsok before you leave for sure.


The can 33 seems to be pretty popular, what size rooms are you guys running? I'm between the 33 and the 66.


Active member
My filter is in a growlab120, which is 3'11x3'11 by 6'7 tall.

One thing to look for is the poundage of carbon in these cheaper filters. The can 33 has around 16 pounds of activated carbon. A lot of those cheaper options only have around 6 pounds.

A can 33 is barely over 100 and covers up smell great. You won't need to get emergency cover up scents later down the road. If you have a bigger room get a can 66 for a little more.


Well-known member
The can 33 seems to be pretty popular, what size rooms are you guys running? I'm between the 33 and the 66.

Mine is in a DR150, which is about 5x5x7. I grow some stinky shit in a cramped apartment complex surrounded by nosy, vindictive neighbors and suspicious managers. Never had a problem w/smell...

B o t a n i c a l . c o m has them for $90 right now, so I'm about to order a couple for backups...


Active member
I have a 4" Organic-Aire carbon fiber filter in my 400 watt grow and it works beautifully. No smell at all. Hooked to a 4" Vortex fan.


New member
I have had experience with HTG Supply and I was hardly satisfied.
This is definitely not the hobby to buy inferior quality chinese made knock offs of reputable manufacturer products. (This should be a life lesson anyway -- certain products have inherent value. So if you buy cheap shit its cheap for a REASON)

In his defense he does work with warranty/defective units so I would suggest you give him a call. I'm positive this is because the boys over in China are shipping him a few dozen extra units for each product he sells because they know it's all cheaply made and there will be some failed units before warranty expires.


Buy good quality stuff from reputable manufacturers and you won't hardly ever have this problem!

edit: I had ordered 3 600watt 'digital' ballasts that were ultrabrite knock offs. One of the fans died, got a replacement. Then the other one shot sparks all over the floor when I plugged it in one day. Got a replacement. Then the already replaced first one just randomly died right in the middle of a packed flower room. Got it replaced. Then the 3rd one shit the bed and by that time I was so far out of warranty I might as well have put incandescents in there and picked my ass. And I never bought 'cheap' shit again


Active member
ICMag Donor
When talking filter, it is hard to imagine a domestically built model having much more integrity than the Chinese model. I mean, they are chicken wire and duct pieces.

The problem is with the medium. Activated carbon is funny stuff, and if you vibrate the unit while filling, you can get about double the amount in if you were to not vibrate the unit.

These units are also meant to be refilled with medium on a regular basis.
A filter owner finds that if there is room for the charcoal to move and make noise, it aint filled properly. That same discerning filter owner would also call the supplier immediately upon discovering that the unit was not filled properly and give him a chance to make it right.
Like any free market item.
He may or may not make it right, and the buyer may or may not purchase from them again.

Guy like me researched filters and found that I could make one with the exact same integrity as the bought units, for less money. Not much less, but less.
I also found that if there is any gap at all in the medium, that forced air will travel at a high rate through that unprotected area, as air travels down the path of least resistance. A gap in the medium of just 1 sq inch can hose a grow....until of course the gap gets clogged up with dust and dirt, and the filter starts functioning better.

I also found that although there are deals on the net for carbon, Fresh Step kitty litter with the crystals is a better choice for me. It has moisture absorbency, so it helps to keep it working even in high RH situations. It also works a treat, and is far cheaper than carbon, so it's easy to change out every grow or two.


New member
thanks for the info, never heard of anybody filling their filters with kitty litter haha.

More importantly the bit you said about there being small holes/portions where unfiltered air can get through.

I've never had a problem with any of the filters I have purchased through reputable brick and mortar garden stores.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I thought the kitty litter would be a bit sketchy myself, but it works fine.
Big tubs easy to find at Walmart